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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


Vast Inspiration said:
If ANYONE in this thread was interested in an apples to apples comparison, they wouldn't be comparing a game thats been in development for 2 years to a game thats been in development for 5 with a hugely inflated budget simply because its the one series Sony has that is a guaranteed sales hit.

But they'll both cost $60, right?

Doc Evils

Vast Inspiration said:
HOLY SHIT! Dude, what is wrong with you? Try and read your last post and my response a couple of times.

I AM THE ONE thats saying that you should stick to the discussion of quality and reviews. YOU are the one that brought up sales. My lord, and then you turn around and try to sound like I'm the one talking about judging games based on sales. I don't know if you're dense or if this is some deflected troll.

I'll explain this very clearly and easily for you...

Somebody brought up a comparison between MW2 and Resistance 2. This was NOT a sales based comparison, but a quality/review based one.

YOU then turned that comparison in to a sales based one and equated Gran Turismo to MW2 because of the high sales. Thats why I was mocking you.

Notice how in that back and forth, YOU are the only one to bring up sales. Doc Evils was trying to troll Forza 3 by equating it to Resistance 2 and equating MW2 to GT5. The flaw in that argument is that if anything, the last few installments of Forza (COD) have been reviewed better than GT (Resistane), making the comparison stupid. Thats why it made sense that Omar Ismail was questioning which game MW2 was being equated with.

But again, YOU came and brought up sales and thats why I laughed at you. At no point in my post did I even remotely hint about equating sales to quality. You talk about facts and bringing up "the truth" is laughable since that only you brought up sales when they were completely off topic to what you were responding to. You're the one trying to make some sort of comment about Forza by bringing up sales of other racing titles. Your rambling about my post are so off base, and they make you sound insane.

The problem here is that GT5 will be have more content, its going to have more features and it is going to have motorsport licenses that car lovers will enjoy.

GT5 will be the Modern Warfare 2, because of the amount of polish and recognition GT has.

That's 2 words Forza doesn't have.
D'ultimate said:
You're giving reviewers too much credit. We shall see.
True say. Many of them will be swayed by pretty graphics and back of the box bullet points.
Doc Evils said:
The problem here is that GT5 will be have more content, its going to have more features and it is going to have motorsport licenses that car lovers will enjoy.

GT5 will be the Modern Warfare 2, because of the amount of polish and recognition GT has.

That's 2 words Forza doesn't have.
:lol :lol :lol
So by polish and recognition, what you actually mean are graphics and sales. :lol

Cars lovers enjoy the most realistic driving model, they enjoy AI that isn't brain dead, they enjoy a balanced and rewarding career mode. The enjoy the massive customization and personalization of their vehicles and the ability to play and share items and content with the community.

And the funny thing is that Forza's polish isn't skin deep, its only hailed as the best racing sim because of the amount of polish that exists in every mode of that game. I won't say that GT5 can't accomplish what Forza 3 has accomplished, I'm just weary of PD's design philosophies.

Each Forza has proven that its a better "sim", then all previous GTs. Now its GT5's turn to prove the same for all the previous Forzas.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Doc Evils said:
The problem here is that GT5 will be have more content, its going to have more features and it is going to have motorsport licenses that car lovers will enjoy.

GT5 will be the Modern Warfare 2, because of the amount of polish and recognition GT has.

That's 2 words Forza doesn't have.

I'd say Forza is pretty polished..

Assuming that was one of the 2 words.
user_nat said:
I'd say Forza is pretty polished..

Assuming that was one of the 2 words.
And the funny thing is that every reviewer and any legitimate fan of sim racers completely recognizes the Forza series.

Like I said, he says polish and recognition, be what he actually means are graphics and sales. The last defenses of GT fans.
Melfice7 said:
easier isn't better, at least to me
Considering the fact that you only have a PS3 and you've contributed to this thread with youtube videos of Forza's Demo's flaws...I doubt you have any idea you know what you're talking about.


