Who cares about Summer Corrin? I just pulled a 3* +Atk/-HP Est.
Who cares about Summer Corrin? I just pulled a 3* +Atk/-HP Est.
+ATK is great for Summer Xander. You can easily fix -HP with a Seal.SS banner, yes!
No blues again and summer Xander popped out of a green, boo!
Got about 2 weeks to try again...
Edit: And he's minus -HP,+Att which is like anti-his moveset, but oh well
Seth was a decent Abel-type and is probably the only character I'm interested in on this banner, despite his mediocre skills and slightly flat art.
Amelia is a mistake.
Edit: Just pulled a 5* Boey. Is Gronnowl+ or Earth Boost the better skill to feed generally?
Happy to see Seth on the SS banner. His art is a bit meh, but it's not bad. Not too interested in the other three.
Gerik, Duessel, Cormag. Those are who I want.
+ATK is great for Summer Xander. You can easily fix -HP with a Seal.
Seth was a decent Abel-type and is probably the only character I'm interested in on this banner, despite his mediocre skills and slightly flat art.
Amelia is a mistake.
Edit: Just pulled a 5* Boey. Is Gronnowl+ or Earth Boost the better skill to feed generally?
Everyone's eyes are on Armor March, but Guidance seems quite good as well for armor units...
Everyone's eyes are on Armor March, but Guidance seems quite good as well for armor units...
Seth was a decent Abel-type and is probably the only character I'm interested in on this banner, despite his mediocre skills and slightly flat art.
Amelia is a mistake.
Edit: Just pulled a 5* Boey. Is Gronnowl+ or Earth Boost the better skill to feed generally?
Yea I'm not *that* salty outside of getting him over Elise or FCorrin but like i said, got two weeks to try again.
I'd say it's likely there will be more story chapters next week too, I've got a sinking feeling that they'd drop the Sacred Stones banner in my most orb-starved time.
Grats! If that's your first one level up this little devil right now, my team of Celica + Delthea + Nino is making this TT look like a joke!No pity bonus after getting Celica yesterday but I decide to keep rolling the Tempest banner. Was hoping for a long shot Delthea but figuring I'd get a bunch of Est's and maybe a 4 star Reinhardt if I was lucky
On the first blue orb!
Rolled with +Spd/-HP. This is the first time I've ever been lucky on the IVs for a 5 star unit. Wow guys
I'd say this is not that bad, my Camilla now specializes as a cheap mage killer with her high res and great mobility... you will still double them with her default weapon.Camilla (-atk, +res, hahaha)
Went to pull off the Tempest banner again and got another Celica.
Existing model is HP+, Spe-. This one's Def+, Spe-. Who wants Distant Defense?
Thank you 5.6 % pity rate...didn't expect this to happen. Just gotta check the IVs now..hoping they aren't garbage.
Edit: Ike is +DEF -ATK so that's pretty much useless, anyone have any suggestions for him? Julia ended up being a good one. Neutral ATK + SPD - RES
Ike's still usable, I wouldn't bring him fulltime but even -atk he'd one shot most of the troublesome arena mages. Good for arena assault. If you don't need him at all, you can do some fun stuff with Heavy Blade on high attack -1 special count characters like Eldigan, Minerva etc. He's also an essential part of my Tempest Trial autobattle team as Aether keeps him going through the AI's suicidal tendencies.
I'm at 6% and I'll have 20 tonight after the arena payout, if I get Julia I plan to pull all 5 orbs in case I get lucky. Although so far in my experience the pity rate has worked backwards, the times I got multi-5* were at the base percentage. And I've hit some really insane apperance rate% in the past.