and how~
ERP icon is coming with 4.0.
and how~
ERP icon is coming with 4.0.
So, are the server transfer Gil increases active now, or not until Stormblood launches like the free transfers to some servers?
So I feel like the FFXIV community is far less toxic than other mmos. I ran Titan last night and the healer, who was obviously new, ended up dying a few times. Instead of being berated by everyone people were patient and gave him some tips. It's just so refreshing to see, especially after playing WoW.
I'm sure it's not perfect, but overall it seems so much nicer.
I also finished Sophia ex yesterday. Then was whole day in Nidhogg extreme. Spent 8 hours in training parties and managed to get to it's final phase.
Miss teq's video will tell the strategy but nothing compares to actually executing it as a group.
The hysteria circles placement is of utmost importance in all phases otherwise you will die. As a healer I will say work on dodging the mechanics damage. If you die then u loose mp. Also during adds phase be on the lookout of shadow dragon. He targets healers first. His moves have a long tell and can easily be dodged.
Correct. You'll need a new PSN account to start a new trial, but if you've already purchased the game on the other account it's a bit pointless to make a new account.Apologies for the questions but how do I start a new trial because when I install and start the game up, it takes me straight to my login screen?
I'm thinking that I can't start a new trial because my PSN account is automatically linked to the FFXIV account.
Realistically, do you think Ultros will be on the low-population list for a free transfer? Someone a while back said it was in the med-low range.
So I feel like the FFXIV community is far less toxic than other mmos. I ran Titan last night and the healer, who was obviously new, ended up dying a few times. Instead of being berated by everyone people were patient and gave him some tips. It's just so refreshing to see, especially after playing WoW.
I'm sure it's not perfect, but overall it seems so much nicer.
So I feel like the FFXIV community is far less toxic than other mmos. I ran Titan last night and the healer, who was obviously new, ended up dying a few times. Instead of being berated by everyone people were patient and gave him some tips. It's just so refreshing to see, especially after playing WoW.
I'm sure it's not perfect, but overall it seems so much nicer.
I guess we were lucky that the healer was apologetic and willing to listen. This makes me a little afraid about later contentYou expect a level of derp in certain content. And people getting annoyed at bad gameplay itself isn't "toxic" - you're actually more likely to see a different type of toxicity, where said healer somehow takes offense at those tips and starts trying to grief the party.
When you get to content where people are expected to understand AOE avoidance and their rotations, you'll notice everyone has a lot less patience.
That's very true.To be fair, it was only Titan.
I saw someone tell another player to kill themselves once because they pulled an A Rank hunt early.
Was this on Ultros? Did GAF get blamed?![]()
Eight more points and I'll finally be finished with Umbrite. I hope the rest of the steps aren't as annoying as this one. How long does light farming usually take? That's the one I'm dreading most next.
Light farming shouldn' t take long, just hop in on a A1S or A9S farming party.Eight more points and I'll finally be finished with Umbrite. I hope the rest of the steps aren't as annoying as this one. How long does light farming usually take? That's the one I'm dreading most next.
Eight more points and I'll finally be finished with Umbrite. I hope the rest of the steps aren't as annoying as this one. How long does light farming usually take? That's the one I'm dreading most next.
84 runs of A1S with sturdy bonus.
Ugh....I hope A1S is at least a fast fight. I still need to unlock the Savage Alexander fights.
Correct, should go live on the 16th I think.Bought Stormblood on Steam. Redeemed the Early Access Code. Is the Collector's Edition Code not redeemable yet?
I also am a bit concerned about where Machinist falls into things. Hawk's Eye is seemingly out, but maybe it'll turn into a MCH only buff? Raging is down to 10%/80sec so maybe MCH gets something similar? They'd have to otherwise they're in a bit of precarious situation. AoE is a confusing subject for sure because no passive damage from Bishop is something i wonder how they'll make up as well. I'm interested to see how both of the classes play out and I would wager they are...Songs may make that up for bard, but MCH is just a giant black hole until the embargo is up at a minimum. MCH without cross-class has literally no buffs at all, unless they add one, and the mystery of the turret is worrying because +autos - turret = little if any gain single-target and a nerf in AOE, plus without the constant 30%. The DoT changes are potentially encouraging, but at the same time there's the mystery of the missing Flaming Arrow (which is... 400 potency single-target? I think? every minute), the apparent reduced Bloodletter if it only resets in the one song, etc.
I feel like we should be betting on whether ranged is massively over- or under-tuned at SB launch, because these changes are so huge I kind of can't believe they're going to get it right the first try.
You wound me, mi'lady.Disgusting.
Doesn't that go against what they've been saying they're trying to accomplish? Can you really lower the skill gap in the player base if you're raising the floor?One thing I will say is that the floor for both jobs is likely going to raise significantly, but you can say that about many of the jobs already, so that's a good thing.
Yeah, it depends on how the Overheat mechanic will work. I'm expecting the flamethrower to be a skill that doesn't really have a cost but can be highly maintained as long as you dump the heat between casts, sort of like MCH's version of RoD(I'm nowhere near an expert on either class, but isn't the MCH flamethrower a potential solution for AOE? It's hard to make up for constant bishop auto-attacks, but that thing lasted a fair while; its potency would have to be much higher than Grenado Shot/The Other One to make up for the fact it's costing you your action but it seems like a possible way they're going to go).
