I was hoping it'd be a unique creature haha At least I canthanks!train by companion to do it
You also get two unique flying mounts as part of the story.
I was hoping it'd be a unique creature haha At least I canthanks!train by companion to do it
I've heard people say that RMG is "complete" or has its full/main kit at lvl 50, so I'm wondering what other classes have their general kit around 50-60? I wanna go with classes that feel mostly complete around there so I can grind out and enjoy lvl 50-60 dungeons.
Damnit Arby's
Damnit Arby's
Took a break over the weekend, but I'm back on tonight. I think since SB launched I've cleared the 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 MSQs so I think I only have 2.5 and 2.55 to do?
But ugh it's sapping all the fun out of the game for me grinding these out just to even start Heavansward, not even Stormblood. And these patch MSQ basically give no XP so there's barely any sense of progress. It stinks.
Seriously considering just doing the MSQ $25 skip ha
Well monk felt mostly complete while leveling, we didn't really lose anything that felt like a missing limb in the same way DRK or MCH did. And most of our post 60 abilities are just icing on the cake rather than integral.Trying again:
Took a break over the weekend, but I'm back on tonight. I think since SB launched I've cleared the 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 MSQs so I think I only have 2.5 and 2.55 to do?
But ugh it's sapping all the fun out of the game for me grinding these out just to even start Heavansward, not even Stormblood. And these patch MSQ basically give no XP so there's barely any sense of progress. It stinks.
Seriously considering just doing the MSQ $25 skip ha
I honestly think the $25 would be worth it. There is a lot of MSQ at the end of HW as well. It's not quite as much as ARR post game content, but it's still a ton. If you are looking to hit Stormblood before you burn out, then the potion wouldn't be a bad idea.
Trying again:
Took a break over the weekend, but I'm back on tonight. I think since SB launched I've cleared the 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 MSQs so I think I only have 2.5 and 2.55 to do?
But ugh it's sapping all the fun out of the game for me grinding these out just to even start Heavansward, not even Stormblood. And these patch MSQ basically give no XP so there's barely any sense of progress. It stinks.
Seriously considering just doing the MSQ $25 skip ha
HW is worth playing through. Stormblood may be newer, but HW is still top-tier content.I honestly think the $25 would be worth it. There is a lot of MSQ at the end of HW as well. It's not quite as much as ARR post game content, but it's still a ton. If you are looking to hit Stormblood before you burn out, then the potion wouldn't be a bad idea.
So I've decided to get in to this, very little experience with mmo's got a rogue to level 40 in wow years ago.
What's a good starting class, I like the look of the cat people and was thinking about trying pugilist. I'm coming in to this completely blind mostly and it will be a long tine before I'm even close to your level and I hate boosting as it makes me feel I've missed content. I'm just looking for quality of life tips really for now.
If you want shorter dungeon queue times, you might be better off playing a tank or healer class.So I've decided to get in to this, very little experience with mmo's got a rogue to level 40 in wow years ago.
What's a good starting class, I like the look of the cat people and was thinking about trying pugilist. I'm coming in to this completely blind mostly and it will be a long tine before I'm even close to your level and I hate boosting as it makes me feel I've missed content. I'm just looking for quality of life tips really for now.
If you want shorter dungeon queue times, you might be better off playing a tank or healer class.
In the beginning, that is basically the main qol consideration to think about. FF14 has a very hand-holdy tutorial to ease you in, so it won't be that difficult.
Thanks guys, is pugilist a tank class? I'm not even sure I'm going to group with people to be honest really didn't enjoy wow.Starting race (and starting class really) don't matter. You can change to any of the base classes once you unlock all the city states and that only takes a couple hours. If you have never played an MMO, the DPS classes are probably way easier to learn but you're gonna get longer dungeon queues. Still, that's the way I did it (Learned with Lancer/Dragoon and picked up other classes later) and I feel it eased me in really well.
Thanks guys, is pugilist a tank class? I'm not even sure I'm going to group with people to be honest really didn't enjoy wow.
Thanks guys, is pugilist a tank class? I'm not even sure I'm going to group with people to be honest really didn't enjoy wow.
Well monk felt mostly complete while leveling, we didn't really lose anything that felt like a missing limb in the same way DRK or MCH did. And most of our post 60 abilities are just icing on the cake rather than integral.
I feel like NIN had most everything by 50, depending on what they changed on the patch anyways. You'll be missing armor crush until 54 to extend your huton timer, but everything else from 50 to 60 is utility (smoke screen/shadewalker) or just ogcd's for more damage (Duality/dream within a dream).
At 50 you have your dot, your full combo, your aoe, and all your ninjitsu.
So I've decided to get in to this, very little experience with mmo's got a rogue to level 40 in wow years ago.
What's a good starting class, I like the look of the cat people and was thinking about trying pugilist. I'm coming in to this completely blind mostly and it will be a long tine before I'm even close to your level and I hate boosting as it makes me feel I've missed content. I'm just looking for quality of life tips really for now.
For what it's worth, all signs point to DRK being the most active tank when actually at 70 (and possibly winning the current DPS tank race); it's my third tank on the list (should finish PLD today hopefully?) so #soon. Holy Spirit is neat but PLD, and DRK to come, have some absolutely awful levels for skills :| 60-70 is such a weird place for how complete jobs feel.
Shoot, I should have specified Tank/Healers, since I'm pretty set on sticking with RMG/SAM for DPS.
Tanks are all a bit of a mess at 50, but I guess PLD is the closest. WAR and DRK are both way off. On the healer side, I can only speak to AST but it has most of its basic kit at 50.
Took a break over the weekend, but I'm back on tonight. I think since SB launched I've cleared the 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 MSQs so I think I only have 2.5 and 2.55 to do?
But ugh it's sapping all the fun out of the game for me grinding these out just to even start Heavansward, not even Stormblood. And these patch MSQ basically give no XP so there's barely any sense of progress. It stinks.
Seriously considering just doing the MSQ $25 skip ha
I used the Skip potion to get to the end of HW after finishing ARR's MSQ. It's honestly worth it I feel like, I can't imagine how slow the DF must be for synced story duties, especially now.
Could one say this launch was
Trying again:
Oh nice, you get an upheaval in there with the fell cleaves. I'll have to play with this tonight on a dummy. Thanks!
I'm picking up on Red Mage so much quicker than Dragoon, and I like the moveset so I think I have a new class... for now. It's basically alternate between black magic and white magic to charge the magic gauge so you can use enchanted melee attacks before using displacement to leap away from the target and start filling the gauges again for your next round of enchanted attacks.
Simple enough to me and fun. Dragoon just felt like a ton of nonsense to me.
I don't understand why they have separate instances for areas when they aren't full. Why have 3 instances of an area with like 20 people in them? I don't recall Heavensward working like this.
heh, i'm still enjoying my Dragoon...but i'm finding RDM a little tricky to pickup. I think half of it is that the ordered they dump things on your skill bar is totally random. Its not like I want them to lay out the min/max rotation (because I'd fail it anyway) but segmenting Blk Mag/Wh Mag + Enc Melee would be nice.
If they do that, don'tt shame me. Please.
Hi, I just want to know what the most populated server is. Is it still gilgamesh?