Kills Photobucket
Wait is there really an aether compass or are you trolling me?
It should be in your key items, it came from a MSQ.
You can get a replacement, but I forget where. Think it might be the Tavern in Ishgard.
Wait is there really an aether compass or are you trolling me?
Wait is there really an aether compass or are you trolling me?
I'm actually at level 50. Didn't expect to get this far. Huh.
Why is everyone laughing at me...![]()
I usually use 3 hotbars - first set to 1-0, second to shift+1-0 and the third to ctrl + 1~0.Speaking of which, my entire hotbar layout is still fucking terrible after almost 160 hours. I'm really bad at this MMO thing. Any time you give me a customizable UI, and I can't do anything. I need well designed UI out of the box.
Anyone have good recommendations for Dragoon hotbar setups for a lvl57? I find that basically everything in terms of management, I'm a mess at. I'm using the default two hotbar setup, I have all my active rotation skills on bar 1 so I can use the number keys to cycle, while I have the other skills for cooldown phases on the top bar (2) which I... errr... manually click on as needed. Sometimes I miss cycles because I lose track of my mouse cursor in the process. I use right-click hold to rotate the camera, and WASD to move. I have basically run out of hotbar slots for mounts/items/limitbreak/etc, and just throw them on another empty bar to toggle to if I remember to. Yeah....
I think I'm really bad at this and my control scheme just barely gets me through the game. So I'm going to eat the embarrassment and just ask for advice.![]()
no point in messing with hotbars now considering your rotation will change in 3 weeks
pretty sure my hotbar setup is shit too but muscle memory just takes over and everything becomes ok
Why would it change in 3 weeks?
Stormblood. Abilities are gonna be added/removed.
Well hot damn the story leading up to SB is pretty damn interesting.
If you would have told me that during any of 2.0 I would have never believed you.
I'm up to Baelsar's Wall dungeon, about to start that up in just a sec.
Is 3.x better than 2.x? Because 2.x was filled with cheap-ish troll crap.
Is 3.x better than 2.x? Because 2.x was filled with cheap-ish troll crap.
After just going through it, I wasn't a fan of the 2.x quests, but I did enjoy the cutscenes of it.
3.x literally cuts all the filler out and just leaves the interesting bits, it also has a lot more voice acting too. It's way better.
Speaking of which, my entire hotbar layout is still fucking terrible after almost 160 hours. I'm really bad at this MMO thing. Any time you give me a customizable UI, and I can't do anything. I need well designed UI out of the box.
Anyone have good recommendations for Dragoon hotbar setups for a lvl57? I find that basically everything in terms of management, I'm a mess at. I'm using the default two hotbar setup, I have all my active rotation skills on bar 1 so I can use the number keys to cycle, while I have the other skills for cooldown phases on the top bar (2) which I... errr... manually click on as needed. Sometimes I miss cycles because I lose track of my mouse cursor in the process. I use right-click hold to rotate the camera, and WASD to move. I have basically run out of hotbar slots for mounts/items/limitbreak/etc, and just throw them on another empty bar to toggle to if I remember to. Yeah....
I think I'm really bad at this and my control scheme just barely gets me through the game. So I'm going to eat the embarrassment and just ask for advice.![]()
Thinking about starting back up in this game. I played a lot in Vanilla, but haven't touched in since then. Almost feel like starting a brand new character and focusing more on the story this go-round.
Is there a gaf server / company?
Is 3.x better than 2.x? Because 2.x was filled with cheap-ish troll crap.
I don't think the problem is exploration, but rather how it is presented. If the game offers some sort of compass to detect currents and it encourages you to actually explore and follow cues to tune each one, that would be great. As it in though, it's just another mundane checklist item which shows up in a menu, and after you attune all the ones you managed to spot while playing normally, the majority of players will check a guide to fill in the gaps to waste the least amount of time. There's no way at all to tell where the ones you missed might have been, and without flying in HW zones, traversal is definitely less than ideal.
I don't think aether currents are particularly frustrating, I just think they're just another feature that adds time wasting elements to the game as filler without actually being a substantial benefit to the game experience. Along with how the majority of quests are designed and the endgame grind, it all adds up.