Vast Inspiration said:
Like I said, he says polish and recognition, be what he actually means are graphics and sales. The last defenses of GT fans.

It's too bad they don't have the "two year" defense.


yeah because i cant possible play the game without a 360 at home

are you denying the game doesn't have easier handling than even prologue?

and btw it was ONE video with a funny glitch why so serious?


Doc Evils said:
The problem here is that GT5 will be have more content, its going to have more features and it is going to have motorsport licenses that car lovers will enjoy.

GT5 will be the Modern Warfare 2, because of the amount of polish and recognition GT has.

That's 2 words Forza doesn't have.

Forza has no polish now :lol And by features and licences you meant Porsches, rock solid online and livery editor amirite ?

Oh wait :lol

Jeez, you're not even able to talk about GT5 features because PD doesn't seem to know them... you guys need to check some odd websites interviews/rumors to learn anything about the game.

This thread has been pretty much quiet since Forza 3 has been recognized as the new reference of sim racers by both reviews and gamers, but now it seems than some people are really tired of the long wait until GT5 so they need so self convince themselves in this thread, that's quite funny actually.

Melfice7 said:
easier isn't better, at least to me

How could it be easier with an AI that shits on GT games AI ? With a deeper driving gameplay ?


mujun said:
After playing a couple of hours of Forza 3 I wonder how the hell people in this thread were trying to argue that it looks only slightly better than Forza 2.

Because it does only look slightly better, which means it looks highly disappointing for all the talk Turn10 did the past couple of months.

Going back to play GT5:p after Forza 3 is like a night and day, generational difference. The lighting model in Forza 3 is vastly inferior in comparison, while GT5 looks far more realistic and immersive, particularly in cockpit view.

Frankly, I don't really give a shit whether or not GT5 reviews better. I've played both. I don't give a crap about some silly paint editor. If you want to take hours making your car look like master chief, be my guest. However, I do care about how it looks. I do care about the online features. I do care about the number of cars, tracks, weather, and damage. And it seems to me like GT5 is focusing on areas that genuinely matter to me.


AnIco said:
Going back to play GT5:p after Forza 3 is like a night and day, generational difference. The lighting model in Forza 3 is vastly inferior in comparison, while GT5 looks far more realistic and immersive, particularly in cockpit view.

Everything in Forza 3 looks better than in GT5P except for cockpit views. And I'm not even talking about sound design, AI, because you know, that matters too if we talk about the technical aspect of both games.

Melfice7 said:
im talking about handling, the AI in GT is mostly brain dead

And the handling is supposed to be easy in Forza 3 ? Are you playing it with all assist on ? Are you even playing it ?
Omar Ismail said:
Now that F3 has come out and we have the reviews and everything. I have a question for gt fans. Do you think it will review better or worse than F3?
Doc Evils said:
That's like asking if Modern Warfare 2 will review better than Resistance 2.
Omar Ismail said:
I don't even know what you're implying here. Is GT or Forza supposed to be the equivalent of MW2?
CrushDance said:
Lets see.

NFS 100mil+
Mario Kart 46mil+
Gran Turismo 50mil+(3.9 million for the "demo")
Forza is a good series but it's nowhere close to those three in terms of reception.
Vast Inspiration said:
Its so amusing to see the GT fans being so defensive. Its like theres no possible way for a newcomer racing game :)lol its already on its 3rd iteration) can't possibly take the crown away from the precious pioneer. I mean, these guys didn't acknowledge Forza because PS2 was so easily destroying the Xbox and GT fans could just ignore the better reviewing game and take about sales if need be.

Then Forza 2 comes out and they can make fun of the graphics and ignore it since theres no mainline GT equivalent on the PS3.

