Becauseimtehman said:why do some people care so much about a feature of a game they won't buy, on a console they don't own?
proposition said:Rewind is the destruction of gaming as we know it!
Go to the leaderboards. Unlimited laps with an empty track, unless you choose to race a leaderboard ghost.dfyb said:does the forza 3 demo even have time trial? i was in an actual race
imtehman said:why do some people care so much about a feature of a game they won't buy, on a console they don't own?
ElNino said:That's not exactly true. I've had many races in Forza 1, 2 (and even the demo for 3) where I collided with a opponent racer once and after that I had serious engine/transmission damage. The demo isn't quite as punishing it seems as Forza 2 was, but that could very well be just how it is setup for the demo. In Forza 2, you definately could not get away with very much bumper passing.
Interfectum said:Forza 3 car of the day
Are these bullshots or in-game can never tell with Turn 10
Hideous either way
ShapeGSX said:Photo mode, like the rest of the Turn 10 shots. And the PD shots, for that matter.
commedieu said:All Turn10's shots are bullshots with the increased poly models.
PD doesn't swap out models for photomode. Just increases the anti-aliasing. PD also doesn't swap out the models pre-post race either.
PD's bullshots = more AA... & Replay mode/ingame looks the same.
Forza's bullshots = Non Game assets. Replay/menu is a different world.
KHarvey16 said:PD doesn't use LOD bias?
You can tell the GT cars are in a league of their own even from afar.ShapeGSX said:Can you get close enough to the car during gameplay (not replay) to actually polygon count in either game?
ShapeGSX said:Can you get close enough to the car during gameplay (not replay) to actually polygon count in either game?
commedieu said:All games use LOD bias.
PD doesn't swap out the car models when you start a race from high polygon to low polygon.
PD doesn't dim the windscreens of the vehicles in-game either to hide reduced geometry for interiors.
PD also doesn't increase the model detail for the player car in the replay mode either, just added DOF & decreased 30fps framerate due to it.
PD also doesn't swap out the car models in the menu vs gameplay.
Turn10 Does.
Honestly? Probably because Gran Turismo was such a flagship title on their system in the playstation heyday. In many ways, it pioneered the way for console racing games. So I think the harder core fans of the system, wrapped in nostalgic memories of glory, hate to lose that comforting feeling. The one that made them proud of their baby, the one that when they had friends over who goo'ed and aw'ed at the graphics, put a huge grin on their face. Now to be challenged, and in fact many ways bettered by a competitor is something they're not so ready to accept. This is a title that stood undisputed on consoles back in the day and was a unanimous pick among console racers as "the" title to get. Attacking another competing game serves their purpose to do their part to return the series and the system to the days of old.imtehman said:why do some people care so much about a feature of a game they won't buy, on a console they don't own?
KHarvey16 said:What you're describing as model swapping is LOD.
Being able to read text on a headlight does not warrant waiting nearly six years for the game. PD's priorities are fucked.commedieu said:You can get close enough to read this:
In game, in engine, realtime.
So kinda?
Oh i see you exclude replay,
Yeah the same detail is in the game. You just have to pin a car in a corner i'd imagine. There are tons of in-cockpit ferrari tailight/headlight videos in the GTCOckpit thread.
Interfectum said:Forza 3 car of the day
Are these bullshots or in-game can never tell with Turn 10
Hideous either way
commedieu said:And all games use LOD. As I've said.
But all games don't swap out high polygon models at menu/replay/ingame before you even play. Then go on to claim the game has cars with 10x more polygons.
Thats unique to Turn10.
Booshka said:Being able to read text on a headlight does not warrant waiting nearly six years for the game. PD's priorities are fucked.
proposition said:Honestly, I can't tell if Interfectum is genuinely stupid or an incredible troll.
shpankey said:Honestly? Probably because Gran Turismo was such a flagship title on their system in the playstation heyday. In many ways, it pioneered the way for console racing games. So I think the harder core fans of the system, wrapped in nostalgic memories of glory, hate to lose that comforting feeling. The one that made them proud of their baby, the one that when they had friends over who goo'ed and aw'ed at the graphics, put a huge grin on their face. Now to be challenged, and in fact many ways bettered by a competitor is something they're not so ready to accept. This is a title that stood undisputed on consoles back in the day and was a unanimous pick among console racers as "the" title to get. Attacking another competing game serves their purpose to do their part to return the series and the system to the days of old.
