Ok I've come to the conclusion there's one part of the game I really don't like. Storm Shield defence and the general homebase. However you join or be joined, it's a bit hidden at best considering how infrequent it is to get help without explicitly asking for it in global. It's also way too much work for such little pay off since you can sink an incredible amount of mats on just building the most basic of bases to a decent standard. When you start adding in traps and upgrades, defenders, guns and ammo it just becomes a massive resource sink for....basically nothing?
I get that they use it as a barometer of progress but it just doesn't feel good to play IMO. You end up running it solo most of the time which can be virtually impossible at the higher level missions, having stacks of 1k resources into the most basic building without even counting traps and funnelling points can easily just end in pretty much all of that getting trashed over a few minute survival wave that feels intended for 4 players, not one.
It's a huge contrast to the main game where you can easily harvest the mats and build a great fort in minutes as a team with change to spare and serves as little more than a chore to continue progressing. The entire homebase being static outside of this renders it pretty pointless overall and I'd personally much prefer all these menus to be built into the homebase as objects to construct rather than the cumbersome UI of the main menu which removes any reward in building a base since I've no reason to ever be there.