And more time, ofcourse. I'm sure they'll iron out the bugs this time.TheVampire said:guys guys guys
Im sure GT6 on the PS4 will be perfection thanks to the better hardware
And more time, ofcourse. I'm sure they'll iron out the bugs this time.TheVampire said:guys guys guys
Im sure GT6 on the PS4 will be perfection thanks to the better hardware
chubigans said:I think Forza Kinect is going to really disappoint you all.
It's clear that Turn 10 has been heading in a casual direction with Forza with 3 (rewind, livery editor, etc.) That's not a bad thing at all, and in fact opens up the game to a lot more people than GT5. But if you think T10 is going to completely redo all the physics and try and compete with the hard core aspect of GT, you're wrong wrong wrong. T10 would be idiots to even try. Better to go the sim-casual route like they're doing and still keep their fans aboard.
beast78 said:GT took a huge step forward with New AI
LordPhoque said:Sounds like someone who never played FM3.
Still the shittiest AI on the market by far.
LordPhoque said:Sounds like someone who never played FM3.
Still the shittiest AI on the market by far.
Metalmurphy said:Sounds like someone who never played GT5.
LordPhoque said:The AI is shitty period. I can't believe there is some people to defend it.
With fans like this, it doesn't surprise me that PD didn't improve me that much since GT1. :/
why is it shitty?LordPhoque said:The AI is shitty period. I can't believe there are some people to defend it.
With fans like this, it doesn't surprise me that PD didn't improve it that much since GT1. :/
Minutes loading a track huh. :lol~Kinggi~ said:I think that PD's piss-poor decisions on usability issues such as waiting to access a menu or spending minutes to load a track
Sounds like someone who never played FM3.
LordPhoque said:The AI is shitty period. I can't believe there are some people to defend it.
With fans like this, it doesn't surprise me that PD didn't improve it that much since GT1. :/
LordPhoque said:The AI is shitty period. I can't believe there are some people to defend it.
With fans like this, it doesn't surprise me that PD didn't improve it that much since GT1. :/
Explain this.schennmu said:So none of the people actually owning GT5 (me included) have seen any of those atrocious standard cars in game. What are the chances they are actually imports from GT PSP?
Another standard car:
Baby Milo said:why is it shitty?
chubigans said:It's clear that Turn 10 has been heading in a casual direction with Forza with 3 (rewind, livery editor, etc.).
LordPhoque said:First of all the AI is scripted, which is terrible game design-wise.
Also, the opponents are on rails, it's been that way since the first GT, and even prologue had the same problem. Races against the AI were boring in prologue. Seriously, can you honestly name a decent current gen racer that has a worse AI ?
I'm not even comparing it to Forza 3 because it's miles ahead. Forza 3's AI is actually good not just better than GT's, and one of the best on the market along with MSPR.
@Redbeard : not yet. But played it today, didn't see any difference with prologue's AI. It's still scripted BTW.
Mizzou Gaming said:GT5 looks decent running on a few tracks, but overall its pretty freaking bland especially from the cockpit view.
LabouredSubterfuge said:Nice to see you don't know a thing about anything. Carry on people, nothing to see here.
LordPhoque said:First of all the AI is scripted, which is terrible game design-wise.
Also, the opponents are on rails, it's been that way since the first GT, and even prologue had the same problem. Races against the AI were boring in prologue because the opponents weren't trying anything, if you bump into them they'll just regain their rail just after the "crash". Seriously, can you honestly name a decent current gen racer that has a worse AI ?
I'm not even comparing it to Forza 3 because it's miles ahead. Forza 3's AI is actually good not just better than GT's, and one of the best on the market along with MSPR.
@Redbeard : not yet. But played it today, didn't see any difference with prologue's AI. It's still scripted BTW.
Stallion Free said:Explain this.
Metalmurphy said:You're wrong on every single thing you just said.
I doubt you even played prologue... and you certainly didn't play GT5 cause the improvement is obvious right on your first race.
The car a texture....schennmu said:What is there to explain? This shot is not comparable to the garbage pics we've seen in this thread. This is what standard cars look like, not great but also not incredibly bad.
That is incredibly bad for a current game.schennmu said:What is there to explain? This shot is not comparable to the garbage pics we've seen in this thread. This is what standard cars look like, not great but also not incredibly bad.
schennmu said:What is there to explain? This shot is not comparable to the garbage pics we've seen in this thread. This is what standard cars look like, not great but also not incredibly bad.
LordPhoque said:Are actually impressed by what's in those gifs ? Seriously ?
This only confirms that hardcore GT fans like you don't play other racers.
Metalmurphy said:Nothing in those gifs was supposed to be impressive, but they pretty much prove anything you just said is false. So yeah, why should anyone continue to listen to you when it's pretty obvious your just full of it.
WretchedTruman said:The car a texture....
this thing is not a vehicle!
golem said:That is incredibly bad for a current game.
golem said:That is incredibly bad for a current game.
LordPhoque said:I'm still waiting for a racer that has worse AI... Dirt 2 ? Definitely not. F1 2010. Hell no. PGR4 ? No, despite the rubberbanding. FM3 ? It's in another league.
Come on surprise me.
There are a number of Gran Turismo 5's more anticipated features that curiously don't really reveal themselves until you've put a rather significant amount of time into the game. For example, the computer-controlled racers' A.I. has always been a source of contention in the GT series, and early in the game, it doesn't appear to have been addressed -- the other cars in the field are more obstacles than opponents. But progress into the high teens and twenties in driver level, and suddenly the A.I. drivers seem more organic, aggressive, and unpredictable.
