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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

cyberheater said:
No doubt. The PS3 is a lovely gaming machine and it's the first machine I recommend to my friends if they ask weather they should get a PS3 or a 360.

I hope you're not taking this thread too seriously?

If I were I would be quite the pillock now wouldn't I. I love this thread, its the best entertainment we have had on gaf since the slim rumour thread.


Anyone care to give us a run down as to what part of the driving physics are done well and not well in GT(5P) and Forza (3 demo)?

I mean, I really hate to see the meme Forza has better physics perpetuated without been properly challenged.

We can clearly see GT graphics are nicer, even while Forza still has very nice graphics... but physics...

All I know is that GT has a fair number of options for physics, and that it seems fairly realistic to me. I know I have an easier time driving in Forza 2 as well, but it was also pretty easy in GT4. GT5P pro mode is significantly harder for me though... although difficulty in handling is really no measure of physics engine accuracy.

So with that much hashed out, is anyone willing to explain what is so great or not great about the physics engine of both games in order to either reinforce or dispel the meme?

Because honestly, it seems like the meme is just repeated because its difficult to challenge and is the only significant notch Forza fanboys have over GT fanboys.
skybaby said:
You don't have to go back that far. We're seeing it right now!
Pre-damage: damage sucks, it's about pristine car porn!
Post-damage: take that forza, our damage is much better haha!

So I'm not the only one who sees this. Its just months ago the GT camp was all "damage suxxors". Now they're all fapping to it.


Junior Member
Class_A_Ninja said:
Xbox 360s die a lot.

They do.

But that hasn't turned Xbox fans into irrational PS3 hating retards who are clinically batshit insane.

And that's what we've seen in this thread from the "GT supporters". Batshit Insanity™.

jakonovski said:
PD simply doesn't have a history of knowing how to make good physics. Like a lot of Japanese devs, they're stuck in their rut (amazing car graphics in this case). I'll believe good physics in GT5 when I see it, and I'll be playing myself when it comes out, because I love the career mode. Until that I'll stick with the 360 because there's no sense in buying a second console until the god game you want comes out.

Keeping in mind that the driving physics were improved in Prologue over GT5...PD recently stated they are improving the physics in GT5. Which speaks volumes to me about them being serious about it. They could have just sat back and used the physics from Prologue which btw were improved over GT4. But they are taking the time to do it and risked missing Fall 2009 to include it.

I think they did get the message that it could be improved and they are doing it. I would definitely check out GT5 when it comes out I think you would be satisfied. I think they do realize that with amazing photorealistic visuals you are immediately reminded that you are looking at a videogame when cars touch each other or track barriers.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Iknos said:
Eh...go easy on them.

It's been really rough for these guys. Not only is their favorite console in 3rd place...but they are getting shafted with inferior looking versions of multiplatform games.

Although I can't verify FortunateSon's F2 or F3 claims as I haven't played either of those 2 games, there's one thing he is correct about and that is that you are clearly biased towards Forza.

I just find it laughable that both you and kharvey are claiming to be "neutral" but defending Forza and attacking GT on the basis that there's an "imbalance in this trollfest" towards GT :lol

Things would be much simpler for everyone if you two just admitted that you prefer Forza instead of this "balancing the thread" bs.

And there is a lot of trolling against GT that people are turning a blind eye against. Posts like

GuessWho said:
Graphics: GT5 > Forza 3
Everything Else: Forza 3 > GT5
Winner Forza 3. It's so simple.

are just as much of a troll as the Forza trolling.

Also, after all these pages of fanboy rage on both sides, the fact still remains that Dan Greenawalt is still the biggest troll on either side.


D'ultimate said:
So I'm not the only one who sees this. Its just months ago the GT camp was all "damage suxxors". Now they're all fapping to it.
It's always the same. Forza has online play, GT4 doesn't! Kaz won't do it if it's not perfect, online gaming is in it's infancy! The list goes on, next up are: liveries :lol


D'ultimate said:
So I'm not the only one who sees this. Its just months ago the GT camp was all "damage suxxors". Now they're all fapping to it.

Anyone that's sane on the GT camp would've held the position:

Damage is nice but not necessary.

