So how bad are T9 practice groups on the server?
Congrats, you guys!
Congrats, you guys!
So how bad are T9 practice groups on the server?
Congrats, you guys!
Congrats, you guys!
Last patch cycle we were behind a lot of people. We didn't start T9 seriously until a month ago.
It's nice to be able to go in and challenge content without any established strategies. And also be in sync with a lot of the other raiders.
On Kagari and the Titan stuff, wouldn't put it past em lol. Doesn't Titan's shield just look like a big ass rock?
Yeah, at least everyone for the most part, will have that feel again with Heavensward.
Bard coat for my alt... meanwhile on my main...
Bard coat for my alt... meanwhile on my main...
T9 is really getting GAF'd this weekend huh? That's like the fourth gaf clear I think. Congrats everyone!
Haman, wheres our video?!
BELIEVE Group downed T9! =D whoohoo!
Well, you guys definitely inspired me to really get off my ass and down Turn 9. Time to build a new static and get to work!
Once again. congratulations to all the groups that downed it!
Part bolded will be much harder than the actual fights imo.
Turn 9 Kill Video:
Awesome video. Clean run!
Oh weird, your meteor placement is so different from ours.
EDIT - Meteor placement will be one of those things that will make PUGing T9 in the future annoying. As everyone will want to do it different.
There's around the edge strat, triangle strat, around the edge staggered strat... then for the second set you have spread out and then race car.
The second set of Golem is the most annoying. Our group tried the race car method and found it's inconsistent due to latency. So we just spread out around the edge and carefully drop them. I think it's the most effective and brainless method.
Turn 9 Kill Video:
Guys how is the player population lately?
I had to stop playing a month after the PS4 version came out because I was splitting my time between the endgame grind and my shooter clan.
Now after the awful Destiny and my clan avoiding Advanced Warfare I can give it my full attention until at least March.
however I only had 2 pieces of Lv90 gear and I don't want to be the only person doing that if the playerbase has completely moved on to the good stuff.
And holy crap at Strawberry dropping to only 4 hp, was scary just watching.
thanks.There will be more people come back for 2.4 and a lot more when Heavensword launches. Gears are not really a problem, considering you can easily get iLV 100 in no time. Don't know about the population of low level players though but I guess there are always new comers, many are not present here in this thread.
When does 2.4 hit? Is it today or tomorrow?
lol I was just about to post about that. I was watching my recording of the kill and man- dat close call