Eirika is probably the worst lord ever guys
So, are you guys sacrificing 5* chars for this inheritance thing then?
I see.I did promote Odin to 5* only to give Linde Blarblade+ and Moonbow. Expensive but I say it was worth it.
haha, what 5* characters?
An "early bird" version of the battle will be up at 20:15-21:00 tomorrow, in conjuration with FEH live event. During the event you can get 3* and 4* Michalis, just like the official release thats due to happen on 03/24.
Prepare yourselves guys/gals and don't miss out the chance to grab 2 more michalis for skill inheritance to send home!
It's 4h15m after next daily reset and assuming you spend nil stamina since reset (ie. didnt try to claim the tower reward), you'll recover 51 stamina between reset->early bird assault.
Also: If 50k people managed to beat it during the early bird period (which last for only 45 minutes), 5k feathers(ehm, not 5k features. but illegal tiki can dream) will be hand out to everyone. If 5k people managed to beat the hard version (ie. 4star) during the early bird period, 5 orbs will be hand out to everyone.
Countdown timer for those who are unsure of what time it starts and/or get excited with anticipation from countdowns: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdo...1&msg=Michalis+Grand+Hero+Battle+(Early+Bird) Event starts when the countdown is at 0, and ends when it's at -45 minutes. Good luck everyone!
So, are you guys sacrificing 5* chars for this inheritance thing then?
What's the optimal way to farm SP? How low beneath level 40 can a level 40 kill a unit and get SP?
I made a team to goof around with a -blade tome and cavalry buffs, then ended up clearing the deathless 10th stratum x15 orb quest with them. Ursula did most of the heavy lifting but the others leveled from 36 to 40 in the process.
Gunter can't kill anything for shit because he obviously doesn't get his own +6/+6 attack buff, so he's been harder to level. Also I swapped in Stahl for Eliwood when I did some arena for fun, and he is far more useful since he can definitely kill greens when buffed. The fun thing is arena still puts me up against level 40 5* units including Takumi and Lucina.
If I were to try and make this an actual team, Draw Back on one of the support units for Ursula would be a must.
Next up is flying units I suppose...I don't see how this is gonna be doable outside of resetting the tower until I see a 3-unit squad with a healer.
oh, this is what I've been looking for. Answered a few of my burning questions. Seems like Triangle Adept 2 is fine on Robin so I shouldn't worry too much about lacking a Roy. Since I run a lot of buffs he'll still take out Takumi in one hit and take 0-1 damage at most. Kagero and Klein, even Niles would go down too.
I tried some Nino vs Hector and it looks like if I got ALL buffs and spur atk on my +atk Nino she could actually one shot him. If spur atk was missing, she'd still be able to kill him as long as she had +def. If that was missing she'd die.
So there's an event in about 18 hours that would potentially allow you to grab an extra copy of 3* and 4* Michalis, as well as 5k feathers and 5 orbs if 50k players finish the event on the normal and hard maps respectively. The event only lasts for 45 minutes.
Is there anyone that can damage themselves on turn 1 somehow?
My Linde has Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Savage Blow 3, Blarblade, and Moonbow. If she heals someone with Ardent Sacrifice that puts her in Desperation range and can basically one turn anyone in the game.
Pick one
Ideally this ends with your unit killing the other guy or blocking them off so Linde and walk up and use Ardent Sacrifice safely.
- Tank a hit
- Proc Fury
- Level up in battle and pray that it's +1 to HP
I did promote Odin to 5* only to give Linde Blarblade+ and Moonbow. Expensive but I say it was worth it.
There are only two Blarblades.When you pass on weapons you don't have to pass on the antecedents first? Thought you can only do three transfers at a time.
There are only two Blarblades.
So, are you guys sacrificing 5* chars for this inheritance thing then?
As of March 13, we are now able to go sacrifice our formerly useless characters and use their dead remains to feed any other hero of YOUR CHOOSING.
How it works is through Skill Inheritance option, where you can sacrifice a unit into another and let them inherit up to 3 SKILLS that are learnable and passable at their respective star rank.
As such, some skills will be locked out and unable to pass down because they are only available to 5 star characters.
Some skills are also nonpassable, such as unique weapons, class specific skills and weapons (red/blue/green), and type specific skills, (Ward Fighter).
Dragon skills are all interchangeable.
So who should I be sacrificing to whom? I have two 5*s, both of which are level 40 now (one is Tharja, one is Minerva).
Sophia or Raigh are worse I'd sayIs Rebecca the worst god damn character in the game? *stares at worthless 5 star pull*
Disgusting.I am willing to sacrifice my 5* Sheena if the right opportunity came along, like a Hector or something.
Am also considering sacrificing my 5* Raven to give Sol to my Ninian.
The setup I'm considering looks like this:
Weapon: Light Breath+
Assist: Dance
Special: Sol
A: Fury 3
B: Escape Route 3
C: Fortify Def 2 / Fortify Dragons
Fury helps her overall stats and helps trigger mobility via Escape Route 3, allowing her to warp to any unit and dance them. Sol has a long trigger which is my main concern, but by the time it does trigger she can probably use the healing.
Yeah. I wish they would increase the limit.Friend limit is so dumb.
The game asks you to add friend at almost every opportunity.
Is Rebecca the worst god damn character in the game? *stares at worthless 5 star pull*
5* Minerva is highly prized for her Life and Death 3, one of the best skills you can give an offensive hero.
Whether Tharja is good enough to deserve that inheritance is up to you.
5* Minerva is highly prized for her Life and Death 3, one of the best skills you can give an offensive hero.
Whether Tharja is good enough to deserve that inheritance is up to you.
after you beat the game, what's the motivation for getting better and strong characters?
Oh, so it has to be characters of the same star level? I can't grab some random 3* or 4* character with a useful skill and inherit that?
Oh, so it has to be characters of the same star level? I can't grab some random 3* or 4* character with a useful skill and inherit that?
I'm torn between Darting Blow and Fury on Nino.Skill inheritance is awesome and makes the game a lot more versatile. Really glad they implemented it. Gave Olwen some cheap skills like darting blow 3 and desperation 3 and ice berg, probably replace that later. Just fed seliph to lucina for rallying speed and gave her vantage 3,thanks lon qu, in case nino or olwen need a speed buff, olivia already buffs attack. Darting blow 3 and moonbow on nino for them speeds. Man nino had like 1400 sp lol, she is definitely awesome. Gave olivia hp+4 and dragback from donel. Just gonna keep it at that until I find more optimal skills.
I'm torn between Darting Blow and Fury on Nino.
Leaning towards Fury.
Really wish I had Death Blow since my Nino is already +Speed and getting more from Eirika.
Also planning to give her Desperation from Shanna.
Here's my Nino plan penciled in:
Weapon: Gronnblade+
Assist: Draw Back
Special: Moonbow
A: Fury 3
B: Desperation 3
C: Hone Attack 3
I already have everything I need to execute these plans, except a modest amount of feathers which will come in time. Some 3* fodder needs to become 4* fodder.
Yeah mine is +atk so I chose more speed, but if +spd I would chose Fury/Death Blow for sure.