SmokyDave said:
Forza will suffer from no more or less piracy than any other 360 title. It's obviously negligible or more devs would shift to the PS3.
Wii and 360 pirated games sell for less than five dollars here (Brazil). I would have thought piracy was a widespread problem this gen also, but people on the message boards haven't really said anything about this subject. The 360 doesn't even need a modchip like the PS2, here it's like PC's 100% bootlegged, which is a shame.
Only reason we are yet to see pirated copies of PS3 games is because of the price of the bluray disk. It doesn't have anything to do with the protection system, or at least that's what the "evil hackers" told me here.
Btw, Forza 3 is already avaliable for the pirates. (have no ideia how they've done that).
I just saw the Inside Sim Racing review of Forza 3. To me the biggest thing about this gen is that the elitist PC crowd will finally have to accept that there are sims on consoles that are just as good, and sometimes better, then what's avaliable on computers.
I thought some of the scores were a bit inflated, like damage and graphics. Then in other hand multiplayer got only 3/5 which is too harsh considering the game's features.
Damage shouldn't got more then 3.5 out of 5, because after all, it's still videogame damage. It's just too soft like they said. It allows you to wreck too much before facing consequences.
On a final note about the review, if they gave 9.25 on the graphics, then what will they give it to GT5?
15 out of 10?
As much as the PC crowd tries to dismiss, Forza and GT offer so much more content on their games that they can only be compared with each other. To me, the huge amount of content is what separates Forza/GT from the other "good in one aspect but low on content" PC sims.
There's no way GT5 is topping the average reviews Forza is getting. I have a feeling that because of the delays, and the fact that GT is regarded by some as a benchmark franchise, it will make the media be too harsh on the game. I will be shocked if GT5 can top GT4 on gamerankings, just by analysing how the press is seeing the game so far.