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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


Valru said:
most games the differences btwn gpu perfomance starts to show with at 1680regardless of performance that game looks like ass (see screenshot few posts later)

and frankly its unacceptable for a game to launch and not run well on a huge part of a customer base, eitherway i found the game to be poor so meh.

Then why does the game run at ~50fps at 1920 x 1080 on a card that's less powerful than your 4890? It's a driver issue. That's all I'm saying. It happens with tons of PC games. ATi will sort it out. Either way, 8x AA isn't exactly a "cheap" resource either even at 1280x1024. A friend of mine has the same card as me and plays everything at 1600x1200. We compare benchmarks all the time and the difference is not as big as you make it out to be. My performance with 8x AA is about the same as his when he uses 4x AA.


And even i am moderately surprised
i love racing sims, but i only like racing sim A ... racing sim B is shit!

I dunno - there's enough to like in both games, if you prefer one over the other, fine - but the number of people on both sides who think the other one is rubbish is pretty laughable.


good credit (by proxy)
Barso said:
I really liked Dan after forza 1 and forza 2 and I thought he gave a great E3 performance this year and after seeing Che's photos in the forza3 thread my excitement for this game was unreal but after playing the demo and reading Dan's comments, to be brutally honest he can go fuck himself.
I hope GT5 eats him and his team for breakfast.
Dan and Greenbergs comments really make me want to hope that sony finishes MS and it's 360 off for good.
As much as I hope that windows 7 is as great as people say it is I wish MS would piss off from the console race.
And to think I used to really like my 360.
Some guy said some things that you didn't like and now you hate a console because of it and hope that thousands of people lose their jobs. If your comment is true (and you know it's not) then you are 100% psychotic. The amount of control you need to have over even the insignificant parts of your world is troubling and you should be seeing a psychiatrist. I don't envy you.


schennmu said:
Greenaberg is an idiot and his comments makes me want to skip his game. But I'm too much of a sim fan to do that.

is this the same guy who said he wanted to slap Yamauchi around, or something like that.


here you go..... he said he didn't want slap him around.

"So, props to Kazunori Yamauchi-san and the PS1 team," said Greenwalt. "That said," he continued, "I feel that he's passed us the baton. Perhaps he hasn't meant to, but we have taken the genre to new levels and they've stopped evolving the genre. So again, tremendous respect to him, but I'd say the differentiator is they're old school." He concluded, "The emperor's naked, and I don't want to, you know, I don't want to slap him around, but no game competes [with] us right now."

seriously show some professionalism.......mabye they are just catering to the "perceived" xbox crowd.
Timedog said:
Some guy said some things that you didn't like and now you hate a console because of it and hope that thousands of people lose their jobs. If your comment is true (and you know it's not) then you are 100% psychotic. The amount of control you need to have over even the insignificant parts of your world is troubling and you should be seeing a psychiatrist. I don't envy you.

This needs to be said over and over to all of these pseudo offended people in this thread.
TheFatOne said:
I don't know I mean it only sold 220k first month NPD then disappeared of the face of the planet. One has to wonder how Forza 2 sold 3million copies.

Edit: Actually the same with GT5P, but that wasn't a full game.

i remember giving forza 2 away for free for like a year and a half at EB with 360s it was bundled and then after the bundles, they just started givin them to people for 1 cent when you bought a 360.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Andronicus said:
i remember giving forza 2 away for free for like a year and a half at EB with 360s it was bundled and then after the bundles, they just started givin them to people for 1 cent when you bought a 360.

The best things in life are free.


And even i am moderately surprised
seriously show some professionalism.......

the industry as a whole simply isn't geared towards that so if you want to get things moving you got to play to the audience.

a 60+ page squabble fest should tell you that ;)

being professional in something as heavily polarising as video games console fanboyism is a sign of the weak; here on the streets, a game company confronts you he is the enemy, an enemy deserves no mercy.
WhiteAce said:
i love racing sims, but i only like racing sim A ... racing sim B is shit!

I dunno - there's enough to like in both games, if you prefer one over the other, fine - but the number of people on both sides who think the other one is rubbish is pretty laughable.

Seriously. Preferring one over the other is of course perfectly reasonable, but this there can be only one attitude is too dumb to even be amusing. It's the Dude Where's My Car of message board banter.


Can fans of one game change their avatars to Giant Douche and then fans of the other change to Turd Sandwich? I'm starting to get lost keeping track of who hates what, now.


The Swedish Gamereactor site just put up comparison pics (direct screen grabs) between Forza 3 and Shift. Since this topic has been lacking these direct captures overall, I figured I'd post them. I don't have any opinions in this topic since I think both GT5(P) and Forza 3 are beautiful games, but anyway, direct caps of some other stages. 56k'ers will die:







LordPhoque said:
Everything he said in this quote was right. But I assume that a PS3 only owner who didn't played the demo can't confirm that.

And before that humble apology Che unknowingly misled the fanbase because the poor fellow did not noticed nor took the time to understand LOD, was also a little pompous when talking about racing sims. Che's original tag was given because his modus operandi of making "remarks" which also includes outside racing sims talks, did not go unnoticed by the mods. Check his post history. A change in tag is an appropriate reminder of Chegate.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Replaying Forza 2 (I have the online achievement *ugh, should boost that...* and timetrial/arcade left to complete), I remember why I hate the physics of Forza 2. Turning off all the assists makes turning around corners a chore for even production cars. Note: This isn't to say that it should be made easier, but half the time I'm braking down to 50-60/reasonable speed, going around the corner and overshoot my entrance or something because I fly off the track.

This "icecube" syndrome seems to happen to all cars, no matter if production stats or not. It's annoying.