Now, Forza 3 has come out, its perfected everything
Turn 10 has been doing for the past 5 years, and it widely being hailed as the best console racing sim. And now that the GT equivalent is going to come out in a few months they're getting more and more defensive again. Whats pathetic is that if all else fails, and even the graphics aren't enough to sway the scores, then they'll just point to sales. Okay sure, theres no doubt that GT5 will sell more, but how much will those fans die inside if it doesn't score as well as Forza 3?
Please tell me "fanboys" you were posting about in you first reply. Before you edited with this:

In a discussion about quality and REVIEWS, what possibly made you think that mentioning MW2 was a refrence to sales?

Even the original guy who brought it up used it to troll Forza, but not with sales numbers, but because MW2 will definitely score higher than Resistance 2.

Too bad that GT4, GT HD, GT PSP, GT Prologue have all failed to score even remotely in the 90s. Keep hanging on GT fans, grasp those straws!
Really? MW is well known for its quality and not its sales? Gotcha. Forza has achieved mostly 9/10's, top tier scores and is sitting at a 92. It is not a troll to state that GT5 can score higher. The reason sales were brought up was because everyone conveniently forgot that there are tons of great games that do not have become mega sellers. A fact that was brought up many times in the past to the games I listed
CrushDance said:
So then. KZ2, U2, LBP, U1 etc
That was what I said. You are the one who went flying off the handle and started talking about fanboys, defensiveness and how GT5 is some kind of teddy bear. Please explain how saying that Forza does not have the same level of success as NFS, GT and MarioKart equal a troll. The PS3 exclusives I brought up illustrated that exact point that you've been ignoring. No matter how great a game does in scores, it does not make it "the best". That is what sales reflect, there are games that sell tons and are and yet are still considered inferior to those in the same category which sell less.

You are arguing as if you think GT5 will score lower than F3. Lets say the score the exact same then, how else would you compare the two? You're making this into something that it's not. many gaffers considered KZ2 for example to be a failure as it only got past 1million copies, yet it scored great. Do you not see the resemblance to this situation? Nobody knows how far F3 will go on to sell. But to argue that it will surpass GT5 when Prologue sold 3mil is wrong.

Vast Inspiration said:
HOLY SHIT! Dude, what is wrong with you? Try and read your last post and my response a couple of times.

I AM THE ONE thats saying that you should stick to the discussion of quality and reviews. YOU are the one that brought up sales. My lord, and then you turn around and try to sound like I'm the one talking about judging games based on sales. I don't know if you're dense or if this is some deflected troll.

I'll explain this very clearly and easily for you...

Somebody brought up a comparison between MW2 and Resistance 2. This was NOT a sales based comparison, but a quality/review based one.

YOU then turned that comparison in to a sales based one and equated Gran Turismo to MW2 because of the high sales. Thats why I was mocking you.
I'll repeat it again. When all else is the same, what is there left to compare? You seem angry about the fact that GT is a bigger series than Forza. Why aren't you arguing the same for NFS or Mario kart? Obviously I'm trolling those as well, even though NFS is far bigger than GT.

I'm saying that there's no point sticking to this review/quality standard because as explained time and time again in various NPD threads on Gaf, sales are the final decider for these games. What is a trollish about that? GT5 will more than likely score at least on par with F3. So are we just going to ignore all the PS3 exclusives that "bombed" then in relation to Halo? MW? WiiFit? SMG? If this argument was so valid back when all those games released and Quantity>Quality. Why can't it be used now?

Vast Inspiration said:
So you admit that I only spoke of reviews and you brought up sales...so then why the hell were you trying to frame it as if I am equating sales to quality? So you so full of shit.
You specificalyl accussed me of implying that sales = quality by bringing up the whole Killzone/Uncharted/LBP argument. So save your breath, you can't wiggle out of your bullshit.

And at least you admit that you brough up sales as your answer, confirming my original hypothesis that GT fans only have sales to fall back on.

If ANYONE in this thread was interested in an apples to apples comparison, they wouldn't be comparing a game thats been in development for 2 years to a game thats been in development for 5 with a hugely inflated budget simply because its the one series Sony has that is a guaranteed sales hit.
And you'd think that since Polyphony made all of those titles I mentioned, that they would at least be in the same ballpark in terms of quality. And if you make the argument that only a small number of people are handling those side projects, then that only reinforces my point that GT5 has been in development for far too long with an icnredibly amount of resources put into it.

