Just finished about 20 minutes ago. What a fantastic game. It's up there with Super Mario 3D Land as one of the best games on the system. Just top to bottom a really well made game. Great characters, gameplay, art style, I loved it all. When I make my GOTY ballot soon, I have no doubt it'll be a top 5 contender, and possibly make the top of my list.
Just be careful when looking up characters, specifically female, on Google. It can lead down a dark path.
Just be careful when looking up characters, specifically female, on Google. It can lead down a dark path.
I feel like I made a mistake by choosing to play this game on Hard. I'm only on Chapter 5 and already it seems totally fucked. Every map up to that point has been pretty tough, required a couple restarts but nothing that I couldn't eventually get through. But this chapter... I can make it four turns at max without losing a character. Am I missing something? Am I too stupid for this game? I feel like this game is on the verge of being really fun but is too frustrating to actually get there.
Going through the exact same thing right now. I even managed to not use the overpowered starting dude up to now for anything besides taking blows without having a weapon equipped. There's just so many units that can't do shit because if they move in for an attack, they are sure to get gimped in the next turn. Pegasus chick is worthless because every single enemy seems to carry a bow around and the mounted dudes are barely able to take more than two hits. The only usable units seem to be Lissa, Chrom, My Unit. Invisible heavy armor dude and Axeman (I suck at remembering names)
Are we supposed to power through with trial and error or is there something I'm not getting?
Yep. For as long as I've been on the internet, I was still shocked by some of the stuff I saw.Tharja eh?
Going through the exact same thing right now. I even managed to not use the overpowered starting dude up to now for anything besides taking blows without having a weapon equipped. There's just so many units that can't do shit because if they move in for an attack, they are sure to get gimped in the next turn. Pegasus chick is worthless because every single enemy seems to carry a bow around and the mounted dudes are barely able to take more than two hits. The only usable units seem to be Lissa, Chrom, My Unit. Invisible heavy armor dude and Axeman (I suck at remembering names)
Are we supposed to power through with trial and error or is there something I'm not getting?
I feel like I made a mistake by choosing to play this game on Hard. I'm only on Chapter 5 and already it seems totally fucked. Every map up to that point has been pretty tough, required a couple restarts but nothing that I couldn't eventually get through. But this chapter... I can make it four turns at max without losing a character. Am I missing something? Am I too stupid for this game? I feel like this game is on the verge of being really fun but is too frustrating to actually get there.
Going through the exact same thing right now. I even managed to not use the overpowered starting dude up to now for anything besides taking blows without having a weapon equipped. There's just so many units that can't do shit because if they move in for an attack, they are sure to get gimped in the next turn. Pegasus chick is worthless because every single enemy seems to carry a bow around and the mounted dudes are barely able to take more than two hits. The only usable units seem to be Lissa, Chrom, My Unit. Invisible heavy armor dude and Axeman (I suck at remembering names)
Are we supposed to power through with trial and error or is there something I'm not getting?
I take it you guys are new to the series?
Fire Emblem is one of the most brutal series out there, even besides perma death the games are notorious for how much they make you think.
I've been playing since 7 on the GBA so it was easy for me and a lot of others to jump straight in on hard mode, but if you're brand new, start on normal like the game recommends.
I finally finished my first playthrough of this, after 32 hours in three and a half months, and I'm still having trouble grasping the children mechanism. Once I marry people, a new mission opens up where I can rescue their future child? Said child inherits some of its parents skills at the time I tackle said mission? Is there an authoritative list on the best/ideal pairings, both for fighting and parenting? The depth of this game is staggering...
I finally finished my first playthrough of this, after 32 hours in three and a half months, and I'm still having trouble grasping the children mechanism. Once I marry people, a new mission opens up where I can rescue their future child? Said child inherits some of its parents skills at the time I tackle said mission? Is there an authoritative list on the best/ideal pairings, both for fighting and parenting? The depth of this game is staggering...
Wait to recruit the kids until they have the abilities you want. That will make sense when the time comes.Starting this game right now.
My first Fire Emblem game (I play a lot of SRPGs though)
Is there anything that I absolutely should not do in my first playthrough?
Starting this game right now.
My first Fire Emblem game (I play a lot of SRPGs though)
Is there anything that I absolutely should not do in my first playthrough?
What kind of crazy advice is this? You need Frederick on Lunatic. I am sure there is temptation to over-use him, but he's pretty fantastic. Plus he has one of the best quotes ever: "Pick a god and pray!"Dont use Frederick.
What kind of crazy advice is this? You need Frederick on Lunatic. I am sure there is temptation to over-use him, but he's pretty fantastic. Plus he has one of the best quotes ever: "Pick a god and pray!"
Starting this game right now.
My first Fire Emblem game (I play a lot of SRPGs though)
Is there anything that I absolutely should not do in my first playthrough?
