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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

LordPhoque said:
Thee driver is like "don't look at me, go away..." :lol
The Hug Dog said:
Watch out, Stripper13 was embarassed to show his wife GT5s weather. We should all just trade it in

It's not really what I meant. It's just when you're hyped up over the next big installment in a big franchise where the graphics have been talked up... And you get this mess. Well fuck. The fact that my wife (who really couldn't give a Fuck about graphics) found the rain effect, tire wall and grass texture to be fucking laughable says more to me than any of the coming tech analysis will. Not once in forza 3 did I have to think about my car/track combination. It was consistent across the board. Good models, good effects, good tracks/textures, good cockpit views. Playing GT5 by comparison is inconsistent and certainly not good enough to be an eye-candy piece outside of some isolated moments to show it's lighting system and 'premium' cars (the whole notion of premium/standard is fucking pathetic and reeks of internal development/design/time-management fuck ups).

I also never implied people trade the game back on - as I said in my previous post, I'm sure I'll enjoy the game enough over the next few months given the content and physics model. But only the biggest fanboy bias could defend or justify this product given the ridiculous time and resources the team had available. I patienty await Turn 10's next forza game as GT5 has proven PD is B-team.
Stripper13 said:
I also never implied people trade the game back on - as I said in my previous post, I'm sure I'll enjoy the game enough over the next few months given the content and physics model. But only the biggest fanboy bias could defend or justify this product given the ridiculous time and resources the team had available. I patienty await Turn 10's next forza game as GT5 has proven PD is B-team.

Once again people like Haunted are embarrassed when all they can talk about is PS3fanboys and you have this drivel that no ps3 fan has gone to these lengths.
Stripper13 said:
It's not really what I meant. It's just when you're hyped up over the next big installment in a big franchise where the graphics have been talked up... And you get this mess. Well fuck. The fact that my wife (who really couldn't give a Fuck about graphics) found the rain effect, tire wall and grass texture to be fucking laughable says more to me than any of the coming tech analysis will. Not once in forza 3 did I have to think about my car/track combination. It was consistent across the board. Good models, good effects, good tracks/textures, good cockpit views. Playing GT5 by comparison is inconsistent and certainly not good enough to be an eye-candy piece outside of some isolated moments to show it's lighting system and 'premium' cars (the whole notion of premium/standard is fucking pathetic and reeks of internal development/design/time-management fuck ups).

I also never implied people trade the game back on - as I said in my previous post, I'm sure I'll enjoy the game enough over the next few months given the content and physics model. But only the biggest fanboy bias could defend or justify this product given the ridiculous time and resources the team had available. I patienty await Turn 10's next forza game as GT5 has proven PD is B-team.

GTFO. :lol


tagged by Blackace
Stripper13 said:
It's not really what I meant. It's just when you're hyped up over the next big installment in a big franchise where the graphics have been talked up... And you get this mess. Well fuck. The fact that my wife (who really couldn't give a Fuck about graphics) found the rain effect, tire wall and grass texture to be fucking laughable says more to me than any of the coming tech analysis will. Not once in forza 3 did I have to think about my car/track combination. It was consistent across the board. Good models, good effects, good tracks/textures, good cockpit views. Playing GT5 by comparison is inconsistent and certainly not good enough to be an eye-candy piece outside of some isolated moments to show it's lighting system and 'premium' cars (the whole notion of premium/standard is fucking pathetic and reeks of internal development/design/time-management fuck ups).

I also never implied people trade the game back on - as I said in my previous post, I'm sure I'll enjoy the game enough over the next few months given the content and physics model. But only the biggest fanboy bias could defend or justify this product given the ridiculous time and resources the team had available. I patienty await Turn 10's next forza game as GT5 has proven PD is B-team.
SHOTS FIRED. But really, inconsistency =/= B-Team status.


That VW Lupo and Suzuki Works (and loads of other standard cars) doesn't make sense at all. Someone seriously needs to ask Kazunori what the hell happened. It's like a bug where it will show the lowest LOD model when upclose.

This is how the car looks like in GT4, you can see that the alpha textures are perfectly fine:




given the hype of this game, it is kind of hilarious that it has

an 86% metacritic
cars that wouldn't look out of place in a ps2 game
noticeable screen tearing
noticeable frame rate drops
damage that has to be unlocked
numerous interface problems
enzo_gt said:
SHOTS FIRED. But really, inconsistency =/= B-Team status.

