Nope working on getting the last 3 children and then I'll start with the spotpass characers
Did you get the spotpass stages? iirc you need to go to the spotpass menu to "download" them.
Nope working on getting the last 3 children and then I'll start with the spotpass characers
Ha ha! Success! Chrom married Olivia!
That one actually wasn't that hard to get, just had to have Chrom work his butt off with a fairly useless support unit in his Pair Up on Chapter 11. Little level 1 Dancer Olivia. She actually did a Dual Strike once. No Damage. Gotta love Lissa's comment on the pairing.
Also, the S-Rank conversation in the support log and the one you see ingame are... different? Weird. Is it like that in the Japanese version, too?
Now the hard part... finding out who to pair my avatar with. Ah, well, some are already spoken for, so I'll just have to pick someone else. Maybe a second generation female for a change. Obvious choice would be Lucina of course, but that's almost TOO obvious.
Scramble Pack: $6.50
Xenologue: Harvest Scramble
Xenologue: Summer Scramble
Xenologue: Hot-Spring Scramble
Challenge Pack: $6.50
Xenologue: Death's Embrace
Xenologue: Five-Anna Firefight
Xenologue: Roster Rescue
Lost Bloodlines Pack: $6.00
Xenologue: Lost Bloodlines 1
Xenologue: Lost Bloodlines 2
Xenologue: Lost Bloodlines 3
Future Past Pack: $6.50
Xenologue: The Future Past 1
Xenologue: The Future Past 2
Xenologue: The Future Past 3
Apotheosis: Final Xenologue
Well, I'm on chapter 12 and I can't stop playing. This is probably the best game I've played all year.
I have a question, when is it recommended to upgrade your class? When you get to level 20 or as soon as you get your two skills? Is it two skills per class?
I see. I haven't changed any class yet, I only upgraded Chrom and Robin since they both reached level cap. But ok, if it's recommended to upgrade after your two skills, I have a lot of work to do. Thanks for the info.As soon as you get two skills.
Also try not to change class too much when in an upgraded class; it causes your exp gain to decrease quicker, but it's no big deal.
I have a question, when is it recommended to upgrade your class? When you get to level 20 or as soon as you get your two skills? Is it two skills per class?
Well, I'm on chapter 12 and I can't stop playing. This is probably the best game I've played all year.
I have a question, when is it recommended to upgrade your class? When you get to level 20 or as soon as you get your two skills? Is it two skills per class?
That seems like a lot of work. At what point does the inheritance actually happen? Is it time sensitive?
For Lucina, it happens when she joins (which is a forced event). I wouldn't worry too much about Lucina inheriting Galeforce, though, since you can always class-change Lucina herself to Peg Knight/Dark Flier later so she learns the skill herself. It's better that Olivia passes down a skill that Lucina can't learn, like Luck +4, which is unique to the Dancer class.Okay so I'm just starting to really read into what needs to be done for the best pairings to produce the ideal offspring, and I'm confused about how inheritance of skills works. I'm aiming to pair Chrom with Olivia, and obviously I want Lucina to inherit Galeforce, but apparently that requires me using Second Seal to reclass Olivia into Pegasus Knight, then Master Sealing her up to Dark Flier and leveling her up to 15 on top of that.
That seems like a lot of work. At what point does the inheritance actually happen? Is it time sensitive?
How well did FE:A sold? I heard this was on the verge of being cancelled but did like 300k on japan fw and 100k on npd.
The Smash Bros. Effect®
I was putting off buying this one for a while now, but I finally started it over the last week.
I said God Damn, God Damn, God Damn.
I'm at Chapter... errr, 18? I think. What a fantastic game, really. It's so addicting. It is my first Fire Emblem game and it does a great job at introducing one into the series, the learning curve is laid out really great and the game never gets too overwhelming with it's mechanics.
There were some weird difficult spikes, but I'm really enjoying the ride. I'd still put Kid Icarus above it as far as 3DS games go, but it's great to check the box to the next Nintendo franchise, and even better that it's truly an enjoyable one and one of the classics.
The metagame with shipping characters is weirdly addicting too. Sumia mai waifu obv, but I can see myself giving the game another go to not only play it at a harder difficulty, but also to try another pairings. Fun stuff!
I couldn't help it but... (in terribad Russian accent) HOW MUCH YOU PAY?
Is this game still like 40 bucks now after all this time? My friend lives in Canada and couldn't find a used copy anywhere.
For Lucina, it happens when she joins (which is a forced event). I wouldn't worry too much about Lucina inheriting Galeforce, though, since you can always class-change Lucina herself to Peg Knight/Dark Flier later so she learns the skill herself. It's better that Olivia passes down a skill that Lucina can't learn, like Luck +4, which is unique to the Dancer class.
For the rest of the children, inheritance happens when you start the Paralogue that recruits the child in question. You can even check the map, check the child for stats and skills, and if they're not what you want, you can exit the map and have the parents learn the wanted skills and come back later. For these maps, it is recommended that you train Olivia to Dark Flier so she can pass Galeforce to her son, since he doesn't inherit the Pegasus Knight class line and can't learn it on his own (same goes for Lissa and her son).
Thanks for the explanation, that really helps. But I can't help but wonder, is there enough content in this game for me to run a proper eugenics program? There are only 25 chapters, right? It feels like just getting one parent to an ideal state would take a large investment, and I don't see how I wouldn't run out of levels if I did them all like I was planning.
