Unconfirmed Member
I'm very mixed on the WHM/healing in general changes but not having to toggle Cleric Stance to DPS all the time is soooooooo good
Perfect Balance is good as an opener for bosses, for normal trash it's not worth. You can use Form Shift to advance all the way to Coeurl and start with Demolish, giving you one stack of GL right away, which is much better as a start.
Chakras can be built with Meditation say if you have to do mechanics where you can't hit the boss, at 62 you get a trait that gives 1 chakra 50% of the time when you crit and at 70 you get a party buff that gives 1 chakra 30% of the time when someone else uses a weapon skill. You mostly use them on Forbidden Chakra for additional damage, since TP costs are so low now you'll rarely need purification. Before 62 though, it's mostly whatever, you can charge them between packs in dungeons though if you're not doing anything else.
For the rotation, it's a bit simpler than checking the status of every buff/debuff. Basically, Dragon Kick and Twin Snakes go together because they have the same duration and the same positional(flank) and have to be used every other skill rotation(skill rotation of 3 skills for each form). Demolish is used every 3 rotations. Bootshine and True Strike go together since same positional(behind) and are used whenever you're not using DK/TS.
So in short, other than the opener and assuming nothing is up:
Dragon Kick > Twin Snakes > Demolish
Bootshine > True Strike > Snap Punch
Dragon Kick > Twin Snakes > Snap Punch
Bootshine > True Strike > Demolish
Dragon Kick > Twin Snakes > Snap Punch
Bootshine > True Strike > Snap Punch
Then go back to the start. Now if you use Perfect Balance to open, you wouldn't start necessarily in the same spot(if you DK/TS at the end of perfect balance, then you'd start at the Bootshine > True Strike > Demolish part since Demolish would be close to dropping and you have 3stacks GL now and all your cooldowns up at this point)
On top of that you weave in all your oGCDs and your cooldowns as expected, and that's pretty much all of monk stuff. The hardest part of monk isn't the rotation, it's actually not dropping your GL3 stacks due to stupid mechanics.
Huh? No there isn't
Susano EX seems EZPZ. The real battle is dealing with Players Disconnecting (Extreme).
The main story in Stormblood is by far the leanest MSQ they've ever done. It's remarkably well done. I'm surprised that anyone would call it filler unless they were confusing some of the sidequests with it.
The main story in Stormblood is by far the leanest MSQ they've ever done. It's remarkably well done. I'm surprised that anyone would call it filler unless they were confusing some of the sidequests with it.
Azim Steppe was the best zone in the game.
I pray we go back there in the patches for some reason. Tons of potential for stories.
So is there any good use for blackest night? Other than saving people who jump into fire?
Are tanks doing str vi materia left side as well with the Ala Mhigan set or are they slipping in some other stuff as well?
God, I hate the Stormblood main story quests I'm tempted to just start skipping them. There's just so much fucking filler.
Yeah; I'm torn on it from a PLD (Sword Oath swings!) and DRK (Blood Weapon triggers) perspective if only because it seemed neat. Not much testing done yet on Tenacity but it's basically looking like CHit-DHit future for everyone.
This is still true, which may actually make the SSPD auto attack thing a bigger deal for BRDs.
A lot of WHM's I've ran into at 70 seem to be happy overall with where the class is. It's the SCHs who seem the most upset when all's said and done.
Is there a place to buy the weapons/armor that the MSQ rewards you with for other classes?
I haven't played any of the expansions, is it still worth it to get the A Relic Reborn weapon? Or am I just gonna get something better soon so I shouldn't bother? I'm still a ways off, i'm in the Amdapor Keep part right now.
Not at all, those are extremely tiring to obtain (taking days if not weeks), and you'll get a better one in a few hours as you go through the quests.
Its purpose today is but glamour.
I think there's just a lot of meme-worthy stuff, even if it isn't a big deal.
"Gather dung 0/4"
do you remember setting the table before you could even fight Titan?
So I'm going to leave the country for vacation for a bit, but when I get back I think I'm going to jump back into the game with Stormblood. I'm at DRG 45 or so... so I think I'll get to 50 and then decide what job I'll focus on as I'll have everything available at that point.
I'm trying to look, but can't really find it:
What's the playstyle of the Samurai and Red Mage? What do they each focus on/around? Like, I know with Dragoon I'm getting burst damage with some positioning stuff... what do I get with these jobs?
Why the fuck did they nerf Monk potencies again when Samurai exists?
do you remember setting the table before you could even fight Titan?
Note I did say leanest they've done
There is an extreme amount of bloat to questing in Stormblood. I can't really remember other eras of XIV well enough to compare but I feel like there is a fundamental misunderstanding of how the gameplay should be paced that plagues general questing. Maybe it's just that the formula feels increasingly dated at this point, or maybe it's related to how rare basic kill quests are. I could never really get into a groove because the game would send me somewhere, have me look for a purple hotzone, and initiate combat with one or two enemies before sending me somewhere else far away. The amount of time spent traveling versus the amount of time engaged with the combat is completely misaligned. It plays especially poorly against major cooldowns and long term builders...there's no real management aspect to them in the questing experience. I would not really call it filler because it isn't as though the quests have no meaning, but the pace they take puts a heavy emphasis on just walking back and forth and it feels very mindless. It becomes even more egregious with the poor travel options and linear choke points in zones that send people back and forth on long loops.The main story in Stormblood is by far the leanest MSQ they've ever done. It's remarkably well done. I'm surprised that anyone would call it filler unless they were confusing some of the sidequests with it.
I swear i've done like 3 side quests, with several additional quests within each, about someone being weak and wanting to become stronger.
Nothing in Stormblood is even as close to the worst examples from ARR, which would be the Titan and Garuda questlines. I didn't feel like I was doing "filler" in Stormblood at all, but obviously everyone has different tolerances for stuff.There is an extreme amount of bloat to questing in Stormblood. I can't really remember other eras of XIV well enough to compare but I feel like there is a fundamental misunderstanding of how the gameplay should be paced that plagues general questing. Maybe it's just that the formula feels increasingly dated at this point, or maybe it's related to how rare basic kill quests are. I could never really get into a groove because the game would send me somewhere, have me look for a purple hotzone, and initiate combat with one or two enemies before sending me somewhere else far away. The amount of time spent traveling versus the amount of time engaged with the combat is completely misaligned. It plays especially poorly against major cooldowns and long term builders...there's no real management aspect to them in the questing experience. I would not really call it filler because it isn't as though the quests have no meaning, but the pace they take puts a heavy emphasis on just walking back and forth and it feels very mindless. It becomes even more egregious with the poor travel options and linear choke points in zones that send people back and forth on long loops.
God, I hate the Stormblood main story quests I'm tempted to just start skipping them. There's just so much fucking filler.
New gathering abilities basically make you more effective at gathering... old items.
Like HQ up which makes 59 and below items 100% HQ.
Not sure who thought this was exciting.
New gathering abilities basically make you more effective at gathering... old items.
Like HQ up which makes 59 and below items 100% HQ.
Not sure who thought this was exciting.
It seems they have no idea what to do with gathering/crafting in this game. It's just like, there.
I'm currently stuck on. Not really stuck but I probably had one of the worst work days of my life and doing that fight isn't conductive to helping that. =PShinryu