Really? Drive to the second last corner of Laguna SECA in a 'premium car' (use cockpit view with rain on for more lulz) and have a look at tirewall and grass texture on the hills. Turn 10 would have cut that track before shipping something that fucking terrible. That makes them A-team in my eyes.
Stripper13 said:
It's not really what I meant. It's just when you're hyped up over the next big installment in a big franchise where the graphics have been talked up... And you get this mess. Well fuck. The fact that my wife (who really couldn't give a Fuck about graphics) found the rain effect, tire wall and grass texture to be fucking laughable says more to me than any of the coming tech analysis will. Not once in forza 3 did I have to think about my car/track combination. It was consistent across the board. Good models, good effects, good tracks/textures, good cockpit views. Playing GT5 by comparison is inconsistent and certainly not good enough to be an eye-candy piece outside of some isolated moments to show it's lighting system and 'premium' cars (the whole notion of premium/standard is fucking pathetic and reeks of internal development/design/time-management fuck ups).

I also never implied people trade the game back on - as I said in my previous post, I'm sure I'll enjoy the game enough over the next few months given the content and physics model. But only the biggest fanboy bias could defend or justify this product given the ridiculous time and resources the team had available. I patienty await Turn 10's next forza game as GT5 has proven PD is B-team.

it's kinda hard to take your post seriously when you post stuff like this...


why do the standard cars look 50 times worse than they do on the PS2?

Surely something is fucked up. I hope it's a rendering issue that can be patched in.

I honestly don't understand it.

Photomode GT4 shots looked GREAT.
LordPhoque said:
Why u mad though ?
Just stating the truth, look at the first post of this page.

Anyway, weren't some people saying GT5's standard cars had better modelling than Forza's ?




outrageous! but seriously, why even put any cars that look *this bad* in the game? why bother? Keep the GT4 "HD" cars that look reasonable...and dump the ones that look bad. end of story. they deserved to be dinged in the graphics department for those kinds of eyesores. God bless 'em, but that's just unreasonable.


Junior Butler
Because they don't look that bad 99% of the time while playing.

6 of us have just tried to re-create those photos and have yet to be able to do so.


LordPhoque said:
Why u mad though ?
Just stating the truth, look at the first post of this page.

Anyway, weren't some people saying GT5's standard cars had better modelling than Forza's ?

I apologize for my ignorance, but how could this even happen? Looking at the wheel wells, it looks like they used a bitmap of the texture to generate the model... the original polygons should be intact, even if there aren't very many of them. Same goes for the windows.


It has to be an LOD glitch with the alpha textures, cos I see no problems here (except for the criminally-low geometry count):\



Wow, people seriously believed that damage has to be unlocked? GT5 is confusing the fuck out of everyone so people start believing even super weird shit. :lol

LordPhoque said:
Why u mad though ?
Just stating the truth, look at the first post of this page.

Anyway, weren't some people saying GT5's standard cars had better modelling than Forza's ?

haha, oh wow.

But seriously, that's quite clearly a bug and I imagine it will be rectified with a patch ASAP.
adelante said:
It has to be an LOD glitch with the alpha textures, cos I see no problems here (except for the criminally-low geometry count):\
That one's not exactly a world apart. It's no-wonder they stopped people getting too close with the photo mode.


You know, it would've made a lot of sense to have a team of 30 or so people (if that) go through and upgrade all the standard models to a respectable level. Even spending a month on each They've had 48 - 60 months to spend doing that, they could've done 1800 models in that time if my rudimentary math is correct
Haunted said:
Wow, people seriously believed that damage has to be unlocked? GT5 is confusing the fuck out of everyone so people start believing even super weird shit. :lol

Yes it does, and stop quoting these pics, listen to the man.


Always-honest said:
best thing is to just patch them the fuck out.

Um, there are GT4 *and* GTPSP models in GT5, yeah? Is it possible that when comparing them to GT4 models that they're being compared to the wrong ones? And if that's the case, why didn't they use the more-than-reasonable looking GT4 ones?


Yoboman said:
You know, it would've made a lot of sense to have a team of 30 or so people (if that) go through and upgrade all the standard models to a respectable level. Even spending a month on each They've had 48 - 60 months to spend doing that, they could've done 1800 models in that time if my rudimentary math is correct

It honestly doesn't take *that* long to upscale the resolution of the textures.