After seeing the damage system they've got in GT my stance continues to be

Damage is nice, but not necessary.

... but if they're going to do it, they should do it better, because it's kinda shite as it is now.


F#A#Oo said:
I own all the console's and my post reflected this. I will be buying GT5 AND Forza.

Having owned and completed GT5:p I can safely say PD are masters at making cars look awesome and detailed. But gameplay wise the Forza demo showed off Turn 10 have the simulation aspects down to a T. To th point it might be too realistic.

But whatever man...I'm not interested in this GT5 vs Forza...I will enjoy both. But GT fans are only fooling themselves if they think PD can out-do Turn 10 in the sim area of racing.
I'm not saying you're definitely wrong (F3 might be a better game, sim-wise than GT5, don't know). But even so, since PD is currently still working on GT5 and they especially said they want to upgrade the physics engine, what you said recommends you as a troll. No offense really (and you may actually not be a troll.. i don't really care), but even the way you worded it is against you..you over-praise Forza to the point of being too realistic? I'm pretty sure there are PC sims that offer at least the same degree of simulation realism. You also talk as if PD can never make GT a sim as good as Forza.. This: "But GT fans are only fooling themselves if they think PD can out-do Turn 10 in the sim area of racing." makes it look like GT is an arcade racer compared to Forza, and every car controls and behaves the same(which is not the case in GT games prior to GT5)...simulation is not only physics and customization you know.
Anyway moderation would've been wise, but you're not really doing anything to avoid the etiquette of troll.

The point of my previous post was to show the hypocrisy of some users like those that already compare the physics engines from the two games (though the games are not out yet, they haven't played them and probably most of them don't even own both consoles).
I also wanted to point how KHarvey16 doesn't miss any opportunity to call some people GT/Sony trolls while he never mentions the people that are already making comparisons in Forza's favor.
Just type 'GT troll' in your browser's search function and see how many finds you'll get (you won't find many hits of 'Forza trolls' but you'll find lots of hits of 'GT trolls')...it's as if some users are using the 'you're a GT/Sony troll' expression as a surrogate for an actual argument. It's so bad they came up with comparisons between sony fans of '02 and '07.. I don't think you can find a single page without somebody mentioning 'GT trolls'.
Call me crazy, but from what i've read, i'm of the opinion that (some of) the Forza supporters are the ones actually trolling and acting like immature stupid kids that like to shout 'haha you're just a sony fanboy'.
adelante said:
See that's the thing! You'd think that having to go through multiple RROD experiences would've have traumatized 360 owners and make them more rabid posters but as it turned out, it's the other way around!

It traumatized me, and I watch this thread barely holding back from talking crap on Forza 3. The crazy PS3 people are former xbox people who have been wronged.

My problem with Forza is that it coulda been somebody. On the eve of the launch of Forza 2, it seemed like a real franchise that could compete in hype circles with GT. Forza 3, aside from the diehards in this thread, has about as much hype as PGR4. It's a game made by a developer that couldn't move on. Even when it became apparent that their franchise was no longer really needed, they still made the same damn game and soon will release it to thousands of chirping crickets. One Forza was all this gen needed, and they didn't take advantage of their opportunity.

This is all independent of quality. It's a fine game, but we had our fill this gen. It's kind of like Fight Night 4, which I own and love. It just isn't the same thing the second time around. Yet, we have to listen to the developer say definitive, definitive, definitive. That is something consumers get to decide.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Fender_Uk said:
2x in 1080p mode and 4x in 720p

Interesting. I would love to be proven wrong. That GT5 will actually look as good as that as you play but I'm going to reduce my expectation levels a couple of notches to avoid disappointment.


Junior Member
GSG Flash said:
Although I can't verify FortunateSon's F2 or F3 claims as I haven't played either of those 2 games, there's one thing he is correct about and that is that you are clearly biased towards Forza.

I just find it laughable that both you and kharvey are claiming to be "neutral" but defending Forza and attacking GT on the basis that there's an "imbalance in this trollfest" towards GT :lol

Things would be much simpler for everyone if you two just admitted that you prefer Forza instead of this "balancing the thread" bs.

So you feel this way because I have responded to BS claims about FM2 and FM3? Like when I pointed out the pic of the blue Mazda was not of the finished product...that made me biased for Forza?