I also am a bit concerned about where Machinist falls into things. Hawk's Eye is seemingly out, but maybe it'll turn into a MCH only buff? Raging is down to 10%/80sec so maybe MCH gets something similar? They'd have to otherwise they're in a bit of precarious situation. AoE is a confusing subject for sure because no passive damage from Bishop is something i wonder how they'll make up as well. I'm interested to see how both of the classes play out and I would wager they are...
Slightly overpowered at launch and need to be reigned in a little. I think they'll underestimate how much damage the free range of movement + potency buffs will impact players.
BRD and MCH will be undertuned and then quietly removed the game. Praise Yoshi.
(I'm nowhere near an expert on either class, but isn't the MCH flamethrower a potential solution for AOE? It's hard to make up for constant bishop auto-attacks, but that thing lasted a fair while; its potency would have to be much higher than Grenado Shot/The Other One to make up for the fact it's costing you your action but it seems like a possible way they're going to go).
Yeah, it depends on how the Overheat mechanic will work. I'm expecting the flamethrower to be a skill that doesn't really have a cost but can be highly maintained as long as you dump the heat between casts, sort of like MCH's version of RoD
The AOE thing makes me wonder if it's a repeat of what they did with the Flare/Holy nerfs, trying to make it so dungeons aren't just 'pull everything and AOE' (especially given that WAR's biggest loss so far appears to be in self-sustain.)
The one thing that Squenix has been consistent on since day 1 was that people should take longer to go through dungeons. They some kind of minimal target time that people spend in each dungeon and they try to meet this target, which is supposedly around 20-30 minutes.
During the interview for patch 3.1 we also heard a little about the difficulty adjustments but, is there some type of concrete standard?
For the dungeons, you should be able to clear it in 40 or 45 minutes on your first run even if you wipe 3 or 4 times. After entering a few times you should average 20 minutes. When your item level increases, speed runs will take approximately 16 minutes.
Doesn't that go against what they've been saying they're trying to accomplish? Can you really lower the skill gap in the player base if you're raising the floor?
Why wouldn't it help? If the skill cap is 100 and the bottom floor is 25, raising the bottom to 50 seems like it closes the gap.
That's uh... not how it works.
Just found a new Conjurer's staff. It's pretty much identical in stats but has different bonuses. The one I have equipped has 4 less Mind and 14 less Piety but 55 Spell Speed. The new one has those improved Mind and Piety bonuses but trades the Spell Speed for 36 Determination. Anyone know which one I should go with? I'm not really all that familiar with how to value these bonuses.
The gap is (theoretically anyway) smaller by design now. cause the floor is raised How is that not how it works? Unless the roof is raised more than the floor is...?
Yeah I probably shouldn't sweat it over stuff I won't have for very long. I appreciate the help!Don't sweat it too much while initially leveling/early gearing up. Mind makes your heals stronger, Piety gives you a bigger MP base, Det has a minor impact on how much you heal, Spell Speed makes you marginally faster and makes your HoT ticks bigger.
But realistically until you're looking at endgame gear (i260-i270 now), don't sweat the secondaries for any job. Take whatever has the highest iLevel, as it'll have the most weapon damage and Mind, which will be the biggest boost.
I would like this. This and the idea of Hawk's Eye giving Direct Hit bonus would be pretty great. Machinist would probably need some sort of aura effects too though to compete with bard, since bard songs still help the party (like 2% crit rate so I mean pretty much not at all?) and yeah I was kind of right since the aura is set to like 20 yalms down from 25, so maybe that reigns in movement question mark.Maybe Ricochet will be an actual AOE now, though, that they've moved it to an ammo-consuming skill. Ricochet was always weird and garbage AOE so.
FFXIV community seems to have two different usages of skill floor. I've seen it used as "the bare minimum damage you can do even if you're terrible", and also as "the lowest skill level you can have and still actually play the job something resembling correctly." Raising it in the former terms would close the gap; raising it in the latter would have the opposite effect.
Floor here is how hard would it be to reach minimal decent performance (i.e. entry).
Cap would be how hard it is to reach really good performance (i.e. mastery).
If you make the play more complicated you're raising the floor for entry. You can't forcefully raise player skill, but you can lower the floor by making it easier
While on the outset it seems to make sense that the gap would close in reality it would just result in people playing below the minimal acceptable level (floor). The only way to decrease the gap in this game is by lowering the ceiling.
Unless by floor Valor meant minimal output you can do while at least pressing buttons in which case it is Tomat's comment that makes no sense.
With less cooldowns available and less "ways to play" more or less the barrier for entry should be a bit lower, you know? As bard you want to sync b4b/he/barrage together and hold cooldowns for bigger bursts at times. With only access to a 10% raging in 4.0 bard you can really use it outside of optimal timings and still have a decent impact on your overall dps, you know? Sure the optimal time to use it will probably be before a fully buffed up Barrage Empyreal Arrow in Paeon, but still if you use it in Ballad for example you'll still do good damage and get good mileage out of the skill.
Floor here is how hard would it be to reach minimal decent performance (i.e. entry).
Cap would be how hard it is to reach really good performance (i.e. mastery).
If you make the play more complicated you're raising the floor for entry. You can't forcefully raise player skill, but you can lower the floor by making it easier
While on the outset it seems to make sense that the gap would close in reality it would just result in people playing below the minimal acceptable level (floor). The only way to decrease the gap in this game is by lowering the ceiling.
Unless by floor Valor meant minimal output you can do while at least pressing buttons in which case it is Tomat's comment that makes no sense.