And adding a normal map to the cars.

Fuck, I could do that in a couple days max.


Yoboman said:
You know, it would've made a lot of sense to have a team of 30 or so people (if that) go through and upgrade all the standard models to a respectable level. Even spending a month on each They've had 48 - 60 months to spend doing that, they could've done 1800 models in that time if my rudimentary math is correct
But they needed those 30 people to work on polishing the premium models.

It's quite clear that PD didn't really give a shit about the standard cars and just ported them in as is.


tagged by Blackace
Stripper13 said:
Really? Drive to the second last corner of Laguna SECA in a 'premium car' (use cockpit view with rain on for more lulz) and have a look at tirewall and grass texture on the hills. Turn 10 would have cut that track before shipping something that fucking terrible. That makes them A-team in my eyes.
I agree the lack of polish or even looking at the fucking models in their own fucking game before shipping it unfinished, and let's face it, GT5 has shipped unfinished because of those blatant and unacceptable errors, is quite jarring.

But are said graphical errors that prominent? I can't speak on this cause I haven't gotten my hands on GT5 yet.

Don't get suckered into thinking that Turn10 didn't have their own smoke and mirrors effects they used to try and make their game appear more technically impressive than it is. It only just so happens that PD's smoke and mirrors show is more like a huge fog cloud they placed over all of the standard cars during development while telling fans to keep jerking off at the 200 actual "GT5 quality" or "this gen" cars in the game.


Zaptruder said:
It honestly doesn't take *that* long to upscale the resolution of the textures.

And adding a normal map to the cars.

Fuck, I could do that in a couple days max.
Exactly, I'm being generous. Some of the insane mod community stuff you see proves that. I bet if this game were on PC we'd have all 800 in high res mods and normals mapping in the next few weeks

Shit, hire a bunch of keen as mustard interns to come in and do it for free or at a cheap rate

Just doing nothing to the models is incredibly bizarre though
kazuma_pt said:
it's kinda hard to take your post seriously when you post stuff like this...

Really? They literally included cars directly from the PSX era games in a PS3 game.
Only small handful number of new tracks & the rest of complete rehashes from all the previous GT games.

All this with nearly 6 years of time in making the game.

Not really indicative of a AAA quality Team.


The more I look at other standard pictures, the more I realize that it has to be the result of a LOD bug that makes the Suzuki and the Lupo like that.

Night and difference with this:

But frankly I agree with Always-honest's assessment. :lol
Haunted said:
But they needed those 30 people to work on polishing the premium models.

It's quite clear that PD didn't really give a shit about the standard cars and just ported them in as is.

Standard cars = filler?


i forgot to thank you good sirs for the kind words on my impressions on both titles.
i believe i forgot to mention that i play both games with a Fanatec PWTS (fun fact, GT5 actually has less troubles recognizing it and adjusting to its settings).

While i did say physics, FF and feeling are better overall in GT5, that doesn't mean Forza doesn't feel great too with a decent wheel. One of the things i find fm3 does better is simulating the way tires behave under specific conditions, like communicating the way your car is losing or recovering grip when gently accelerating through a corner.
Plus, as far as simulation goes, it does take a lot more variables into account, it seems.

Oh, there's something i read in this thread earlier, and i felt i needed to quote because i thought the exact same thing. More than once, GT5 felt like it was developed by people who have chosen not to see or play another racing game in years.
Watch out, PD, this will always give other devs some advantage.

Random thought #24: Very happy to see i can play with a wheel, and use player 2's pad to take pics and move through menus in GT5. Yay!
Random thought #25: Interface: if my car doesn't meet the requirements for a certain event, but i do have a suitable ride in my garage, i would like the game to tell me and ask me if i want to use that one instead.

I think fm3 has a more interesting/appealing selection of cars, despite only having 500 vs Gt's 1000 (and this is not even a standard/premium thing).
Gt has karts though: i thought i wouldn't care for them but holy shit, are they FUN.
Oh, and a Ferrari F1.

For those who claim in a month fm3 will be declared the winner. Uhm. No.
There's no winner and no loser here from my experience with both games (actually..there IS one, and that's the Fanatec PWTS).
It's not as simple as comparing metacritic averages or making feature for feature comparisons.
Plus i believe if anything, general opinion on Gt5 is a little too harsh at the moment, being heavily influenced by the initial disappointment in finding it's not all we were lead to believe.
In time people will judge the game for what it actually does (which is remarkable) and not for what it does not do.


