Perfect Balance has a long cooldown though. What if I open with Form Shift to get the opo-opo stance, so Dragon Kick can apply its debuff on the enemy?
Also, how do the Chakras work? I imagine I have to build them up so I can use Purification or The Forbidden Chakra in my rotation?
Perfect Balance is good as an opener for bosses, for normal trash it's not worth. You can use Form Shift to advance all the way to Coeurl and start with Demolish, giving you one stack of GL right away, which is much better as a start.
Chakras can be built with Meditation say if you have to do mechanics where you can't hit the boss, at 62 you get a trait that gives 1 chakra 50% of the time when you crit and at 70 you get a party buff that gives 1 chakra 30% of the time when someone else uses a weapon skill. You mostly use them on Forbidden Chakra for additional damage, since TP costs are so low now you'll rarely need purification. Before 62 though, it's mostly whatever, you can charge them between packs in dungeons though if you're not doing anything else.
For the rotation, it's a bit simpler than checking the status of every buff/debuff. Basically, Dragon Kick and Twin Snakes go together because they have the same duration and the same positional(flank) and have to be used every other skill rotation(skill rotation of 3 skills for each form). Demolish is used every 3 rotations. Bootshine and True Strike go together since same positional(behind) and are used whenever you're not using DK/TS.
So in short, other than the opener and assuming nothing is up:
Dragon Kick > Twin Snakes > Demolish
Bootshine > True Strike > Snap Punch
Dragon Kick > Twin Snakes > Snap Punch
Bootshine > True Strike > Demolish
Dragon Kick > Twin Snakes > Snap Punch
Bootshine > True Strike > Snap Punch
Then go back to the start. Now if you use Perfect Balance to open, you wouldn't start necessarily in the same spot(if you DK/TS at the end of perfect balance, then you'd start at the Bootshine > True Strike > Demolish part since Demolish would be close to dropping and you have 3stacks GL now and all your cooldowns up at this point)
On top of that you weave in all your oGCDs and your cooldowns as expected, and that's pretty much all of monk stuff. The hardest part of monk isn't the rotation, it's actually not dropping your GL3 stacks due to stupid mechanics.