Or when I pointed out that the windows weren't black...I'm biased?

I suspect you feel that way because of statements like the following...

And there is a lot of trolling against GT that people are turning a blind eye against. Posts like

are just as much of a troll as the Forza trolling.

I agree with that and so do many sim racing fans. How is that a troll?

When you consider something like that a troll that tells me you're just like those crazies in this thread who don't look at things objectively.

People say the graphics in FM3 aren't as good as GT5. That isn't a troll. It's an observation. Same thing applies to the physics.

Saying that you can't see the insides of cars in Forza when it is false...that's the sort of stuff I'm replying to.

If someone said that cars in GT regularly flash on the screen when you oversteer I'd be correcting them on that.

But has anyone said something like that about GT thus far? I may have missed whatever post it was...that's possible. But I really don't think that's the case.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
pseudocaesar said:
If I were I would be quite the pillock now wouldn't I. I love this thread, its the best entertainment we have had on gaf since the slim rumour thread.

Agreed. Very funny in parts although it does give you an insight what a terrible and wondrous place this would be if all the threads were this unmoderated.
troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll

Is that all you dipshits say?


Iknos said:
Guesswho said:
Graphics: GT5 > Forza 3
Everything Else: Forza 3 > GT5
Winner Forza 3. It's so simple.

I agree with that and so do many sim racing fans. How is that a troll?

Everything else Forza 3 is better than GT5, without qualification or detail, and somehow that's not a troll to you?

Well, at least we know where you're coming from now.
From the legions of brainwashed xbox fuckwits who can't even tell that they're been shills. Obnoxious enough to feign objectivity all while glowing bright fucking green
Class_A_Ninja said:
It traumatized me, and I watch this thread barely holding back from talking crap on Forza 3. The crazy PS3 people are former xbox people who have been wronged.

My problem with Forza is that it coulda been somebody. On the eve of the launch of Forza 2, it seemed like a real franchise that could compete in hype circles with GT. Forza 3, aside from the diehards in this thread, has about as much hype as PGR4. It's a game made by a developer that couldn't move on. Even when it became apparent that their franchise was no longer really needed, they still made the same damn game and soon will release it to thousands of chirping crickets. One Forza was all this gen needed, and they didn't take advantage of their opportunity.

This is all independent of quality. It's a fine game, but we had our fill this gen. It's kind of like Fight Night 4, which I own and love. It just isn't the same thing the second time around. Yet, we have to listen to the developer say definitive, definitive, definitive. That is something consumers get to decide.
Uh FM3 is being massively hyped. It got one of the biggest e3 presentations by far (why do you think people keep harping on Definitive? Because there was so much of it.) PGR 4 had no equivalent hype. No weekly (and now daily) dev reports, no expo car giveaway extravaganzas, etc. It is a major release from MS.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Iknos said:
So you feel this way because I have responded to BS claims about FM2 and FM3? Like when I pointed out the pic of the blue Mazda was not of the finished product...that made me biased for Forza?

Or when I pointed out that the windows weren't black...I'm biased?

I suspect you feel that way because of statements like the following...

No, it's more of your unequivocal defending of Forza mixed with potshots at GT5 that make me feel this way, I thought that would've been obvious.

I agree with that and so do many sim racing fans. How is that a troll?

More like how is that not a troll? No one making those claims, including yourself, has played GT5 yet, so how can you claim that Forza>GT5 in everything other than graphics? That's pretty much trolling by the book, in the same vein of trolling that you're "defending" F3 against.

I'm not going around claiming "GT5>F3 in every possible category" for a reason, I have yet to play either game.


Zaptruder said:
From the legions of brainwashed xbox fuckwits who can't even tell that they're been shills. Obnoxious enough to feign objectivity all while glowing bright fucking green
lol so angry. And what are you doing masking your pent up rage anyway? Show the world how you truly feel!

K' Dash

Zaptruder said:
From the legions of brainwashed xbox fuckwits who can't even tell that they're been shills. Obnoxious enough to feign objectivity all while glowing bright fucking green



If "GT5:p is better than FM3" was the extent of the comments here I don't think anyone would have a problem. The problem is repeated use of screenshots and gifs that misrepresent and articles attributed to sources and given an authority they don't deserve. These things have been very clearly and fairly pointed out to be BS yet they keep appearing. If the things I listed were removed this thread might be 5 pages long.