Exacty. What good are more cars (10 variations of the same type) and better graphics, when you're not having fun? The single player structure definitely needs to improve in GT. It was crazy that they actually thought they could get away with removing the career in the PSP version. PD has demonstrated some really poor design philosophies in their past few games. On top of that, the online racing and customization of races will be an important factor. And to top it off, a sim racer needs to have a great reward structure and the ability to really personalize your cars, something that Forza excels in again.

So, I have no doubt that GT will have lots of bullet points, but the jury is still out on whether they can deliver a solid career structure with lots of online options, and car customization that can beat Forza. And this isn't even taking into account the actual driving model.

Once again you're bringing your emotions into this. I never said YOU said those words did I? You'd have to be blind to not see this argument used before on Gaf. And why else wouldn't sales be the final answer? What else are you going to compare? Do you honestly think GT5 will score lower than F3?

And I'm the troll. You're the one attacking PD and praising Forza. nobody else has talked smack about either game apart from you. Being insulted over the FACT that GT will outsell F3 is what brought this up. GT can't compare to F3 to you, we get it. But don't try and act like you're a saint when you use such choice wording.

Vast Inspiration said:
Oh please, after the bullshit troll, the accusatory rambling, and subsequent back peddling you displayed on this very page, you really shouldn't be talking.

Let me demolish you once again.

You clearly accuse me of equating sales to quality.

And then you back peddle and outright LIE and say that you were only trying to say that quality does not lead to sales. You are so full of shit. You got called out for it. Now give it a rest.

And this isn't even taking into account your terrible troll of trying to demean Forza by saying its not comparable to the "big three" because of sales. You're laughable.
Sounds like you. I was talking about sales. Do you still not understand? Did I say it was not comparable as a game or in sales? Go back up and tell me please. You're the one ignoring the elephant in the room and falling back on how it's a good game, did ANYONE disagree with that? No. Yet you're getting hyper defensive and projecting the idea that people are trolling.

Vast Inspiration said:
No need. I could not make your outright lies and hypocrisy any clearer, even to a 5 year old.
You already tried to back peddle, nothing more will help.
Fail. I was actually in some great matches and have people to prove that for me, no need though. I could post all your BS about GT, PS and more but I won't. I wasn't trolling and never slammed Forza in any way, you're the one attacking GT and spinning.


Keikoku said:
Everything in Forza 3 looks better than in GT5P except for cockpit views. And I'm not even talking about sound design, AI, because you know, that matters too if we talk about the technical aspect of both games.

And the handling is supposed to be easy in Forza 3 ? Are you playing it with all assist on ? Are you even playing it ?

Nope. Everything in Forza 3 looks worse, I can't mention a single graphical feature that looks better in Forza.

The cars have a plasticky look to them with lower polygon counts.

The environments, outside of the demo, look completely sterile with unimpressive lighting. The mountain track in the demo itself looks very cartoony and not realistic.

The resolution in Forza 3 is lower.

The lighting and reflection mapping on the cars looks horrible in forza, and the shadowing (particularly in cockpit view) looks very, very poor.

Again, one of the reasons why I don't support for the Forza franchise is because it lacks polish in many key areas and decides to focus on areas like the livery that really don't matter.

If I'm going to drop $60 on a sim racer, I want it to be definitive. And forza is anything but definitive.


Oh and, before calling GT5 the MW2 for sim racers, just be assured that it'll have a decent online first. GT5P online was just a joke. MW2 lasted so long mainly because of online. And the community features/aspect in Forza is way better than in the GT series.
Keikoku said:
Oh and, before calling GT5 the MW2 for sim racers, just be assured that it'll have a decent online first. GT5P online was just a joke. MW2 lasted so long mainly because of online. And the community features/aspect in Forza is way better than in the GT series.
GT has always had better sales, regardless of online or not. Although I agree that Prologues online component was severely lacking and needs a major overhaul. But I'd better stop trolling.


