Can you farm support by having one pair of units clear a whole map, or is there a limit to the amount of support points a character can earn on one map?
That's probably the fastest way, yeah. No cap per map.
Can you farm support by having one pair of units clear a whole map, or is there a limit to the amount of support points a character can earn on one map?
Neither one saves her from being the worst possible bride for Chrom.
Damn son.
I am dreading the fact that I'll have to play Severa's, Gerome's and to a lesser extant Nah's paralogue about 8 times to get all the damn supports. ._.
Wow that Tharja came out really good.
supports? I was happy just to beat those paralogues. So far I'm liking Severa and Nah, they're adorable in their own way. And Cordelia, Severa> Sumia, Cynthia. Merc class is too nice.
And those are good tips Rockman. I will never be able to efficiently choose marriages though lol.
She's next since she is the second most popular Mother. Buying two copies. I believe!!!!
She's too busy with Donnel though.
She's too busy with Donnel though.
Just bought this game. Only other FE I've played is PoR, but the descriptions made it sound like I should start on Hard mode. Couple of levels in so far and it's absolutely wonderful <3
My Nah is a freaking beast
Value: 291
Strength: 43(+11)
Magic: 23 (+6)
Ability: 34 (+5)
Velocity: 33(+4)
Luck: 47
Defense: 31 (+13)
Endurance: 32(+9)
And she's still at level 17.
Yarne is growing well too![]()
That can't be Tharja, that figure has feet.
Man now that you mention it I can't stop thinking about how odd it is.
Anyway, I've been buying DLC and not actually playing it, go me. Maybe I should do something about that. And I think the best thing to do here, is look at the elephant in the room: Rogues and Redeemers 3. AKA "I have to beat a five star map HOW many times for Limit Breakers?" I'm pretty sure I could field Morgan and tear that map apart, but I kind of want to include more units for the EXP. And I think Chrom is mandatory, which means bringing in Sumia, too. Anyway, any tips for doing this? Any tips for doing it 20 times?
I reckon I could beat Apotheosis if I had the right skillset (Galeforce and Limit Breaker on everyone) but I just can't be bothered grinding up to the point.
Just Galeforce and maxed out Limit Breaker isn't enough for Anna Mode Apotheosis.
Seriously? D:
I'm just playing on Normal. Pretty much exactly to avoid building up a silly internal level.Use the map to level up units that you've given Limit Breaker too. It's not a hard map for max stat units (w/o Limit Breaker), and if you've got Paragon you should still get levels off it fairly quickly.
The main threat is Jaffar and his Lethality skill. Kill him before he can potentially get that off and you should be set.
Also, "empty levels" shouldn't be a huge issue, unless you're playing on Lunatic. Chances are all of your units with max stats have already hit the internal level cap, so the only variable for experience is you displayed level.
I'm just playing on Normal. Pretty much exactly to avoid building up a silly internal level.
Unfortunately, Paragon hasn't been released yet. I don't get the EU DLC order. Shouldn't we get the double EXP skill before the cap increase one? That'd make more sense...
Ah well, I'll have my Dragontank Morgan be the first to get Limit Breaker. Then Second Seal her back to Manakete 1. I'm fairly sure nothing on this map, other than Jaffar with Lethality (thanks for that heads up) is even remotely a threat to her. Unless someone carries a Naga's Breath, those are nasty.
I'll just bring my primary team and see if I win.
Yeah, what you said. I always get that spell's name wrong. The big blue explody one that makes Manaketes go ouchie.Book of Naga, I guess that's the same thing? Yeah, a sage in the upper right section does have that.
Use the map to level up units that you've given Limit Breaker too. It's not a hard map for max stat units (w/o Limit Breaker), and if you've got Paragon you should still get levels off it fairly quickly.
The main threat is Jaffar and his Lethality skill. Kill him before he can potentially get that off and you should be set.
Also, "empty levels" shouldn't be a huge issue, unless you're playing on Lunatic. Chances are all of your units with max stats have already hit the internal level cap, so the only variable for experience is you displayed level.
woops didn't read his post entirely.
With the right skillset and varied classes (Sage/Sorcerer and Dark Flier has no variety but it works freaking well because Celica's Gale is beastly), then yeah you can do it.
I tried finishing it with my Bride Army file. Lack of weapon variety destroyed me. Damn you, crazy Berserkers!
I'd much have a Lucina figure but whatever. Glad so many people are keeping up with this thread.
Lucina's probably the worst to have a figure for cuz she got no figure, knah what I mean?
ok like I know Nowi and Nah exist but there's a market out there for them. Lucina's figure is the bad kind of figure.
I'm sure if a Lucina figure was made the makers would have some... creative liberties.
If you really want, you can sand her feet off.
Lucina in a very seductive pose while holding her signature sword in a lewd way sounds like my kinda thing.
Hey guys I am about to start. Just one question:
English or Japanese voices?
JP VA. But if you happen to restart the game reverts back to ENG VA. So if that's annoying for you ENG may be better.
Is JP VA really better? I found EN to be pretty good compared to most games, but I'll try out JP if it's as good as you say it is.
Is JP VA really better? I found EN to be pretty good compared to most games, but I'll try out JP if it's as good as you say it is.
Not all female figures have to be seductive or such.
Don't worry about it too much. Other than Maiden!Lucina most kids will turn out good.
Is JP VA really better? I found EN to be pretty good compared to most games, but I'll try out JP if it's as good as you say it is.
Nah, not really. JP VA is good but not good enough to suffer through the voice glitch.
I like how Chrom is the only one who has a perfect English AND Japanese VA. Everyone else is one sided especially with Lissa's. oh god Kana Asumi, what in the blue hell....
I haven't really messed with the language setting and stuck with the english default.
But seriously Kana Asumi? I didn't know she was in this, I gotta check this out.
It doesn't, maybe you aren't saving the game after changing the voice settings?JP VA. But if you happen to restart the game reverts back to ENG VA. So if that's annoying for you ENG may be better.