Zelda on the other hand is praised by many for weapon breaking :v)
Has someone already got a crystal weapon ? U don't know how they've been called in English, playing the game in German.
You can see them in the collection book.
Who is everyone choosing as their hero? I mean, if you got the $60 dollar one or got one in a drop.
I feel like the Ramirez would be my best bet because of shooty-shooty bang bang stuff but I like Penny's Rosie the Riveter art more. Have checked out any of her skills yet but I'm afraid of leveling one up over the other.
When you evolve them do they gain a new outfit or something? Also, if I retire a hero I guess that means I can't use them anymore right?
It seems I've reached a roadblock.
I'm on a mission that requires me to kill a mimic. Does it count if anyone in the party kills the mimic while in a game or does it have to be me that lands the final blow?
In 20+ hours of game play I've only ever come across one. :-(
Edit: I also seem to keep getting matched up with people under level 10 in the level 19 zone. I'm slightly under at 18, but the games are difficult.
I see thanks for taking the time to reply.It is not a code it's a message that when you accept it puts the game in your library as far as I know. But not 100% but if it's like Paragon there was no code.
Anyone in your party can kill the mimic (or harvest a fire engine and so on.)
It should be pretty easy to find. The game puts it into the mission for you, and then you just have to find the survivor who's afraid of it.
I was hoping you guys could answer some questions before i jump in?
1. How is solo play?
2. Can you reduce some of the clutter on the HUD?
3. How F2P grindy is it?
4. How fun and engaging is it? I mean is it likely you'll be playing from now until release?
5. Can you do two player co-op only or are you forced to take a full group?
6. How does the combat feel, is it varied and enjoyable?
Ahh ohh hoo rekt'emZelda on the other hand is praised by many for weapon breaking :v)
?I haven't played the new Zelda so I really can't comment. But in a loot game with weapon rarity I never find it acceptable, in general, unless it is a rare event when it does happen, or there is some easy way to restore a weapons durability.
Neither is the case in this game, and it is worse off for it.
I was hoping you guys could answer some questions before i jump in?
1. How is solo play?
2. Can you reduce some of the clutter on the HUD?
3. How F2P grindy is it?
4. How fun and engaging is it? I mean is it likely you'll be playing from now until release?
5. Can you do two player co-op only or are you forced to take a full group?
6. How does the combat feel, is it varied and enjoyable?
1. Solo play is pretty good, but I'd always suggest playing with randoms.
2. No.
3. Very grindy. But you can unlock enough without paying anything to be more than relevant.
4. Very fun, and yes, I will still probably play all the way to release if support is good.
5. Yes. You can set up a 'friends only' game, but once again I would suggest the two of you join with randoms.
6. Combat is good. The guns feel beefy and husks respond well to shots from powerful weapons.
1. Fun, but really tough when you get further in. If you want a challenge, solo will provide.
2. Dont think so unfortunately. I havent seen any HUD customisation.
3. Not bad actually. Early game you earn a lot of stuff naturally so youll have a constant stream of new heroes, traps, weapons etc. to try out and the game has so far been pretty generous with the in game currency.
4. Its a lot of fun, as long as they dont ruin it somehow I could see me playing this for a long time.
5. Pretty sure you can do 1,2,3 or 4.
6. Feels solid. Lots of different weapon classes with different gameplay and stats, plus melee which is much more fun than I expected.
Thinking about getting this. Is the 60 dollar retail version worth it or should I just go for the base digital version?
Looks like they are going to have to do some tweaking, a lot of people aren't understanding the value of survivors improving your power and on top of that according to a redditor who spent about $600 on llamas a majority were survivors and only 2% heroes, I don't particularly understand why its THAT low for heroes.
Unless there are hero llamas that they want people to rush back to the game to buy llamas for that chance is way to low to spend coins on. I'm not spending a dime until a hero llama pops up or the up the percentage of hero drops at least to about 25%
Looks like they are going to have to do some tweaking, a lot of people aren't understanding the value of survivors improving your power and on top of that according to a redditor who spent about $600 on llamas a majority were survivors and only 2% heroes, I don't particularly understand why its THAT low for heroes.
Unless there are hero llamas that they want people to rush back to the game to buy llamas for that chance is way to low to spend coins on. I'm not spending a dime until a hero llama pops up or the up the percentage of hero drops at least to about 25%
Ugh. Did the servers just crap the bed again? :/
I'm not working today. I planed to sit on my ass all day and play too much Fortnite.
Amazon Web Services experienced an outage and players were kicked from Fortnite. Servers have recovered. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Wait, I'm watching the Giant Bomb Unfinished, and it sounds like they confirmed that PC/PS4 cross-platform play was actually a thing? I thought it was just progression transfer.
I read that a PC player can join a PS4 player if said PS4 player is on their Epic Games friends list and has linked their epic and playstation accounts.
Yeah, PC players on the Epic Games list can invite PS4 and Xbone gamers. I'm highly curious if they can invite one of each to the same game, because that would be a first.
Whaaaaaaat. That's awesome!
The OP needs to be updated then.
I'd prefer to play this on PC but I'd also like the option to maybe play it on coop with my wife on 2 PS4's in the same house.
Whats the best option for purchasing it?
Buy the $80 version on PS4 to get 2 copies of the game. Does the `get the PC version from the PS4 version` work today or is this coming later?
Does the buy it once on PC, get a free PS4 code work today? And can this be shared on 2 PS4's (with other ps4 as primary with the account of the person who made the purchase)
I'd prefer to play this on PC but I'd also like the option to maybe play it on coop with my wife on 2 PS4's in the same house.
Whats the best option for purchasing it?
Buy the $80 version on PS4 to get 2 copies of the game. Does the `get the PC version from the PS4 version` work today or is this coming later?
Does the buy it once on PC, get a free PS4 code work today? And can this be shared on 2 PS4's (with other ps4 as primary with the account of the person who made the purchase)
really epic?
How do we get/use better walls? I think I only have wood but I've seen people using stone and metal walls.
How do we get/use better walls? I think I only have wood but I've seen people using stone and metal walls.
There were people llamas in the alpha which guaranteed you a certain rarity hero. I imagine that's still a thing. yesterday it was weapons and it changes every 24? Hours.
Hope so, just read on reddit that a another poster spent 1500 bucks and got one mythic hero out of it. Funnily enough it was the one I wanted. Game working as intended lol. No way in hell I'm spending coins in non specific llamas.
What time do llamas rotate during the day?
WHY. or do you mean v-buck he got from playing the game. not actual money LOL
I can't find copper ore at all anymore. I haven't gotten any in the last 6 missions. I have scoured every cave in every map in those missions and all they have is fucking quartz. I'm officially out of weapons because I can't craft anything and I don't get weapons either really.