Yeah, I haven't mained SMN in awhile but Bahamut-egi allure was a pretty big "Man, do I still alt SMN?" moment. But then the details and starting to poke around initial rotational things and all the new SMN clunk back in the media tour time made me question that. And then it hit and was that clunky mess it looked like it would be. I'm glad the job seems to be performing really well in real world testing but damn if the process of the whole job doesn't seem unfun now.
I feel like 2 things SE could do that would be a pretty good step in the right direction is first, maybe just change Aetherflow a bit. Either have it like in HW where you'll still get up to 3 flow stacks regardless, or just flat out lock off Aetherflow if you have 3 trail stacks. They could even merge it with DWT into one button, because no one is going to be using Aetherflow skills sitting on a full set with DWT ready to go, and no one is going to use it for just the MP regen alone.
Second, just get rid of the pet action delay entirely. If they can solve this for Enkindle Bahamut in PvP, there is absolutely no reason that people should still be mashing contagion or Enkindle and still have pets be unresponsive as fuck almost 4 years into this class.
Edit: Actually, thinking about PvP, just have Summon Bahamut and Enkindle Bahamut just be the same damn button in PvE too. What, did they think someone is actually going to try to un-summon Bahamut when he hits the field and thus they needed a separate button?