Tenden said:
So how do you feel about the title "Ghostbusters: The Video Game"?
Is it too arrogant? Should it have been "A Video Game"?
This argument is ridiculous...
Not as ridiculous as the one you're making here.
Obviously, Ghostbusters: The Video Game is making the distinction between itself and say, the movie. There's nothing confusing about it. I'm surprised you even bring this up as an argument frankly.
"The Real Driving Simulator" is obviously going to be interpreted by most gamers one way. Again, I'm tired of repeating it, but this will be my last time to make the point, knowing what I just said, that PD or any logical person would (or could) understand it as such, knowingly put it on the box and allowed it to be. At the very least, one could say that they would AT LEAST know that some people would take it that way... so why not just be clear? Why not just say 'A real driving simulator' and not leave anything to be misunderstood? Somebody in the PR dept would surely understand this, therefore like I said, they put exactly what they wanted on the box.
I find it funny, that before in the thread and later, both times, when the subject was brought up, the posters either knowingly or unknowingly left the word "The" off entirely. Even putting it in quotes. And now, later even, people are saying I understood it as "Real Driving Simulator" and not as "The Real Driving Simulator" when in fact, the latter is exactly what is ON the box. If you can't find that the least bit funny, I don't know what is.
Anyhow, I've had enough. I give. If it needs arguing further, count me out. Neither GT4's tagline nor FM3's "definitive" ever bothered me that much in the first place. I was just trying to point out the irony of the whole "definitive" argument that so many GT fans were obsessing about.