Forza 3 seems to have made this easier, but both don't have the right "I feel like I'm actually driving, just with a controller!" feel that Forza 1 brought.

I will say that graphically: Forza 2 is more consistent in image quality than Forza 3. Car Models are near the same as environmental background. Forza 3's background have an edge on being less "sterile" like GT/Forza 2, but as everyone has stated the models are no where near good (they're passable, but they aren't consistent with the background like Forza 2's models are)

Hopefully the models in the final game are above the demo of Forza 3's quality, otherwise it'll be slightly disappointing going from Forza 2 to 3's cars models (even if they look slightly better... they're more aliased/Jaggy than Forza 2's and no where near the background quality).


TheSeks said:
Hopefully the models in the final game are above the demo of Forza 3's quality, otherwise it'll be slightly disappointing going from Forza 2 to 3's cars models (even if they look slightly better... they're more aliased/Jaggy than Forza 2's and no where near the background quality).

Yeah, it's going to be so disappointing going from Forza 2 to models that are...better?



I heard that the turn radius is a bit limited with the controller ^ but with the racing wheel it's unlocked full or something.


BeeDog said:
The Swedish Gamereactor site just put up comparison pics (direct screen grabs) between Forza 3 and Shift. Since this topic has been lacking these direct captures overall, I figured I'd post them. I don't have any opinions in this topic since I think both GT5(P) and Forza 3 are beautiful games, but anyway, direct caps of some other stages. 56k'ers will die:

Those dark interiors with Forza suck compared!


I haven't play NFS Shift....but judging from those screens from the Swedish site, its seems to be holding its own against Forza....

anyone who played both, chime in....I haven't heard too many good things about Shift's graphics...


Afrikan said:
I haven't play NFS Shift....but judging from those screens from the Swedish site, its seems to be holding its own against Forza....

anyone who played both, chime in....I haven't heard too many good things about Shift's graphics...

Personally I think Forza3 looks better. I have the 2 latest racers, Dirt2 and Shift. On X360 you can clearly see polygonal edges in Shifts cockpit, something forza 3 has less. Also the rear view mirror in Shift has pop-out (is this even a word?) It annoys me, it breaks down the whole world in the mirror (something I haven't seen since N64 / PSX days)

Also I think Forza 3 looks better if not comparable with Shift, which means a lot, Shift is 30 fps and Forza3 60 fps, so it's quite remarkable really. And not to talk about the physix that run 360 Hertz.


sinnergy said:
Personally I think Forza3 looks better. I have the 2 latest racers, Dirt2 and Shift. On X360 you can clearly see polygonal edges in Shifts cockpit, something forza 3 has less. Also the rear view mirror in Shift has pop-out (is this even a word?) It annoys me, it breaks down the whole world in the mirror (something I haven't seen since N64 / PSX days)

Also I think Forza 3 looks better if not comparable with Shift, which means a lot, Shift is 30 fps and Forza3 60 fps, so it's quite remarkable really. And not to talk about the physix that run 360 Hertz.

I liked the demo of NFS PRO Street....well at least I thought the graphix were nice, I like the lighting..... does Shift look better than PRO Street or is that a different game engine?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
KHarvey16 said:
Wow, I can't agree with that at all. Really?

I could take photos, but to me the car models are smoother/less "in your face" with aliasing than Forza 3's demo. It was apparent racing around New York's Time Square track in Forza 2. The models didn't have any aliasing going on while the background is "less detailed" than Forza 3's it wasn't jaggy and as such "consistent" with Forza 2's car models.

Chrange said:
Yeah, it's going to be so disappointing going from Forza 2 to models that are...better?

I'm talking image consistency. Forza 3 does not have that. Check any of the screenshots in this thread. Good backgrounds with no aliasing. Better car models in menus, until you get into a race where aliasing makes them look like a mess.

Basically, all I'm asking for is some anti-aliasing to happen and hopefully make it look less an eyesore when compared to the background of the track the cars are racing on.

Slayer-33 said:

I heard that the turn radius is a bit limited with the controller ^ but with the racing wheel it's unlocked full or something.

Can Che confirm this? That would be total bullshit to try to sell MS Wheels. :|
BeeDog said:
The Swedish Gamereactor site just put up comparison pics (direct screen grabs) between Forza 3 and Shift. Since this topic has been lacking these direct captures overall, I figured I'd post them. I don't have any opinions in this topic since I think both GT5(P) and Forza 3 are beautiful games, but anyway, direct caps of some other stages. 56k'ers will die:


Oh wow...

NFS looks great!


XiaNaphryz said:
It's hard not to fault them though, given the utter insanity and sheer troll spam we're seeing from the other side. :lol

I wonder what the mods really plan to do with all the posts in this thread - maybe they're just trying to get post histories built up for future reference later on?

I was thinking the same thing. So much blatant trolling and no bans?


And even i am moderately surprised
I wonder what the mods really plan to do with all the posts in this thread - maybe they're just trying to get post histories built up for future reference later on?

i'm just hoping it's a honey trap so it keeps people at each others throats here whilst the official threads remain unpoluted.
G_Berry said:
I was thinking the same thing. So much blatant trolling and no bans?

I think the reason this thread was created was to allow one thread (and keep gt5/forza threads troll free for real discussion) where you can say anything you want except personal attacks and console trolling.


TheSeks said:
Can Che confirm this? That would be total bullshit to try to sell MS Wheels. :|

Do you really think other racing games are different ?

Do you really believe that pushing your stick all the way left while going at higher speeds = turning your wheel 90..heck, 450° degrees left ? good luck playing like that.
That's what all racing games need to do with a pad, steering is not linear.
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