CrushDance said:
GT has always had better sales, regardless of online or not. Although I agree that Prologues online component was severely lacking and needs a major overhaul. But I'd better stop trolling.

Honestly if we're talking about sales there is just no debate. GT will sell much better than any Forza game in the series. But the R2/MW2 comparison wasn't about this if you ask me. There's no need to talk about sales in this thread because we already know the answer.
Keikoku said:
Honestly if we're talking about sales there is just no debate. GT will sell much better than any Forza game in the series. But the R2/MW2 comparison wasn't about this if you ask me. There's no need to talk about sales in this thread because we already know the answer.
True. But it had to be said in regards to the quality of the game, if it was bad it would've never reached the success it's had.
Shurs said:
It's too bad they don't have the "two year" defense.
You're the one trying to make excuses about the LAST FOUR titles produced by PD. So cry more.
Keikoku said:
Honestly if we're talking about sales there is just no debate. GT will sell much better than any Forza game in the series. But the R2/MW2 comparison wasn't about this if you ask me. There's no need to talk about sales in this thread because we already know the answer.
Well, it may seem reasonable for people to compare games based on their features, handling, AI, structure, reward structure, customization...but NO, sales are the only answer. Just see here...
CrushDance said:
And why else wouldn't sales be the final answer? What else are you going to compare? Do you honestly think GT5 will score lower than F3?
:lol :lol :lol
Yes, I think that GT5 will probably score lower than F3. And then you'll come back and try to use sales, and I'll still laugh.
CrushDance said:
True. But it had to be said in regards to the quality of the game, if it was bad it would've never reached the success it's had.
Are you dense? No one is saying that GT has bad gameplay. Just that a new series has arrived which does a lot of things better. Yes, at one point GT was the top dog in sim racers (because it had no major competitors on the consoles), and the Playstation brand was incredibly popular so the GT franchise exploded in popularity. But ever since the first few GTs, it has sold primarily on name alone, not its "quality". In the past 5 years, there hasn't been a major GT game and there have been 3 highly reviewed Forza games.

Its GT5 that has to live up to today's standards, Forza 3 has set those standards.


CrushDance said:
True. But it had to be said in regards to the quality of the game, if it was bad it would've never reached the success it's had.

Never said it was a bad series, I played the shit out of GT 1/2/3/4. But honestly I think that now Forza is no more a challenger, but a reference. And it's not because GT sells better than Forza that it's untrue. It just mean that the series still has its audience.


Vast Inspiration said:
In the past 5 years, there hasn't been a major GT game and there have been 3 highly reviewed Forza games.

Its GT5 that has to live up to today's standards, Forza 3 has set those standards.

Good point, all the more reason why I'll just wait for the real deal with GT5.

5 years in the making, it's going to be absolutely epic. Forza is going to seem like a stop gap in comparison.


Doc Evils said:
The problem here is that GT5 will be have more content, its going to have more features and it is going to have motorsport licenses that car lovers will enjoy.

GT5 will be the Modern Warfare 2, because of the amount of polish and recognition GT has.

That's 2 words Forza doesn't have.
Sounds like you know a lot about GT5. Hopefully, I'll be able to drive Civic without constantly slamping into walls with the so realistic driving simuatlion.

BTW GT5 won't be the Modern Warefare 2. GT5 will be lucky to sell half as many copies as MW2 will. Hack, I'll be impressed if it sells more than a quarter of MW2 numbers.


AnIco said:
Good point, all the more reason why I'll just wait for the real deal with GT5.

5 years in the making, it's going to be absolutely epic. Forza is going to seem like a stop gap in comparison.

AnIco said:
Good point, all the more reason why I'll just wait for the real deal with GT5.

