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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


Just got into a leveling roulette, and the server boots us all...

I'll never get to 54 on SAM

Tell me about it, this blows. I'm 53 SAM.

Been trying to do this ONE MSQ to progress through the post ARR patches into Heavansward and it took me 40 mins for DF to find a group...

Instant disconnect. Have to wait 30 mins to get back in.

Get back in, wait another 40 mins for DF. Get to last boss, server crashes.

Have to wait 30 mins to get back in plus another 10 for the server queue.

Wait another 35 mins for DF. Get to last boss AGAIN, server crashes just now.

I haven't been able to progress through this one MSQ in like 3 hours, waste of time.


Pack your bags boys, we're hitting maintenance early tonight.

I'm okay with this, just hit SAM60, grabbed my 90/90 weapon from PotD, and finally got passed the instanced wall that plagued the early access days.


Man, got booted right as my Susano Hard queue popped.

I'm getting better at Samurai at least, I forgot you can boost the Dot and made it a priority to do that and it boosted my DPS by a fair amount, and I also forgot to meld some of my 270 gear which may of hurt me a bit.

Also, love that they're reusing HW dungeon gear only dyeable, I think I might be able to pull of a Serge glamour to go with Lyse's "Kidd" glamour a go all Chrono Cross for the duration of the MSQ (though the new dungeon gear is tempting to wear). Her and Alisae are the best companions to travel with, it's just the three of us and I couldn't be happier.

Thanks to me moving and whatnot, I'll be behind most of the playerbase in terms of content so it's a media blackout until then but I intend on getting SAM and MNK to 70 and pick one for raid progression if parties will have me.


HW was nowhere near this bad. So, to see SE repeat 2.0 mistakes in 4.0 is especially frustrating.

I don't think it's a repeat of mistakes so much as it is Stormblood is seeing more traffic than Heavensward did. They pushed this a lot harder.

They're not likely sitting up there making a bunch of rookie mistakes, it's just that a swarmed, popular MMO is really difficult to keep stable during a launch period. I just hope it doesn't carry on as long as the biggest offenders in my memory, which are Realm Reborn and Warlords of Draenor.


I don't think it's a repeat of mistakes so much as it is Stormblood is seeing more traffic than Heavensward did. They pushed this a lot harder.

They're not likely sitting up there making a bunch of rookie mistakes, it's just that a swarmed, popular MMO is really difficult to keep stable during a launch period. I just hope it doesn't carry on as long as the biggest offenders in my memory, which are Realm Reborn and Warlords of Draenor.

God, WoD was so bad. Open your toybox? Game crashes for 12 hours! Yay!!! And the garrisons..oof.

This is still bad but at least I've been able to play most of the weekend.


^- You don't need a RDM anima because have you seen the RDM moogle weapon? it is amazing.

They're not likely sitting up there making a bunch of rookie mistakes, it's just that a swarmed, popular MMO is really difficult to keep stable during a launch period. I just hope it doesn't carry on as long as the biggest offenders in my memory, which are Realm Reborn and Warlords of Draenor.

Raubahn and Pippin were literally rehashes of their rookie ARR mistakes.

I think it cut through any good will they might have earned, because stuff like the general instability/whatever we're seeing tonight would be easier to give a pass if the first two days of EA weren't dominated by them repeating a past mistake that literally bricked people an hour into the game. It doesn't really help that they're remarkably uncommunicative for MMO developers, with things like four hours of instance server explosions going unmentioned beyond a single lodestone post making vague references to "certain networking routes" while everyone everywhere is getting 90k'd from instance servers.

Stuff like whatever's going on now would be easier to accept if it weren't hot on the heels of them repeating mistakes they'd made an effort to avoid with Heavensward.


Is there an Anima weapon for RDM?

If so, how do I start the quest for it?

They tend not to do old relic quests for newer classes. Will probably be in 4.1ish when the next quests are out for everyone. Best you can maybe do is finish one for another class if you haven't, usually means you can skip part of the opening quests for the newer ones.


Got to Kugane, went 'man this is pretty' and then had the urge to start leveling a new class again so I went back to leveling POTD DRK. Man. People weren't kidding that the level 60 kit is a mess now. It feels real bad. I'm also just completely baffled as to what we're even supposed to be doing now as there's so much conflicting opinions out there about even our base rotation it seems. Hopefully we're gonna get a concrete guide soon so I can start feeling like I'm getting any sort of handle on the class again.

At least we look real cool, though. There's that.

I'm never gonna finish the story. Gonna just keep leveling new classes for life because apparently I find that shit real fun and I don't really know why.
I just arrived at the Azim Steppe before I had to leave for work. It's a gorgeous zone that reminds me of the Archylte Steppe in Final Fantasy XIII. It also has a Calm Lands from FFX vibe, imo. Very great stuff and love the music. Judging by the last few pages... it was the perfect time to log off anyway. Level 65 AST now... 55 RDM on the side of things.