Would be surprised if that were actually were the case. If there's one common piece of praise for this game I see on GAF all the time, it's the story and the story focus.Much better but then again there are not much people who like the story in this game.
Would be surprised if that were actually were the case. If there's one common piece of praise for this game I see on GAF all the time, it's the story and the story focus.
It might just be on my side then but I have never seen the story talked about ever on my server or well never in depth that is. People dont seem to care on there. The official forums have had their share of complaints about the story as well but I haven't really seen the story praised highly outside here. I guess it's just cause i'm on a low pop server but it just doesn't seem like anybody ever talks about it in game. Also, I have a ton of friends and know people in game that skip all cutscenes... only 2 or so that actually watch them. Colour me shocked when I heard this.... Our lore discussions tend to be derailed by other things.
It could be just me but that's just my general input on the story from what I have seen from others. FFXIV is a brilliant story but I feel nothing but raiding or whoever has the highest dps gets talked about on my server. But yeah... I mean I know people care about endgame more but the story needs a fair share of love as well.
It might just be on my side then but I have never seen the story talked about ever on my server or well never in depth that is. People dont seem to care on there. The official forums have had their share of complaints about the story as well but I haven't really seen the story praised highly outside here. I guess it's just cause i'm on a low pop server but it just doesn't seem like anybody ever talks about it in game. Also, I have a ton of friends and know people in game that skip all cutscenes... only 2 or so that actually watch them. Colour me shocked when I heard this.... Our lore discussions tend to be derailed by other things.
It could be just me but that's just my general input on the story from what I have seen from others. FFXIV is a brilliant story but I feel nothing but raiding or whoever has the highest dps gets talked about on my server. But yeah... I mean I know people care about endgame more but the story needs a fair share of love as well.
Both GAF and Reddit are pretty well populated with people who will insist if you're not an FF fan and interested in the FF story of this primarily FF RPG you have no business playing it because it's not for you.
Much better but then again there are not much people who like the story in this game. It's all about mindlessly grinding content for gear sets.
Duckroll, drop the kb + m combo and join controller PC alliance.
Manage hotbars? Hah, we're beyond such nonsense.
As someone who fairly recently joined the controller PC alliance (because I wanted to have the same controls on PS4 and PC) and it's been pretty great.Duckroll, drop the kb + m combo and join controller PC alliance.
Manage hotbars? Hah, we're beyond such nonsense.
Controller is great. I'm really comfortable with my controller setup for Dragoon.
This is probably why I haven't gotten into any other MMOs because I'm not normally that kind of person, but personally I can't understand what Final Fantasy XIV has to offer for people who don't like its story and world. From a purely mechanical standpoint it's OK, but just crunching the numbers in itself doesn't seem interesting enough to hold my attention for long.
Only raid content I did was Coil in 2.x and that was with M/KB, but I had no problems with Zurvan/Nidhogg Ex on a controller and I did both while I was still getting used to those controls.I'll just give my 2 cents and say to not abandon mouse and keyboard if you ever want to do serious content. Yes it's doable on pad but the extra hand gymnastics and targeting issues are meh
It's wonderful for crafting and gathering though
Duckroll, drop the kb + m combo and join controller PC alliance.
Manage hotbars? Hah, we're beyond such nonsense.
I'd recommend starting to get used to it now, even if 4.0 will make the things more streamlined. Stuff like targetting probably won't change and being able to effectively use filters (and navigate outside the world outside of battles) requires some time to get used to.I tried controller earlier this week because changing positions constantly during battle was causing my left hand to cramp on my smaller laptop keyboard (where I play the majority of the time). It's not an issue when I'm at home with a full sized keyboard. The controller is surprisingly intuitive to use, but alas I did find myself having even more difficulty managing positioning during combat PLUS trying to readjust my brain to new controller layout had me feeling all insecure about my ability to play effectively.
Once 4.0 rolls around and the skill changes are in place, maybe I'll give it a shot with the slightly more streamlined rotation, if there is a notable one at all for MNK.