5 years in the making, it's going to be absolutely epic. Forza is going to seem like a stop gap in comparison.

"Real deal"? Is this some kind of joke?

Implying that Forza 3 is some kind of half hearted, inauthentic enterprise would and should strike anyone who's actually spent the past week playing it as a flight of the most storybookian fancy.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
AnIco said:
Good point, all the more reason why I'll just wait for the real deal with GT5.

5 years in the making, it's going to be absolutely epic. Forza is going to seem like a stop gap in comparison.
Yeah because everyone knows that when a game is in development for a long time it is 100% assured of being great.

Too Human is game of the decade for that reason.


Wow, this thread is still going?

After having spent some time with Forza 3, I'd say that any car aficionado owes it to himself to check it out. Amazing game, no excuses.

Racing fans skipping Forza because they're "waiting for GT5" are not using their time very wisely. Just get Forza 3 now and enjoy it, then get GT5 as soon as it comes out sometime next year. Plenty of room to enjoy both.


BenjaminBirdie said:
"Real deal"? Is this some kind of joke?

Implying that Forza 3 is some kind of half hearted, inauthentic enterprise would and should strike anyone who's actually spent the past week playing it as a flight of the most storybookian fancy.

I wasn't implying that. I was outright stating it.

user_nat said:
Yeah because everyone knows that when a game is in development for a long time it is 100% assured of being great.

Too Human is game of the decade for that reason.

The difference being Polyphony Digital is an immensely talented studio. When given 5 years to realize their vision, they will deliver something masterful; Silicon Knights, on the other hand, has never really produced anything all too great.
AnIco said:
Good point, all the more reason why I'll just wait for the real deal with GT5.

5 years in the making, it's going to be absolutely epic. Forza is going to seem like a stop gap in comparison.

I knew comedy would ensue when Forza got excellent reviews and was hailed as the pinnacle of console sim racing (to date). I have not been disappointed.
AnIco said:
The difference being Polyphony Digital is an immensely talented studio. When given 5 years to realize their vision, they will deliver something masterful; Silicon Knights, on the other hand, has never really produced anything all too great.
Announced May 11, 2004
Released October 1, 2009
Over 5 years...how did that effort turn out?

Silicon Knights produced Eternal Darkness: Sanity Requiem - 92 on metacritic
A game that scored higher than even PD's last major (and the last 5 unmajor) GT release.
And even they ended up flopping their latest game. I hope there isn't a trend. :lol


Vast Inspiration said:
You're the one trying to make excuses about the LAST FOUR titles produced by PD.

This Vast fellow is the definitive troll. You can just tell that the GT series rips him apart.

I guess come March he will have a total meltdown. Should make for great entertainment!
Funny how a simple question garnered one or two actual answers.

Personally, I'm still figuring it out (obviously a lot is dependent on what GT5 actually IS, but just going off of what we know).

Factors working in Forza's favour:
Timing. With the launch of F3 what other sim racing games are reviewers comparing it against: GT5P, NFS: Shift, F2, and maybe Race Pro (but probably not). When compared to those games F3 blows them out of the water, so relatively speaking F3's job is easier to look 'the best'.

GT5 doesn't exist yet, so F3 doesn't have to be compared to it in reviews. While F3 will exist when GT5 comes out which has obviously raised the standard. So it's going to be a lot more difficult to raise the standard by as much as F3 has.

I've talked a lot about rewind, and most of my proclamations were accurate. People love it. Reviewers love it. And it wasn't even the biggest feature. The season mode, assists, and driving model have made the game actually fun to play for a lot of people. Here's the thing: MOST reviewers are not hardcore racing fans. So having an easier game means the reviewers will enjoy/like it more.

Web2.0 features
For whatever reason, reviewers love the promise of user generated content. Look at critic darlings like LittleBigPlanet.

