Started leveling an Astro last week because I'm fed up with the DD queues and it has been a lot of fun so far.
About an hour earlier from now I started Aurum Vale with a random group. I've played this dungeon a lot as BRD and so I knew what to do, I tought. Holy sheet was that hard for me.
We wiped 3 times at the first boss, because I was overwhelmed with healing, managing my cards, keeping track of my mana, keeping track of AoEs, the stacks and eating the fruit at the right time.
After that we died two more times to mob groups that were on the way to the next boss. The second boss fight was mostly fine, but both DDs died and I rezzed them in fight. Then there was the room after the second boss, we pulled far too many mobs and wiped atleast three times. At the eggs again for two more times. The final boss was also mostly fine, one of the DDs died, but we managed to kill him in the first try.
Thank god all of the party members had so much patience and were so nice.
Now I'm not sure if I was the problem, because I'm new to healing, if this dungeon is just a huge spike in difficulty (I can run the previous dungeon without any hassle) or if the Astro ist just too much for me.
Also my Swiftcast + Ascend macro seems to be bugged, sometimes it only casts Swiftcast and I have to cast Ascend manually.