If you just want to beat the game, the eugenics isn't really necessary. If you want to beat the final four DLC chapters, it is. Especially Apotheosis. If it's your first game, don't stress too hard about it, just enjoy the ride.Thanks for the explanation, that really helps. But I can't help but wonder, is there enough content in this game for me to run a proper eugenics program? There are only 25 chapters, right? It feels like just getting one parent to an ideal state would take a large investment, and I don't see how I wouldn't run out of levels if I did them all like I was planning.
Do I need to get some DLC?
If you just want to beat the game, the eugenics isn't really necessary. If you want to beat the final four DLC chapters, it is. Especially Apotheosis. If it's your first game, don't stress too hard about it, just enjoy the ride.
That's exacly what I'm doing. The game is no challenging at all (didn't know normal was THAT easy) so I started doing whatever. I just paired up Maribelle with Frederick. Like, wut?Well now I'm regretting making pairings based on eugenics. I'm just going to end up overlapping support conversations on my second time through.
I'm on Hard so it's not exactly a cakewalk but I am irritated that I've already gotten a few S level supports which are basically going to be wasted on this first playthrough.
So I've been taking it slow and I'm only up to Chapter 10 right now. I'm thinking about restarting on Normal, just enjoying the ride as you guys said, and then tackling a Lunatic run with optimal eugenics and everything.
Good idea? Bad idea?
I'm on hard/classic for first playthrough. I also beat all the Xenologues ( not withstanding DLC ones ).
My S pairings wasn't really optimised. For example, my gerome has no berserker class because I tried pairing Lon Qu with Sully, Panne, Cherche, Lissa and just find Cherche support to be my favorite. I didn't have galeforce on Inigo, I pick Libra and Lissa because together with Owain, they would make a blonde family. I kinda dislike the hair colour of Severa too but I can't help it because that was my first S pairing with Cordelia.
You can still make it through, you don't need a lot of grind either. Not to mention, you reknown points get carried over on a new playthrough after you beat the game. All of them isn't that wasted. Don't worry.
Well, I meant the supports are wasted in the sense that if I do another, optimized run on Lunatic, I'll just be seeing the same conversations all over again. If I'm not going to be hardcore from the start, I figure I might as well just mess around.
I don't unlock anything for beating it on Hard/Classic right? More and more I'm thinking there's no point and that maybe I should just breeze through on Normal.
Oh, you meant it this way. Then, yes, I would go with Normal too.
And yes, you don't unlock anything special for beating with Hard/Classic.
No, you see, Lunatic isn't even remotely fair. Like, not even close. You can play perfectly and the game can just go "Nope! You lose!" anyway. Thanks to random skill distribution on enemies, you can literally end up on unwinnable maps, especially in the beginning.You guys are making it sound like I shouldn't even try Lunatic.
But that's the only way to put eugenics to proper use, isn't it? I want to try at least one run doing everything perfectly.
You guys are making it sound like I shouldn't even try Lunatic.
But that's the only way to put eugenics to proper use, isn't it? I want to try at least one run doing everything perfectly.
No, you see, Lunatic isn't even remotely fair. Like, not even close. You can play perfectly and the game can just go "Nope! You lose!" anyway. Thanks to random skill distribution on enemies, you can literally end up on unwinnable maps, especially in the beginning.
But if you do beat it, you unlock Lunatic+. Same as Lunatic, except the enemy always goes first in battles.
No, you see, Lunatic isn't even remotely fair. Like, not even close. You can play perfectly and the game can just go "Nope! You lose!" anyway. Thanks to random skill distribution on enemies, you can literally end up on unwinnable maps, especially in the beginning.
But if you do beat it, you unlock Lunatic+. Same as Lunatic, except the enemy always goes first in battles.
Just tried Lunatic just for funsies. Spent an hour in the prologue with Frederick moving through the whole map protecting my squad's sorry ass. I finally get to the boss, he had like 7hp left, Frederick almost full.
Boss is like "Nahh Son!" and critical hit to death poor ol' Freddy.
Well, it is called Lunatic, as in only lunatics would attempt to complete the game on that difficulty.
The what of those who tried Lunatic+?
Ah, I might gotten it wrong. It was another game that had that, wasn't it?The way to win Lunatic is pretty much abusing the pair-up system: using only one pair of super unit to plow through the enemy for the whole game.
I think you kinda mixed up with Lunatic+. Lunatic have random skill distribution, but most of the time it just a unit's normal skill (with Accuracy +10 at later chapter). It is in Lunatic+ where the enemy have + skills like Vantage+, Hawkeye, or Counter that render your superunit useless and incapable of bulldozing the game like in lunatic. The strat in Lunatic+ is ironically, involving one of the weakest class line make Counter can't harm your unit: archers.
Ah, I might gotten it wrong. It was another game that had that, wasn't it?
This might be a silly question but I was under the impression that after level 20, units could level up once more and gain a class promotion. But the experience bar just says MAX and I don't seem to be making progress. Is this normal? Do I have to use Master Seals?
This might be a silly question but I was under the impression that after level 20, units could level up once more and gain a class promotion. But the experience bar just says MAX and I don't seem to be making progress. Is this normal? Do I have to use Master Seals?
Alright thanks. And another question, more loosely, I'm starting to get lazy regarding my eugenics program and I'm thinking of not bothering to level everyone to 20 before using the Master Seals because I really just want to get certain skills for the children and probably won't need min/maxing on Hard Mode. Will I regret this later?
so what can I do now that I beat the game? I thought i saw some message about something akin to newgame+? Do i get to keep all my chars levels or something?