My random merchant has a second seal after chapter 6 for 2500 on sale. Should I grab it, or is it not that important atm?
Grab it if you want to change a character's class.
My random merchant has a second seal after chapter 6 for 2500 on sale. Should I grab it, or is it not that important atm?
My random merchant has a second seal after chapter 6 for 2500 on sale. Should I grab it, or is it not that important atm?
Grab it if you want to change a character's class.
I got quite a few second seals (and master seals) from the chapter battles alone that I didn't really need to buy them that early on but that's just me.
Just finished recruitingthe rest of the kids. Severa and Inigo remain the best.
And that two army map was a DOOZY.
Ok so I've bitten on this because GAF seems to love it and it will get me Animal Crossing for free as part of the 4 for 3 EU deal.
It will arrive in a few days but I'm nervous now because I've never played a turn based rpg before and normally I'd avoid such types of game like the plague. So now I'm second guessing my purchase: How complex is the game in terms of being able to pick up, play and understand. Will I have a fucking clue what I'm doing?
I was in the same boat as you. Really disliked strategy games and actually tried the Wii version and failed miserably. This one has ben a complete opposite! Very easy to get into, explains everything very well. I think you'll enjoy it as I haveOk so I've bitten on this because GAF seems to love it and it will get me Animal Crossing for free as part of the 4 for 3 EU deal.
It will arrive in a few days but I'm nervous now because I've never played a turn based rpg before and normally I'd avoid such types of game like the plague. So now I'm second guessing my purchase: How complex is the game in terms of being able to pick up, play and understand. Will I have a fucking clue what I'm doing?
Ok so I've bitten on this because GAF seems to love it and it will get me Animal Crossing for free as part of the 4 for 3 EU deal.
It will arrive in a few days but I'm nervous now because I've never played a turn based rpg before and normally I'd avoid such types of game like the plague. So now I'm second guessing my purchase: How complex is the game in terms of being able to pick up, play and understand. Will I have a fucking clue what I'm doing?
Ok so I've bitten on this because GAF seems to love it and it will get me Animal Crossing for free as part of the 4 for 3 EU deal.
It will arrive in a few days but I'm nervous now because I've never played a turn based rpg before and normally I'd avoid such types of game like the plague. So now I'm second guessing my purchase: How complex is the game in terms of being able to pick up, play and understand. Will I have a fucking clue what I'm doing?
You can tailor this game to be as forgiving or brutal as you want, so you shouldn't have a problem. IntSys specifically made this game to be accessible to newcomers.Ok so I've bitten on this because GAF seems to love it and it will get me Animal Crossing for free as part of the 4 for 3 EU deal.
It will arrive in a few days but I'm nervous now because I've never played a turn based rpg before and normally I'd avoid such types of game like the plague. So now I'm second guessing my purchase: How complex is the game in terms of being able to pick up, play and understand. Will I have a fucking clue what I'm doing?
How does the inheritance mechanic with the offspring work?
Say if I got Lissa and Frederik to marry, will Frederik pass on his cavalier, knight, and wyvern rider class sets? Or will Owain only receive whatever Frederik has been characterised with?
Also, I'm assuming that you get the offspring characters in the side missions, right?
Freaking genetics indeed! Thanks for the explanationKids will get all the classes both of their parents have. (wowza, freaking genetics!)
Owain is male so he'll get all classes from his father. Frederik has (Cavalier, blah, blah) so Owain will get those.
Owain will also get the classes Lissa have that aren't gender exclusive so he'll get Priest line from her. But Owain will not be able to get Lissa's Pegasus Knight and Troubadour lines because those two classes are females-only. However, through magic voodoo, Peg. Knight and Trou. will turn into Myrmidon and Barbarian for Owain.
There's only one way to properly play that map.
Let us hear your answer.
Did anyone else call Lucina on being a trap when she first appeared?
Hmm isn't there an odd issue with panne that she won't pass down a a certain class to yarne?