I'm saying that on Lunatic, he's the only character who can actually survive a 1v1 encounter at the start of the game, and for most of the early game.Also, I too played Frederic Emblem.
I don't think I could handle Lunatic on Classic without using the DLC stuff. Sometimes I just had to sacrifice characters.I lost one guy but it was the most unlikable guy in the group.
I feel bad because Sully was starting to like him but... she can do better.
I'm saying that on Lunatic, he's the only character who can actually survive a 1v1 encounter at the start of the game, and for most of the early game.
I don't think I could handle Lunatic on Classic without using the DLC stuff. Sometimes I just had to sacrifice characters.![]()
How's the DLC? I haven't even got a SD card for my DS yet.
I lost one guy but it was the most unlikable guy in the group.
Poor Kellam.
We had the same experience, then. Around Chapter 14 (give or take a chapter) there was a mission that there was just no goddamn way I could handle it. My only units that could handle any kind of heat were Frederick, Chrom, and I forget his name, but the dude Basilio gives you after the tournament. All of the healers were unprotectable, and it was just too much for those few units to handle. I ended up begrudgingly buying the EXP DLC to get the rest of my characters caught up, and the game is much more manageable now. It's unfortunate that there's no other way to grind levels in Lunatic, because those skirmishes are at least twice as hard as any level I'm on at a given time.And that's why we call it Frederick Emblem. Actually, you can get out of the prologue with some levels in MU if you get the right starting stats and growths.
Also I found it boring, I could only use like 3 characters so I could not be bothered to go past ch 14 in no grind lunatic. And grinding in lunatic is just slow due to the higher internal levle cap. That's why I stick with no grind hard runs
I'm not sure why I care more about these grunts than the ones from XCOM or Valkyria.
Poor Kellam.
Close, but no.
I've tried to get him killed though. He just won't die properly.
Not really. I always found Chapter 5 to be the biggest obstacle. You're now en route to Fire Emblem Awakening - Easy Street. Enjoy the leisurely walk.FINALLY managed to beat Chapter 5 on Hard. A small achievement for most people here, I'm sure, but it took me forever.
I don't think I could handle Lunatic on Classic without using the DLC stuff. Sometimes I just had to sacrifice characters.![]()
What is the Avatar water trick?With Avatar water trick, you could survive Lunatic Classic without resorting to any DLC or grinding. Veteran as skill is OP as fuck if you focus all the EXP to Avatar. There is a reason why this game dubbed as Frederick Emblem: Veteraning Massive luck is required of course.
What is the Avatar water trick?
Thanks for that detailed explanation.During the prologue, clear the first half of the map by using Frederick. Have him attacked the middle mercenary and make sure no other unit in enemy range so both barbarian will attacked Frederick in enemy Phase. Then procced by making Chrom went full to the right, near the bottom Mercenary so in enemy phase he will attacked Chrom(leaving him only with less than half of HP). If all procceed as planned, the two barbarian will be have less than half HP, enough for Avatar to finished one off right away and the next one in enemy Phase (make sure he/she paired with Lissa so the veteran become active). Give Lissa's vulneralies to Avatar so he/she can heal themselves.. You could finished the mage with Frederick or gained extra EXP for Avatar with endurance game. If you took the latter, give Chrom's Vulneralies to Avatar after the deed is done.
This is where the trick start. Heal everyone, and keep the pair as it is (LissaAvatar and ChromFrederick). Now, while both Avatar and Chrom can move to water tile, there isn't single enemy that can do same thing. No melee enemy can reach you in the middle of the river except a single mage. You need to play the endurance game with that particular mage. Don't attack him during player phase, instead heal with vulneralies. Only attack to deliver the finishing blow later. With the mage taken care off, you can picked off those poor bastard with ranged attack, only by Avatar so he/she gain all the EXP. The amount of EXP from playing endurance game against the mage(s) and picking off the melee is enough for him/her to reach level 7/8. Assuming you don't get DEFscrewed, Avatar paired with Frederick can tank against further advesaries with less RNG factor.
EDIT: While I think that Lunatic Classic is still manageable by MaMU, FeMUxChrom indeed make the job easier with those two monsters offspring. Also stat is EVERYTHING in Lunatic if you don't want to get screwed later on just because your unit can't take an extra hit/deliver the killing blow. Prepare your hand for soft-resetting when crappy growth of 1-2 stats occured.
If you need further help, just asked it here. Most of that comes from Serene Forest though, I just reposting what I've successfully appliedThanks for that detailed explanation.
Yeah, early on I felt the need to reset whenever I got bad stats on level up. Every point was so important. Now, most of my characters have their important stats maxed, so I don't really care...
I just choose not to bother with Lunatic/Lunatic+
I feel like if I do play it on those settings, I would come to get frustrated at FEA and begin to hate it and I don't want that.