Just plain opinions make for an actual discussion and maybe even an interesting thread.


cyberheater said:
Agreed. Very funny in parts although it does give you an insight what a terrible and wondrous place this would be if all the threads were this unmoderated.

It's a "bullshot" aka press shot. Oversampled.


This thread is getting worse as it gets along

Iknos said:
They do.

But that hasn't turned Xbox fans into irrational PS3 hating retards who are clinically batshit insane.

And that's what we've seen in this thread from the "GT supporters". Batshit Insanity™.

Sorry sir, but that is bullshit. First of all, fanboys are fanboys, some Xboxs fans didn't accept the RROD problem, some still excuse Microsoft for it. Also, I have seen Xbox fans go as far as to hate Sony (yes, hate the company and all of their products :lol ), hell, lets not forget about Maddox

And Im not claiming that GT is the best sim, tell you the truth, I don't like sims, rather play WipEout or Motorstorm :D but no, its dumb to just blame GT supporters when the Forza fans have also done the same, hell, just a few posts above mine one poster is claiming that Forza's physics are "too realistic"! :lol

skybaby said:
You don't have to go back that far. We're seeing it right now!
Pre-damage: damage sucks, it's about pristine car porn!
Post-damage: take that forza, our damage is much better haha!


Lets play that game

Xbox - Xbox 360 fans 05/06 : its about the power/graphics
Xbox 360 07/08: its about the games

Forza 1/2 fans: damage!
Forza 3 fans before the demo: graphics! look at the 3d environment!
Forza 3 fans after the demo: physics! too realistic!

Once again, there is no point on claiming that Forza, or Xbox fanboys for that matter, are any better, both sides are full of idiots


Zaptruder said:
The mask isn't designed to hide so much as it is for 'dramatic pause.'
As if the thread needs more drama queens...cmon now, you brought up some good points, all it needs is to sound less "high-strung". Only then you'd actually appear to have a civil discussion with Iknos! =D

Well if you care bout that sorta thing on an internet forum anyway...
I never knew sim racers had gameplay, I thought they were just advanced diagnostic tools for treating OCD. From all I've heard about previous GT's stupid ass license/timetrial/howthefuckisthisagame systems and Forza's insane fucking 19 lap races around the same seven tracks while pretending randomized restrictions somehow makes it all new content, it's no wonder that the fans of such shit care enough to actually bitch at each other over rear window transparancy differences or the lack of fucking imperial units on a dashboard.


Son of Godzilla said:
I never knew sim racers had gameplay, I thought they were just advanced diagnostic tools for treating OCD. From all I've heard about previous GT's stupid ass license/timetrial/howthefuckisthisagame systems and Forza's insane fucking 19 lap races around the same seven tracks while pretending randomized restrictions somehow makes it all new content, it's no wonder that the fans of such shit care enough to actually bitch at each other over rear window transparancy differences or the lack of fucking imperial units on a dashboard.
License tests are probably the best part of the GT series...you're out of your mind.


Junior Butler
Son of Godzilla said:
I never knew sim racers had gameplay, I thought they were just advanced diagnostic tools for treating OCD. From all I've heard about previous GT's stupid ass license/timetrial/howthefuckisthisagame systems and Forza's insane fucking 19 lap races around the same seven tracks while pretending randomized restrictions somehow makes it all new content, it's no wonder that the fans of such shit care enough to actually bitch at each other over rear window transparancy differences or the lack of fucking imperial units on a dashboard.

And yet...here you are!
Cat in the Hat said:
troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll

Is that all you dipshits say?

fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy
fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy
fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy
fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy
fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy


I mean seriously. To say xtards aren't about graphics is just bullshit. Why else had they been fapping over bullshots over and over again while at the same time didn't realize they've been duped by a Turn10 employee.


KHarvey16 said:
If "GT5:p is better than FM3" was the extent of the comments here I don't think anyone would have a problem. The problem is repeated use of screenshots and gifs that misrepresent and articles attributed to sources and given an authority they don't deserve. These things have been very clearly and fairly pointed out to be BS yet they keep appearing. If the things I listed were removed this thread might be 5 pages long.

