Darn. Is atk ploy 1 worth it to go through the tempest trial a thousand times? I don't even have any of the bonus heroes![]()
I mean, if you get to 6000 you can just use Clive anyway.
Darn. Is atk ploy 1 worth it to go through the tempest trial a thousand times? I don't even have any of the bonus heroes![]()
My Alm isn't level 40 so I just took him into one of the easier TT levels with a healer. Didn't even really need the healing as he destroyed everything. Gained 3 levels and a lot of SP.
You can 100% AFK this Tempest with the right team comp:
This is me doing it with auto-battle, no input.
Do note this requires S+++ super tier only units such as this gem:
Haha I hear ya on Celica.
Where do I find continuous auto battle? I know where to turn the normal one on. I'm being dense.
Nah, you're not being dense, since it's a bit counterintuitive. It's a few extra options in the game settings menu, and not part of the normal battle menu where you turn on autobattle.Haha I hear ya on Celica.
Where do I find continuous auto battle? I know where to turn the normal one on. I'm being dense.
Wait, what buffs?
FEH TT <?> said:Bonus Character Stat Boost:
When bonus characters are used within Tempest Trials, they'll be granted HP+10 and ATK/SPD/DEF/RES+4.
30 seems to be the sweet spot for auto battle. The AI is pretty dumb though. I just saw it have Julia tank an Alm for literally no reason and die. It seems like it always wants to advance on the enemy no matter what.
30 seems to be the sweet spot for auto battle. The AI is pretty dumb though. I just saw it have Julia tank an Alm for literally no reason and die. It seems like it always wants to advance on the enemy no matter what.
I also find myself at a loss of what to spend my 50k feathers on. It seems like a waste to use them to 5* feeder units for some level 3 skills, bur that might be the most bang for my buck at this point.
I don't know what heroes you have but with assault modes it might be more useful to promote 4*s than to promote only for level 3 versions of skills - unless your core arena team is struggling to stay in tier 20 and you need the score boost.
That's Twilight of the Gods, Gaiden/SoV's end game map theme. It is very fitting hereSonya being the end boss isn't thoughand it is great BGM in itself of course. Enjoy.
I'm leveling up Celica as I'm playing the tempest and she doesn't have any skills on other than ones that she came with. The default 5 turn special seems not too bad actually.
Is it because I'm in tempest mode where she'll have tons of turn to play? I need to start equip her although I have little idea for her.
Medic M Marth is working out well enough that I replaced Ike with him for the tempest team, haha.
They're freaking out over Defense Ploy.Why is Est in the S-tier on the feheroes gamepedia wiki? Seems to be a discrepancy between that and her rating on the gamepress list.
Why is Est in the S-tier on the feheroes gamepedia wiki? Seems to be a discrepancy between that and her rating on the gamepress list.
I feel like this is kind of funny to observe: someone spending 1200 F2P orbs on Hero Fest and Summer banners.
Thanks for the heads up. Saw his announcement on reddit, almost missed it. It is interesting to see, even if just for research purposes. lol
Also, record of this "experiment".
Yeah, isn't the next week, we get new bonus heroes? Clive will be only new, if so?I know there is a million banners right now, but I hope some new characters are on the way soon.
It'll be weird having an arena season with no one new to feature.
Why is Est in the S-tier on the feheroes gamepedia wiki? Seems to be a discrepancy between that and her rating on the gamepress list.
You will worship your new Def Ploy meta.
Def Ploy with Est's high Res + Brave Lance with her high attack + flier buffs make her really strong. Of course that's stupidly expensive to build, currently requires Summer Gaius, and I don't know how practical Def Ploy is in reality, but that's the theory I believe.
So what's the tempest reward Hardy Bearing going to be useful for?
Clive is basically Berkut.
What color is Valter gonna be again?
If he's not Red, which Red Flier is best.