you have to wait untilafter you've defeated Greith to promote Atlas,
Catria, and Palla?
You can go backwards I believe. Pretty sure I just went back to an earlier shrine. you have to wait untilafter you've defeated Greith to promote Atlas,
Catria, and Palla?
I must say there's a lot of terrible usage of the spoiler tags here. I can't tell what's being spoiled in most of them.
Did I goof starting this in Classic mode? I've played the past few in Classic and have beaten SS and FE7 but my time is way more limited.precious now so I don't want to spend a ton of time retreading ground. I've heard that this game is super brutal on Classic due to the way the enemies spawn.
There might have been, but the game is still very new so it's not that harmful for people to be a bit more cautious.
Coming off of Persona 5 to this has been causing me double takes constantly so far. My favorites and what made me actually laugh out loud was hearing Sojiro as the Rigelian Emperor and then the SIU Director as Nomah.
Then you have Ryuji as Gray, Akechi as Tobin and Shido as Saber and the rabbit hole never ends.
Is there any solid advice on how to use the stat fountains? Should they be used immediately or saved? Should you concentrate stat ups on a small group of people or spread around? Any stats not worth it to upgrade over the other (like health vs speed at the first one?)
anyone on this?
I don't thinkis necessarily poorly written.ConradHe is very underutilized, but IIRC he wasn't in the original game, so he's more like a bonus addition? Even if he isn't, it's clear they wanted to do the masked knight trope for coolness' sake, but the execution falls flat after the reveal. He's not offensive, just bland.
I must say there's a lot of terrible usage of the spoiler tags here. I can't tell what's being spoiled in most of them.
Kliff as an archer feels like a waste, my mage Kliff is literally one of my strongest units, I can give him a regen ring and drop him the middle of the enemy group and he's basically indestructible. He literally almost soloed chapter 5's final map for me.
Also this whole option to reclass Dread Fighters into Villagers feels super broken. <_<
Leon, act 2, support conversations:Am I misunderstanding this or is he gay? I have had the two support conversations, one where he said he has no interest in attracting women, and another where the other guy says "Are you hitting on me?" and Leon said "You're not my type", and it didn't seem to be in a sarcastic or joking tone of voice. Is he actually gay or is this just a Persona 5 Yusuke ambiguous context/localization thing?
Leon, act 2, support conversations:Am I misunderstanding this or is he gay? I have had the two support conversations, one where he said he has no interest in attracting women, and another where the other guy says "Are you hitting on me?" and Leon said "You're not my type", and it didn't seem to be in a sarcastic or joking tone of voice. Is he actually gay or is this just a Persona 5 Yusuke ambiguous context/localization thing?
Yes, he is. He wasn't in the orginal if I remember, but he hardly had a personality, so they retconned him.
Is anyone else finding the sheer volume of small skirmishes to be a little fatiguing? So many of these fights feel so trivial.
It's not ambiguous at all in some of the conversations. It's exactly what you think it is.
Thanks guys.Yes, he is. He wasn't in the orginal if I remember, but he hardly had a personality, so they retconned him.
It's not ambiguous at all in some of the conversations. It's exactly what you think it is.
Is there any solid advice on how to use the stat fountains? Should they be used immediately or saved? Should you concentrate stat ups on a small group of people or spread around? Any stats not worth it to upgrade over the other (like health vs speed at the first one?)
Thanks guys.
That's pretty cool to see them do that.
Yes, he is. He wasn't in the orginal if I remember, but he hardly had a personality, so they retconned him.
Yeah, he straight up says that he's in love with Valmar in at least one conversation
Is anyone else finding the sheer volume of small skirmishes to be a little fatiguing? So many of these fights feel so trivial.
I like how he doesn't fit the anime gay stereotypes.
Thanks guys.
That's pretty cool to see them do that.
I like how he doesn't fit the anime gay stereotypes.
I think this game actually has the best overall unit writing, and the set up for the game where you explore and recruit in more ways than just the battefield helps give life to the world and characters. I love how Atlas is just this mountain villager who is just is a family guy who joins up and is all casual about the sistuation based on the convos.
That's why it'd have been nice if they extended the support conversations a little more - not to the extent of giving everyone full C-B-A supports with everyone else, but a few more C-only conversations with characters would have been appreciated, to get some more interactions between the cast. Poor Silque only gets to have a one-sided conversation with Faye...