LordPhoque said:I'm still waiting for a racer that has worse AI... Dirt 2 ? Definitely not. F1 2010. Hell no. PGR4 ? No, despite the rubberbanding. FM3 ? It's in another league.
It's 2010 and the real driving simulator still has the worse AI out there. Confirmed by the press and the facts.
I was just racing in GT5 and rubbing against one of these sad standard models in the game. Its noticeable.regs said:and so noticeable when you're actually driving at 100mph or actually enjoying the game. If there is an instance where this comes up they're for a split second. Some models in Forza 3 are just as bad and it's the same thing, it's not noticeable unless you're staring at a still image and actually looking for flaws
u don't even have to play that long you can change there difficulty in arcade modeRedbeard said:
Metalmurphy said:What facts? :lol The BS you keep throwing at walls to see if it sticks?
golem said:I was just racing in GT5 and rubbing against one of these sad standard models in the game. Its noticeable.
Redbeard said:
LordPhoque said:Still not able to name a game ?
How is it bullshit if you can't say "GT's AI is better than this game" ?
@Redbeard : found one review saying the AI is good at some point (just like damages right ?), I can found a shitload saying it's terrible.
LordPhoque said:Still not able to name a game ?
How is it bullshit if you can't say "GT's AI is better than this game" ?
@Redbeard : found one review saying the AI is good at some point (just like damages right ?), I can found a shitload saying it's terrible.
LordPhoque said:I'm still waiting for a racer that has worse AI... Dirt 2 ? Definitely not. F1 2010. Hell no. PGR4 ? No, despite the rubberbanding. FM3 ? It's in another league.
It's 2010 and the real driving simulator still has the worse AI out there. Confirmed by the press and the facts.
Redbeard said:
Question I.A., le bilan n'est guère mieux. Excepté quelques rares dépassements, nos concurrents (jusqu'à 15 par course, mais la plupart en comptent moins) continuent de se suivre gentiment à la file indienne, pour des courses parfois bien plan-plan, voire ennuyeuses
The AI isn't much better. Except from some rare overtaking, the opponents are still gently following a rail, which results some boring and simplistic races.
DeadgZuz said:Give it a rest, you probably haven't played a single one of these games, especially not GT5. So why are you here endlessly typing crap? Yes, the console war is important, don't sleep young man.
How bout instead of one review, two?LordPhoque said:Still not able to name a game ?
How is it bullshit if you can't say "GT's AI is better than this game" ?
@Redbeard : found one review saying the AI is good at some point (just like damages right ?), I can found a shitload saying it's terrible.
Opponent AI feels like it has greatly improved since the last game. It appears that a lot of care went into realism this time around. I got the sense that I was in races with drivers of different types for the first time in the series. Some seemed aggressive and others careful. All seemed to put on the heat in the last leg of the last lap. This made for some tense finishes that felt closer to what you might experience in a race with real opponents. There were many times where I was fully immersed in competition and had to remind myself that I wasn't actually in a live race.
As you race, maneuvering takes on a whole new meaning as the competition becomes tougher throughout the classes. Driver A.Is who were once easy to slip by become moving road blocking forcing your skills of strategy to come out.
The drivers' AI is much improved, however, with the processional drones of old replaced with conservative but canny pilots who will visibly race each other, make moves to overtake instead of driving blindly into you, and even occasionally run wide or deep into a corner, leaving a tempting opening.
schennmu said:Motorstorm AI > Your AI
Brashnir said:Well, that about wraps it up for anyone taking anything you say seriously again.
chubigans said:
Then I start watching the other cars, and it looks to me like I'm not the only one doing the same thing as before: the A.I. is behaving the way I remember it in previous versions of the series. Opponents seem to be trundling around on rails, even to the point of sometimes barging me out of the way to stay on their predetermined course. This has happened on numerous occasions now, and it's frankly annoying
Unfortunately the same can't be said when it's yourself in charge, and A-Spec's races aren't helped by the return of the series' now trademark zombie A.I. Any tweaks that have been made are hard to decipher
opponents will still mindlessly pile into you if you're in the way, and although they do offer a significant challenge it remains one of robotic competence not human-like unpredictability.
Read more:
schennmu said:Because I think Motorstorm has horrible rubberband AI?
schennmu said:edit: "Your AI" does not refer to Forza! :lol
Forza 3 AI is quite good and probably still a bit better than GT. Need to play more for final judgement.
Did you not read anything I just said? The AI is abysmal in the beginner's series. I had cars smashing into me when I was stopped on the track in the early races. Cars that would hit me from behind and spin me out simply because they were on a predetermined path.LordPhoque said:Improved from what ? It was abmysal in previous GT. It's still inferior to any decent current gen racer, including FM3.
Stop acting like nobody else is saying the same please, it's kind of embarrassing and it's not the kind of feedback PD needs for GT6. They are only 19 reviews on metacritic right now, but at the end the majority of the reviews will say that the AI is bad. Improved or not over GT5P, who cares, it's still old gen and inferior to pretty much any decent current gen racer. Nobody can argue that or they would have named a goddam game with worse AI already.
chubigans said:Did you not read anything I just said? The AI is abysmal in the beginner's series. I had cars smashing into me when I was stopped on the track in the early races. Cars that would hit me from behind and spin me out simply because they were on a predetermined path.
But then when you get into the later stage of the game, the AI gets way, way better. Considering reviewers only had three days at most to play the game, is it really unreasonable to think that they didn't get to the better driver AI?
I have played the game. I know more than you do. The reviews I linked to aren't making anything up. Do you understand now why some reviewers would say the AI is still bad?
Man, it's like talking to a brick wall sometimes.