schennmu said:
Most of the early GT5 reviews should hardly be taken seriously. Two or three days to review a racing sim with GT5's depth and content are plain laughable. People are still finding new stuff as we speak.
I think a lot of it comes down to hyperbole and expectation. Killzone 2 scored as high as Halo Reach thanks in large part to PS-centric review sources falling over themselves to award it the highest possible score. However, I think most objective players would concede that - visuals aside - Halo is the superior game.
It's very hard to compare exclusive games for that reason...I'd find such a comparison more interesting if both were cross platform. Putting that aside, I can kind of see why GT has been penalised by's certainly a bit ragged technically in some respects, which must have come as a shock after the hefty spell the game spent in development (Forza is pretty obviously more visually consistent, albeit with highs some way below GT5s and an overall visual style which simply cannot match Polyphony's game for realism), but it's also the most realistic driving sim to be found on any console, which is what I think it set out to be.
I just hope they are true to their word with talk of it being a game which will evolve courtesy of regular updates. Refinement of its uglier aspects (not just on a visual level) would be much to extinguish the disappointment felt by some.