Leon, act 2, support conversations:Am I misunderstanding this or is he gay? I have had the two support conversations, one where he said he has no interest in attracting women, and another where the other guy says "Are you hitting on me?" and Leon said "You're not my type", and it didn't seem to be in a sarcastic or joking tone of voice. Is he actually gay or is this just a Persona 5 Yusuke ambiguous context/localization thing?
I think this game actually has the best overall unit writing, and the set up for the game where you explore and recruit in more ways than just the battefield helps give life to the world and characters. I love how Atlas is just this mountain villager who is just is a family guy who joins up and is all casual about the sistuation based on the convos.
He's...pretty camp.
But it's never played out as a joke at his expense, and the game as a whole views him quite respectfully (no sexual assault / pedophilia jokes etc.) so being stereotypical isn't really a bad thing in this case.
That's why it'd have been nice if they extended the support conversations a little more - not to the extent of giving everyone full C-B-A supports with everyone else, but a few more C-only conversations with characters would have been appreciated, to get some more interactions between the cast. Poor Silque only gets to have a one-sided conversation with Faye...
He's...pretty camp.
But it's never played out as a joke at his expense, and the game as a whole views him quite respectfully (no sexual assault / pedophilia jokes etc.) so being stereotypical isn't really a bad thing in this case.
I feel like nowadays writers avoid "feminine" gay characters because they don't wanna stereotype gay people, and while I can't blame them it's also ridiculous to pretend that every gay man falls into the hypermasculine box. Gender non-conforming men and women exist and they can be gay, and I think Leon is a fairly decent example of one.
Indeed, in the Japanese version Leon uses atashi, a feminine pronoun.He's definitely flamboyant (And I think his Japanese speech is more feminine, but don't quote me on that), but he isn't portrayed negative or has the creepy traits generally associated with these kind of characters, which was refreshing.
true, what I was referring to was the 2 gay guys in persona 5. Perhaps I should have worded it better.I agree with this. It seems like most of the people who applaud gay characters who aren't "stereotypical" aren't gay themselves and it kind of makes it seem like someone being effeminate is negative. I think the big issue is when they make a character obnoxious, grating, and predatory. The femininity isn't the problem there. Luckily Leon is written well imo.
I thought Faye was too tongue n cheeky for the out of luck child hood friend with a crush. Was just brutal too, obsessed with Alm and doesn't beat around the bush, still gets rejected, and its very awkwardly done.
Why the hell does she ask him to stay in the village, its out of character, wouldn't she rather stay with him no matter where he goes? Although it probably was a test, in the back of her mind she probably knew it wouldn't work out, so made a wacky confession that would directly make him decide if he wanted to stay with her forever.
Wow I mean
That's some grim outlook for Faye, I just thought deep down she wanted to live together with Alm with a normal life at Ram village. She says something among the lines of "if you see Alm please tell him that he always has a home here at Ram" if you recruit her with Celica, yes you can do that
There is a part of Faye that wants to live a normal life if you look hard enough from some of the tidbits in the game, too bad IS went for that Alm obsession instead of the former. Plus, Alm's rejection gets him high in the "stereotypical JRPG protag" list since he has then decency to say no even when his opponent in this case is clearly deranged.
I like Leon and it's nice to not have him being a target of cheap jokes [ahem Persona 5] his ending line is sad but positive nonetheless.
Python has another great line from his memory prism without Forsyth if taken out of contextSlap my butt and call me a rented mule
I have gotten the C and B support conversations between Alm and Faye and damn I feel bad for both sides. Faye is over obsessed with Alm while Alm does not have the heart to outright say to Faye that he is not in love with her or is doing the typical aloof Protagonist to a girl's feelings trope. Python and Forsyth conversations are fantastic same with Tobin and Gray. I am assuming in the A conversation Alm tells Faye the truth at least I hope.
Damn Gray and Clair support... Clair is pure savage on Gray, and Faye truly creep me with the Alm obsession. Far worse than Tharja.
Really? Tharja mentions Robin a lot.Yeah, even her supports with other characters are still all about Alm. I don't remember any of Tharja's supports being that bad.
Fun fact: Faye's supports with Alm lower her evasion, starting at -5 for C and ending at -15 for A.
This is the only support in the game that lowers a stat.