2 years
Not a big deal, but some reviewers take the relatively short turn around time into consideration. It's actually the long development time of GT5 that will work against it. When a game is in development for a while there's a lot to 'live up to'. So expectations are a lot higher, and tolerance for issues/missing features is going to be a lot less. Whether that's fair or not...

Things working in GT5's favor
Graphics - as has been shown in the Insomniac 60FPS thread, there is a pretty high correlation between review graphic scores, and their overall score. GT5 has already proven itself to be a graphical powerhouse, so that will give it a high graphic score, and thus a high overall score is likely.

brand - it's Gran Turisimo. It's one of the biggest franchises in the world. It is a respected and loved series. For massive franchises like this the press can get a little crazy and be a lot kinder - e.g. Halo series, and GTA series. This is especially true for International critics.

My prediction: US reviewers will favour Forza, while Euro/JPN reviewers will favour GT.
Omar Ismail said:
My prediction: US reviewers will favour Forza, while Euro/JPN reviewers will favour GT.
I agree with your entire post but especially this part. But overall, it will still be interesting to see th aggregate score.


Vast Inspiration said:
I agree with your entire post but especially this part. But overall, it will still be interesting to see th aggregate score.

I wonder if it will beat Gran Turismo 3 for the highest rated console racing sim on Metacritic?


Doc Evils said:
GT5 will be the Modern Warfare 2, because of the amount of polish and recognition GT has.

That's 2 words Forza doesn't have.

You obviously haven't played Forza 3 and shouldn't talk about it.
Shurs said:
I wonder if it will beat Gran Turismo 3 for the highest rated console racing sim on Metacritic?

There's no way. The landscape has changed too much.

I also think that GT5's timing is going to be a lot tougher because 1st half of 2010 is going to be insane for high quality releases. End of 2009 has been pretty light, so reviewers are less demanding. The beginning of 2010 is going to be an onslaught and that's going to have an effect. Or maybe they'll just start handing out 10s like they did in 2007.
AnIco said:
I wasn't implying that. I was outright stating it.

While I understand that this thread is home to more spirited conversation, this sort of blatant insult

(See also:
GT5 will be the Modern Warfare 2, because of the amount of polish and recognition GT has.

That's 2 words Forza doesn't have.

seems a bit out of order, especially since the game is now out and roundly disproves both of these proclamations. The game exudes both polish and clear effort towards sound execution. Whether or not these posts are considered trolling, they're grossly inaccurate.
In terms of being reviewed I think its pretty definite that GT5 is looking at somewhere around 87+ aggregate minimum, just based on what we've seen and heard thus far.

Whether it will score better than Forza will probably be entirely based on how the two games compare. From where I'm sitting, because the GT series doesn't have the community features or accessibility of the Forza series, those will be seen as negatives. The breadth and scope of the game will have to be significantly greater than its competition for its features to elevate it beyond F3 reviews.

As I imagine most reviewers aren't seriously into the genre, F3 will come out favorably in terms of immediate appeal. That doesn't mean it'll score worse, but its a head start F3 has.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Shurs said:
I wonder if it will beat Gran Turismo 3 for the highest rated console racing sim on Metacritic?
I think being one of the first "wow" games on the PS2 helped, similar to Gears this gen.


BenjaminBirdie said:
While I understand that this thread is home to more spirited conversation, this sort of blatant insult

(See also:

seems a bit out of order, especially since the game is now out and roundly disproves both of these proclamations. The game exudes both polish and clear effort towards sound execution. Whether or not these posts are considered trolling, they're grossly inaccurate.

There’s been so much shit posted in this thread about both games, nothing’s out of order anymore. :lol

besides, Anico proved himself to be an ultimate console warrior in the latest NPD thread. either he’s a joke character or well… nah, he has to be a joke character. don’t bother responding to him seriously.
Death Dealer said:
Not likely, but GT5 should eclipse F3.

Forza 3 is sitting on 92.67%, whereas GT3 is 94.29%. So unless you aren't really grasping what "eclipse" means based on this statement you are saying it will be close.
Vast Inspiration said:
Announced May 11, 2004
Released October 1, 2009
Over 5 years...how did that effort turn out?