Just plain opinions make for an actual discussion and maybe even an interesting thread.
You're so biased you don't even realize the repeated use of screenshots and gifs that misrepresent these games can't be attributed to GT fans only. And why stop at gifs and screenshots? Another part of the problem are words... Just look at Iknos; he thinks claiming Forza 3 is better than GT5 in every department (excluding graphics) though he didn't play GT5, is not trolling.

Oh, and the least thing we need is a preacher that is first when it comes to 'who used the world <troll> more'. If i were you, i would have thought twice before posting. ;)

Ploid 3.0

D'ultimate said:
So I'm not the only one who sees this. Its just months ago the GT camp was all "damage suxxors". Now they're all fapping to it.

A lot of gt fans don't care for damage still. Well not cosmetic damage, the kind that take the focus off of the game. Even Kaz.Y thinks it's insignificant, "damage is such a small part of racing" (paraphrase). When you race correctly you'll barely have a chance to see any damage. For example when there was a rumor that damage was in the Gamescom demo, people started telling Blim to stop playing correctly and damage the car. Stupid.

While at Nurburgring, Yamauchi said he was approached by countless GT fans, who asked him why he was adding damage to the series. "For many fans I spoke with," Yamauchi explained, "one reason they seemed to like Gran Turismo is that you cannot damage cars." The decision to include damage apparently was based on looking at what was missing from the franchise. Currently the development of car damage is at about 50 percent — work on it was begun two months ago.

The increasing number of driving simulators is not a bad thing. "I think it's great that the racing game market is getting bigger," said Yamauchi. "It's like if you are a rock fan, you'd like there to be more rock groups. Same idea. That being said, we don't view Gran Turismo as competing with those other titles. We are competing with ourselves."

BenjaminBirdie said:
Uh FM3 is being massively hyped. It got one of the biggest e3 presentations by far (why do you think people keep harping on Definitive? Because there was so much of it.) PGR 4 had no equivalent hype. No weekly (and now daily) dev reports, no expo car giveaway extravaganzas, etc. It is a major release from MS.

Yeah, but I'm thinking the equivalent is if someone really tried to push PGR4. People still wouldn't care, no matter how much you talked about it. It isn't like Microsoft has a lot of inhouse developed games to show off right now.

I guess we'll see if it is turns out to be a huge fall release. I think a lot of disservice was done to the franchise by making it the default free game for a long time. I don't think there is much mystique left in the series.
Zaptruder said:
From the legions of brainwashed xbox fuckwits who can't even tell that they're been shills. Obnoxious enough to feign objectivity all while glowing bright fucking green

Wow. That's some Glenn Beck kind of retarded angst right there.


[Nintex] said:
Guys it's Forza 3 vs. Gran Turismo 5.

Sony fans vs. Microsoft fans vs. Pacifists battle Royale extravaganza

Maybe its just me but there seems to be real N4G quality to this thread. Wouldn't be surprised to find that a number of posters in here in fact came from that site.
mentalfloss said:
fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy
fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy
fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy
fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy
fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy fanboy
Oh yeah forgot about that gem


Class_A_Ninja said:
Yeah, but I'm thinking the equivalent is if someone really tried to push PGR4. People still wouldn't care, no matter how much you talked about it. It isn't like Microsoft has a lot of inhouse developed games to show off right now.

I guess we'll see if it is turns out to be a huge fall release. I think a lot of disservice was done to the franchise by making it the default free game for a long time. I don't think there is much mystique left in the series.
I doubt that a bundle has any impact on a series. I mean, there have been plenty of Mario bundles and Gran Turismo 4 was the free PS2 game in Europe.

The PGR4 release was a bit of a mess. Forza 2 was only out for a few months, it was released just days after Halo 3 and that holiday season was packed. Forza 3 is one of the biggest Microsoft releases of this year and has little competition in october. The Xbox 360's userbase is bigger as well.

mentalfloss said:
Wow. That's some Glenn Beck kind of retarded angst right there.
I wonder what console Glenn Beck supports, my guess is Xbox 360 because it isn't from "Yurop or Communist Asia". Or is Project Natal the framework that Obama will activate to rule the world? It does have Project in the name... hmmm


shuyin_ said:
You're so biased you don't even realize the repeated use of screenshots and gifs that misrepresent these games can't be attributed to GT fans only.

