Turn10 shouldn't have done the whole "definitive" nonsense. It wouldn't have sparked any debate at all. I've said it before but the gaming community always gave Forza a pass. Its a great solid game. If Turn10 was more like che's new humble approach of plausible denial now with the "Buh buh they are both good games and thats what matters gang! Whats LOD?" we wouldn't be here.
The problem is Turn10 is forcing an artificial association/competition with Gran Turismo. Taking pot shots, boasting about how its the best out there. None of that is needed. Especially when the actual game looks severely underwhelming compared to the fake photomode(with Turn10's comments considered). It can't even hold up to prologue with the worst track in the game, eiger. Combine that with bribing a poll, Turn10 employees trolling gaf(RandomXTX) & the "10x more polygon***" nonsense, its just a gigantic "W T F?"
The pathetic thing is the game can't even speak with its gameplay, just bullshots with higher polygon models that don't reflect gameplay at all, & rhetoric from the community manager/developers. Which was evident from the day Che went mum on direct feed questions. There is literally no major difference from F2 to F3 when it comes to forza's main appeal outside of cosmetics that should have been done in F2, the lighting.
F2 was graphically dated when it released, now people are excited because the game has modern lighting? Please. Its always been the damage and the livery editor. The online is great, but most games have online communities that allow you to race head to head and record leaderboards as well as swaping vehicles and they continue to evolve. It wasn't ever 'ease of driving' Not sure where that argument came from that leads people to think that sims need to be more approachable by 6 year old children, so now thats a selling point? HUH?
Its literally the same exact thing Turn10 did with Forza2, and the actual in game turned out to not reflect the bullshots. Which isn't a problem for a game. Look at shift/racepro etc. Games all have their selling points, but the forza series brings it upon itself to have the comparisons made.
Your customers shouldn't have to seek explanations why the game has low detailed cars while driving, after all the nonsense/photomode "TURN10 doesn't do bullshots" blah blah blah.
1 model for the menu/replay. 1 model for starting the race, and a different one while racing. I mean come on?
Sim fans always knew they had 2 great games to play. This isn't news to anyone. However Turn10's attitude is seriously displaced considering the results of their product.
The Forza series is great on its own, the worst thing about it is the public presence of the developers. It has awesome features that everyone wishes GT had. No one can deny that. The game sells itself, it really does for those interested.