Silicon Knights produced Eternal Darkness: Sanity Requiem - 92 on metacritic
A game that scored higher than even PD's last major (and the last 5 unmajor) GT release.
And even they ended up flopping their latest game. I hope there isn't a trend. :lol

Thats not true at all, I can see how people would make this mistake. They didn't even start working on GT PSP till sometime in 2006-07. They only showed a video (footage of GT 4 basically) that a GT will be released on PSP along with a ton of other PSP games that weren't even released. You seem to have a grudge with some users here, every post from you sounds angry as hell.:lol
DJ Crimson said:
Thats not true at all, I can see how people would make this mistake. They didn't even start working on GT PSP till sometime in 2006-07. They only showed a video (footage of GT 4 basically) that a GT will be released on PSP along with a ton of other PSP games that weren't even released. You seem to have a grudge with some users here, every post from you sounds angry as hell.:lol

At TGS 09 they said the game was 65% complete, and it comes out in march. So..., thats a big chunk of the game being done in what, 6 months?
DJ Crimson said:
Thats not true at all, I can see how people would make this mistake. They didn't even start working on GT PSP till sometime in 2006-07. They only showed a video (footage of GT 4 basically) that a GT will be released on PSP along with a ton of other PSP games that weren't even released. You seem to have a grudge with some users here, every post from you sounds angry as hell.:lol
Well, you are partly right. GT fans are so notoriously bad in these threads that its really easy to just destroy their logic and watch them squirm. I try to put them in a corner which will pretty much prove they are joke characters.

Do I know that GT PSP wasn't worked on for 5 years? Absolutely. It was probably made ina year. But I reply to people based on their own logic. What am I supposed to do when a some says something so incredibly stupid, that theres no serious way to respond? I just use their own basis of argument against them.

Am I purposely antagonizing the overzealous GT fanbase...I guess I am, but that is EXACTLY the purpose of this thread and no one can deny that. Am I angry though? Not at all. I'm having a lot of fun actually. I guess if you're on the side thats the receiving end, you'll probably perceive my comments as being more hostile.


Junior Member
AnIco said:
Nope. Everything in Forza 3 looks worse, I can't mention a single graphical feature that looks better in Forza.

Yeah I suppose you've never EVER taken a look in your rear view mirror in either game.

That's how it is when you're dead last in a race.

Vast Inspiration said:
Am I purposely antagonizing the overzealous GT fanbase...I guess I am, but that is EXACTLY the purpose of this thread and no one can deny that.

That's what this thread is all about. It's about showing how mindblowingly dumb console system warz fanboys can get.

In this very case how much of the "Gran Turismo fans" aren't really interested in playing great sim games and are more interested in their console being #1.

The stupidity here has been constantly one sided. Take a look at the post I respond to in this very post.
TheHeretic said:
Forza 3 is sitting on 92.67%, whereas GT3 is 94.29%. So unless you aren't really grasping what "eclipse" means based on this statement you are saying it will be close.

Main Entry: eclipse
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): eclipsed; eclips·ing
Date: 13th century

: to cause an eclipse of: as
a : obscure, darken
b : to reduce in importance or repute
c : surpass <her score eclipsed the old record>

Forza has a 92, GT3 has a 95.

I think GT5 should exceed F3. F3 has a lot of 4/5 , "80" scores, dragging down the average.

It's unlikely GT5 will average a 96, thus beating GT3's 95 metacritic. However I think 93-95 aggregate for GT5 is quite doable & realistic.

FYI a low 90s score compared to a mid 90s avg isn't that close. Each additional point in the 90s range is increasingly hard to get. Look at Demon's Souls. One outlier reviewer was enough to drop the game from a potential 90 to 89 avg.

Also I think F3 got a benefit for "going first". I believe the gap might be another 1-2 pts wider had they been released and reviewed in the same month.
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