Shirogane having the same goofy music kinda kills it for me. Maybe someone'll vacate from an apartment in Lavender Beds or maybe I'll settle for one in Mist.


Shirogane having the same goofy music kinda kills it for me. Maybe someone'll vacate from an apartment in Lavender Beds or maybe I'll settle for one in Mist.

My FC is gonna try and finally get a house once Shirogane hits. At this point I'll take anything. Preferably not The Goblet, because that place is so drab, which means we're probably getting stuck in The Goblet.


Was considering getting the physical CE since the Square Enix store still seems to have some in stock, but €199 + €35 for shipping? Holy shit...


I might be remembering wrong but I think HW was a lot smoother

HW was coming off a relaunched MMO where only the most faithful stayed on for. It also required completion of ARR and post ARR content before you can even get the new Jobs. No Jump Potions. The last big FF release before HW was Lightning Returns. FFXV was nowhere in sight.


Tried SAM yesterday, it feels like a monster even as lv50. The damage output is real.

Why even play MNK :(

I've been doing some 18 man stuff trying to finish anima and I'm noticing red mage seems to be at the top of the hate chart every time, above blms even


Tried SAM yesterday, it feels like a monster even as lv50. The damage output is real.

Why even play MNK :(

MNK has some utility over SAM having no extra aside from pure potency, but min maxers will probably always take SAM over MNK. Main reason would be you like the MNK play style in which case don't get too caught up in the speed run meta. It's hard not to, I know. Really had the urge to ditch my DRK for PLD even though I liked the play style and look better for DRK, but ended up resisting.

I've been doing some 18 man stuff trying to finish anima and I'm noticing red mage seems to be at the top of the hate chart every time, above blms even

I might chalk that up to RDM possibly being easier to squeeze damage out than the other casters? Everything I've read shows that RDM is the lowest DPS of the casters right now.


MNK has some utility over SAM having no extra aside from pure potency, but min maxers will probably always take SAM over MNK. Main reason would be you like the MNK play style in which case don't get too caught up in the speed run meta. It's hard not to, I know. Really had the urge to ditch my DRK for PLD even though I liked the play style and look better for DRK, but ended up resisting.

I might chalk that up to RDM possibly being easier to squeeze damage out than the other casters? Everything I've read shows that RDM is the lowest DPS of the casters right now.

MNK was my first lv50/60 job but I really don't see why I should play MNK now when I could play DRG/SAM or even NIN. To be fair I'm not up-to-date on MNK's lv70 kit but I don't think it changed that much.


I'm enjoying the expansion so far (level 66 MSQ), though I still feel like HW had a better sense of a journey. And less "we based X on a real world thing" (Japan,

That said, am I the only one who feels that many of the new locations feel... empty? Ruby Sea, Steppes. Yes, they are big, but they also have a whole lot of nothing. I hope the last location and
second halves of zones 1, 2, and 4
are better in that regard.

I'm not complaining, there are a lot of things that SB does well, but I'm just not completely feeling it. Hopefully "yet".

Wow, a DDoS? Some people really don't want others to have fun.


MNK was my first lv50/60 job but I really don't see why I should play MNK now when I could play DRG/SAM or even NIN. To be fair I'm not up-to-date on MNK's lv70 kit but I don't think it changed that much.

If you're min/maxing, all 3 of those are probably 'better' jobs overall, but in the end it's more important to play something you're comfortable with than something you aren't to stay meta. A good MNK will outdo a bad SAM even if the later is theoretically better. If you enjoy SAM just as much and are good with it, though, no reason not to run it if you want to put the time to take it to 60.


I'm enjoying the expansion so far (level 66 MSQ), though I still feel like HW had a better sense of a journey. And less "we based X on a real world thing" (Japan,

That said, am I the only one who feels that many of the new locations feel... empty? Ruby Sea, Steppes. Yes, they are big, but they also have a whole lot of nothing. I hope the last location and
second halves of zones 1, 2, and 4
are better in that regard.

I'm not complaining, there are a lot of things that SB does well, but I'm just not completely feeling it. Hopefully "yet".

Wow, a DDoS? Some people really don't want others to have fun.

I've only been to the fringes and peaks so far but they both feel a bit too much like Thanalan with a few more trees

The only annoyance with samuari so far is enemies running off constantly as soon as I try and use the charge skill things


Can someone tell me why BLM has Multicast now?
Going by FFXI, RDM is the class with multicast and BLM should have a no-mana cast.

Or maybe the designers decided to go with Lulu as a BLM, since her Overdrive in FFX was a multicast...


Can someone tell me why BLM has Multicast now?
Going by FFXI, RDM is the class with multicast and BLM should have a no-mana cast.

Or maybe the designers decided to go with Lulu as a BLM, since her Overdrive in FFX was a multicast...

I don't play BLM so I don't know what multicast does, but RDM has Dualcast
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