I don't care who they're attributed to. Comparing those to opinions about what someone prefers is dumb.

shuyin_ said:
And why stop at gifs and screenshots? Another part of the problem are words... Just look at Iknos; he thinks claiming Forza 3 is better than GT5 in every department (excluding graphics) though he didn't play GT5, is not trolling.

Compared to what's happening in here it certainly isn't. At least you can have a discussion with the guy.

shuyin_ said:
Oh, and the least thing we need is a preacher that is first when it comes to 'who used the world <troll> more'. If i were you, i would have thought twice before posting. ;)

Right back at ya there, mumbles.


This is starting to get super ugly in there.

This thread was a brillant idea. Next up, Bayonetta vs GoW III?
Hmm, might noy be gory enough.

Oh, FFXIII PS3 vs 360! :eek:


Shogun PaiN said:
Maybe its just me but there seems to be real N4G quality to this thread. Wouldn't be surprised to find that a number of posters in here in fact came from that site.
Duh! The whole (hidden) point of this thread was to draw in as many fanboys and then in one fell swoop, ban them all that've posted in here (more than 10 times is a reasonable enough measure for suspect motives). Sorta like a purge...


[Nintex] said:
Forza 3 is one of the biggest Microsoft releases of this year and has little competition in october. The Xbox 360's userbase is bigger as well.

Forza 3 is (after the launch of Halo 3:ODST) the only exclusive game coming this fall, ok the only BIG game Microsoft is pushing out this fall. That is why the game is defended so much. No matter what flaws will be pointed out, the X360 community will stand TALL and try to dismiss them. You said it yourself, X360 userbase is very large. So Microsoft and Fans will not tolerate any BS about Forza 3. Why do you think they hire a "community manager" to post pictures and tidbits about this game?

I like my Decadal dosis of Gran Turismo.. but I´m not a fanboy... I can clearly see Gran Turismo´s shortcomings.. the game is fun but there are other games out there that are equal/better in the fun factor department.

As I keep on reading this thread (yes I´m a masochist), I can clearly see you guys don´t know why you started playing games in the first place anymore.. I myself play games to relax and get away from my boring normal routine-plagued life.. I play to have fun and enjoy myself..


Ploid 3.0 said:
A lot of gt fans don't care for damage still. Well not cosmetic damage, the kind that take the focus off of the game. Even Kaz.Y thinks it's insignificant, "damage is such a small part of racing" (paraphrase). When you race correctly you'll barely have a chance to see any damage. For example when there was a rumor that damage was in the Gamescom demo, people started telling Blim to stop playing correctly and damage the car. Stupid.
Its not about seeing damage...its more about crashing having an impact on your performance and preventing people from using other cars as a means to take a turn.


GSG Flash said:
No, it's more of your unequivocal defending of Forza mixed with potshots at GT5 that make me feel this way, I thought that would've been obvious.
Iknos has been one of the few posters here trying to be objective. He's simply trying to respond to inaccurate information, which in this thread so far has been overwhelmingly been one-sided. He has cleared up GT inaccuracies as well, but those haven't been nearly as bad in comparison.

As for the potshots, it seems he's done this more on the posters than on the game itself, which is understandable given the complete cesspool this thread is. To the crazy contingent here, if you make any attempt at "defending" Forza even if it's just correcting a simple inaccuracy you're instantly branded as being on that "side" and are clearly a fanboy. It's absurd.


XiaNaphryz said:
As for the potshots, it seems he's done this more on the posters than on the game itself, which is understandable given the complete cesspool this thread is. To the crazy contingent here, if you make any attempt at "defending" Forza even if it's just correcting a simple inaccuracy you're instantly branded as being on that "side" and are clearly a fanboy. It's absurd.

You mean just like how people defending GT are being treated as delusional or just blind fanboys and whatever else?

Once again, this thread, contrary to your claims, isn't one sided, its absurd to try to put one group above the other
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