Lion Heart said:
Yes it does, and stop quoting these pics, listen to the man.
Forsete says it doesn't and it's there from level 1, what now?

And I haven't quoted these pictures before and even was nice enough to delete 2 of the 3 in my quote so quitcherwhinin'.

Yoboman said:
Exactly, I'm being generous. Some of the insane mod community stuff you see proves that. I bet if this game were on PC we'd have all 800 in high res mods and normals mapping in the next few weeks
That would actually be an awesome idea. Given how active and passionate the moding community for other racing games are, and the sheer size of the GT5 fanbase, I have no doubt they'd get grunt work like this done in no time.

AZ Greg

Eternal Sleeper said:
GT5 can have 16 cars on track compared to Forza3's 8 cars.
GT5 has a higher resolution, more polygons.
GT5 has a dynamic weather system.


So is it safe to assume that last generation you were defending Forza 1's sub-60FPS since it did damage, was pushing a more demanding physics engine, etc...? Or did you then just happen to be in the 60FPS or bust/Kaz: It's barely a real game if it isn't 60FPS group?

Unfortunately, this is the sorta game (Exclusive, big seller, etc...) that won't get critically evaluated (Visually) by the irrational fans until the next iteration is out. Only when (If?) GT6 cleans things up visually and PD delivers what their reputation (Pre-GT5) shows they are capable of (60FPS locked, no tearing, tracks that don't have Ocarina of Time textures, trees better than the dreaded "X" models, and a car count that isn't pick your poison (low vs. inconsistent)), then we'll finally see fans express their true disappointment with the inconsistent visuals in this game. Here's hoping they get back on track visually since the game seems to have a great driving model in place.


Yoboman said:
Exactly, I'm being generous. Some of the insane mod community stuff you see proves that. I bet if this game were on PC we'd have all 800 in high res mods and normals mapping in the next few weeks

Shit, hire a bunch of keen as mustard interns to come in and do it for free or at a cheap rate

Just doing nothing to the models is incredibly bizarre though
With any luck they'll get GT5 working on jailbroken PS3's with 3.41 firmware. When that happens I can guarantee you that people will clean at least some of the cars up. I'm pretty sure it's happened with other games on other consoles that have some kind of dev mode/checksum skipping enabled. My other phat runs jailbroken stuff so we'll see what happens. Fingers crossed!

Baby Milo

See You Next Wednesday said:
Really? They literally included cars directly from the PSX era games in a PS3 game.
Only small handful number of new tracks & the rest of complete rehashes from all the previous GT games
:lol flat out lies


Junior Member
Shaneus said:
With any luck they'll get GT5 working on jailbroken PS3's with 3.41 firmware. When that happens I can guarantee you that people will clean at least some of the cars up. I'm pretty sure it's happened with other games on other consoles that have some kind of dev mode/checksum skipping enabled. My other phat runs jailbroken stuff so we'll see what happens. Fingers crossed!
LOL. No way.


iceatcs said:
LOL. No way.
That people wouldn't do it? You underestimate the modding community. The car models from Forza 3 have been ripped and used in other PC racing games, what makes you think something similar couldn't be done with GT5, only the models are injected back in?


Junior Member
Shaneus said:
That people wouldn't do it? You underestimate the modding community. The car models from Forza 3 have been ripped and used in other PC racing games, what makes you think something similar couldn't be done with GT5, only the models are injected back in?
Of course people would but it is quite virtually impossible otherwise we should have many Rom hacks from PSX, Xbox etc.. But there is only few bunch and most are only fan translation.

Example you said, why there is no forza 3 hack but yet people rip these to PC.


iceatcs said:
Of course people would but it is quite virtually impossible otherwise we should have many Rom hacks from PSX, Xbox etc.. But there is only few bunch and most are only fan translation.

Example you said, why there is no forza 3 hack but yet people rip these to PC.
That's because there's no shit models in Forza 3 :lol

It's not virtually impossible. There have been hacks for these games... in Forza 3 you could hack it so rather than using the vinyl editor you could actually import bitmap files to be used on cars. Obviously only on modded consoles but it could still be done. Whether it's worth it is another story but to say it can't is just flat-out wrong.

PS. Those above screens are more shit due to the lighting than the models themselves. Or at least, appear to be.