Though Yarne makes an amazing Beserker, so it's actually a blessing. (And I just married her to someone who has Wyvern Rider so he'll have both.)She has access to Wyvern Rider, but Yarne gets Barbarian instead. Why? Who knows *shrug*
She has access to Wyvern Rider, but Yarne gets Barbarian instead. Why? Who knows *shrug*
There's only one way to properly play that map.
Let us hear your answer.
Yarne with Galeforce would of been legendary.Ahh the time when panne possibly had pegasus classes...Galeforce ;(
She has access to Wyvern Rider, but Yarne gets Barbarian instead. Why? Who knows *shrug*
Freaking genetics indeed! Thanks for the explanation![]()
yeah just take heed of gender exclusive classes.
Do you know how skill inheritance works? Owain should get Galeforce from Lissa no matter what. No mattah wat!
No Owain should obviously inherit Demoiselle.........*cough*
No Owain should obviously inherit Demoiselle.........*cough*
So guys, im in chapter 6 and im loving the game, but I have some questions:
-How many friend conversations can a character have max? Like can you have 2 at A and one in S?
-I cant seem to get money to buy things at the stores at the moment, the most I found was a silver object that game me 5000 for selling it
-So ho0w to use the emblems, like I dont remember well, I played the Fire Emblem with Lyn on it and I remeber something about getting to level 20 that is the max and the using one of this emblems to change the class to a better one and have 20 more. Or it doenst work like that and my mind is fuzzy?
So guys, im in chapter 6 and im loving the game, but I have some questions:
-How many friend conversations can a character have max? Like can you have 2 at A and one in S?
-I cant seem to get money to buy things at the stores at the moment, the most I found was a silver object that game me 5000 for selling it
-So ho0w to use the emblems, like I dont remember well, I played the Fire Emblem with Lyn on it and I remeber something about getting to level 20 that is the max and the using one of this emblems to change the class to a better one and have 20 more. Or it doenst work like that and my mind is fuzzy?
Only one S but as many A's as you are willing to get.
To make money, you are suppose to sell the bullions or stuff who's description basically says sell me for money.
Generally, that's how it works, but since exp is not limited in this game, you can just promote whenever you feel like it but the general rule is do it at 20 to squeeze out as much stat gains as you can before your exp gain is decreased.
-No limit for A rank, 1 in S (well kinda obvious since the one you have S rank with is your waifu/husbando
-Sell the bullion you get from killing enemies from playing through the story or random world encounters. Leif's Blade and Despoil (weapon and skill respectively, a chance to give you a bullion (s) after killing an enemy on your turn)
-It still works like that. Get to at least lvl 10 and use a Master Seal to promote to one of two stronger classes (Mercenary -> Bow Knight or Hero) or use a Second Seal to reclass.
Hmm since you're on ch.6, do not kill the thief with orange hair to the left on the map, talk to him with chrom.
So how many chapters do the game have, and is there and infinite number of random encounters so you can level yourself and make better social links before the ending?
So how many chapters do the game have, and is there and infinite number of random encounters so you can level yourself and make better social links before the ending?
So how many chapters do the game have, and is there and infinite number of random encounters so you can level yourself and make better social links before the ending?
25 main chapters or so, with like 23 or so paralogues.
Infinite amount of random encounters. You can also summon the SpotPass teams to your hearts content for even more grinding. And there's also the DLC maps too.
Grind your heart away!
25 and the 26th is named differently.
You got all the time in the world.
25 chapters with some side chapters
and random Risen encounters will almost always occur
Yes, no one must kill Gaius. His seed is too important. Also, one of the better male characters.
I wasted it on Sumia because of cake![]()
Think on the bright side, Cynthia can realize her dream of becoming a hero.....literally![]()
I wasted it on Sumia because of cake![]()
No she can't ;_;
She can never be a Hero unless the dad is the Avatar ;_;
She'll at least get to use Sol like a Hero.
Or break axes like a Hero.
this is some DmC shit in here.
No she can't ;_;
She can never be a Hero unless the dad is the Avatar ;_;