Game Rankings
Forza 3: 92%
GT5: 88%
Meta Critic
Forza 3: 92
GT5: 86
Head-to-Head Comparisons
NowGamer: Forza 3
4Players: Tied*
Technical Analysis
*tied for now but remaining categories will probably give the win to Forza 3.
Please point to any that you find.
Game Rankings
Forza 3: 92%
GT5: 88%
Meta Critic
Forza 3: 92
GT5: 86
Head-to-Head Comparisons
NowGamer: Forza 3
4Players: Tied*
Technical Analysis
Lens of Truth said:Our analyzer recorded that Forza 3 had a much more stable frame rate throughout. As seen in the video, its clear that Gran Turismo 5 was having difficulties maintaining its projected 60 FPS, while Forza 3 was locked at a perfect 60 FPS throughout. In addition to the fluctuating frame rate, Gran Turismo 5 screen tore 20% more than Forza 3 did.
*tied for now but remaining categories will probably give the win to Forza 3.
Please point to any that you find.