It's pretty clear that many of the people downplaying gt5 have not/will not play it. Yes it's not perfect (no game is), but it still does what PD has always managed to do, and it does it extremely well. I am having a blast playing it and will continue to do so. The amount of content you get for $60 is incredible. Those that are boo-hooing it and declaring it a failure really are going to miss out.


See You Next Wednesday said:
Really? They literally included cars directly from the PSX era games in a PS3 game.
Only small handful number of new tracks & the rest of complete rehashes from all the previous GT games.

All this with nearly 6 years of time in making the game.

Not really indicative of a AAA quality Team.
From what i know, only a handful of new tracks is also the case with Forza 3. Also several of cars in Forza 3 are also present in Forza 1 and/or Forza 2. So in that regard, i guess that Turn10 isnt really that much different compared to Polyphony Digital? :) (i am not sure if you have mentioned Forza in your previous posts though, but i just mention Forza in this case since this is a "GT5 VS Forza 3" thread).

But what content are you missing from GT5 to make it a better experience for you? Honest question.

EDIT: I fixed a typo.


Comics, serious business!
Nafai1123 said:
It's pretty clear that many of the people downplaying gt5 have not/will not play it. Yes it's not perfect (no game is), but it still does what PD has always managed to do, and it does it extremely well. I am having a blast playing it and will continue to do so. The amount of content you get for $60 is incredible. Those that are boo-hooing it and declaring it a failure really are going to miss out.

I don't think anyone is really downplaying it. I'm in awe of the number of things they attempted to cram into this thing. Before it released I said without question it will be the driving game of forever. What game has ever attempted to do kart racing, nascar, rally, production, etc all in one package? It's mindblowing!

I think most people are just looking at the final execution and saying "wtf ?" Screen drops. Tearing. Some awful looking cars. Nasty environments. This is not the Kaz we know. Something seriously went wrong here. The guys at beyond3D have a lot of theories that are worth checking out.

Now we have higher review scores for Forza 3 and a couple of head-to-head reviews that say Forza 3 is a better game. Quite shocking that the grand consensus of critics is that GT5 ain't as good as a year old game that was put together rather quickly.

Interesting times!


Junior Member
Shaneus said:
That's because there's no shit models in Forza 3 :lol

It's not virtually impossible. There have been hacks for these games... in Forza 3 you could hack it so rather than using the vinyl editor you could actually import bitmap files to be used on cars. Obviously only on modded consoles but it could still be done. Whether it's worth it is another story but to say it can't is just flat-out wrong.
What you mean there's no shit models in F3, that it won't have mods cars.
Reality, there is no mods car yet because people dunno how to import so far.

Most advance mods this generation is save-data hack.

GT5 mod is possible when we get PS3 emulation on PC. Just like so many SNES hack.
enzo_gt said:
I agree the lack of polish or even looking at the fucking models in their own fucking game before shipping it unfinished, and let's face it, GT5 has shipped unfinished because of those blatant and unacceptable errors, is quite jarring.

But are said graphical errors that prominent? I can't speak on this cause I haven't gotten my hands on GT5 yet.

Don't get suckered into thinking that Turn10 didn't have their own smoke and mirrors effects they used to try and make their game appear more technically impressive than it is. It only just so happens that PD's smoke and mirrors show is more like a huge fog cloud they placed over all of the standard cars during development while telling fans to keep jerking off at the 200 actual "GT5 quality" or "this gen" cars in the game.

Oh I'm fully aware that forza had it's own share of technical issues and tricks to cover them up. The major issue I have with it all is that forza would make me go out of my way to find them. Whether it be the level of detail issues or some low res textures etc. You would have to go deliberately looking for them and point them out.

When I play GT5 I have to more or less limit my car selection to 200ish cars else I'm faced with awful photo/replay opportunities. On top of this. If I race in the rain I am forced out of the cockpit view otherwise it's like I'm playing a PS1 game with the windshield rain effect. And worst of all - if I slide off the track on select corners (an unfortunate reality of a sim racer) I'm faced with N64 level textures and polygons that are meant to represent tirewalls/grass in PS3's premier racing game. It's ridiculous and an indicator (at least for me) that turn 10 are better developers given the results.


jett said:
The more I look at other standard pictures, the more I realize that it has to be the result of a LOD bug that makes the Suzuki and the Lupo like that.

Most sensible answer so far...
BUT we all know it will fall on deaf ears.. this is war after all!
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