A Chevy Charger?Interfectum said:Forza 3 car of the day
Are these bullshots or in-game can never tell with Turn 10
Hideous either way
ascii42 said:A Chevy Charger?
Yeah, I know. The Chevy's probably a Monte Carlo. I was making fun of the fact that the post implies that they are the same car, since it just says "Car of the Day".KHarvey16 said:Not the same car.
funny.Yoritomo said:This entire thread is about assumptions and conjecture. :lol
It's a bunch of people who haven't played an actual forza game vs a bunch of people who haven't played GT since GT4.
imtehman said:cooL, we rewinded back to graphics comparisons
RSTEIN said:Final Fantasy. Devil May Cry. Resident Evil. GTA. Now all on 360. Microsoft calls the shots now (not saying this is a positive thing!) in the hardcore segment. Sony has few exclusives fanboys can trumpet anymore. In fact, the only real multi-million-selling-console-moving-exclusive left on the PS3 is Gran Turismo. So of course it gets defended to death. Of course any game that tries to compete with it is going to attract the attention of vicious fanboys.
For racing fans of course which hardware a game is played on is irrelevant. It's all about the software. I've probably spent 80% of my total time playing sims on a Playstation console for one reason: Gran Turismo.
beast786 said:So what 3rd Party Exclusive does Microsoft have that rocks or control that segment. Just Damn curious.?
AMUSIX said:funny.
beast786 said:So what 3rd Party Exclusive does Microsoft have that rocks or control that segment. Just Damn curious.?
imtehman said:why do some people care so much about a feature of a game they won't buy, on a console they don't own?
GT5P came out 2 years ago. Inflate it more would you.Booshka said:Being able to read text on a headlight does not warrant waiting nearly six years for the game. PD's priorities are fucked.
jaypah said:i think if you read the rest of the post you'll see he meant that Sony lost a lot and MS gained a lot, in respects to 3rd party. which is why he goes on to say that fanboys tend to latch on even tighter to what's left of must-have 1st party exclusives. and any game challenging that spot will be met with harsh fanboy trolling.
also, thread is awesome again. keep it up soldiers.
commedieu said:You can get close enough to read this:
In game, in engine, realtime.
You can see it even better if you do the bumper cam.
beast786 said:I agree, but neither has any major 3rd party exclusive. MS has SCC, Sony has Agent. Both fanboyz tend to latch on every tighter of whats left. Not just Sony. Atleast from my personal taste sony has an impressive 1st party.
beast786 said:I agree, but neither has any major 3rd party exclusive. MS has SCC, Sony has Agent. Both fanboyz tend to latch on every tighter of whats left. Not just Sony. Atleast from my personal taste sony has an impressive 1st party.
jaypah said:i like all 3 1st party line ups. which is a Godsend since i have all 3 consoles. and yes, fanboys do what fanboys do. but looking at the long heritage of GT it's not surprising that Forza gets trolled harder. it's also not surprising that a lot of Forza fans have respect for GT; PS1 and PS2 were sales beast and a lot of Forza players probably started on GT and probably still play it. it's still the top dog for console racing games.
imtehman said:it does, but coming from you, a person that doesn't even own a 360(going by your profile) it doesn't mean much
beast786 said:So what 3rd Party Exclusive does Microsoft have that rocks or control that segment. Just Damn curious.?
beast786 said:RROD , Thanks for your investigative report.
imtehman said:all it required was a click!
By the way, does RROD deletes a person's gamertag? *shrug*
If you looked at my live gamercard you'd see that one of the last games I played before selling my launch 360 was Forza 2, and I had 846/1000 Achievements. Also, Forza 3 in October and GT5 not coming til '10 was a reason for me to consider getting a 360, to the point I had it in my online shopping cart, but I was disappointed to find that it was out of stock. I wound up thinking more about it, and decided not to bother waiting for it to come back instock, because I just bought a Wii and there are plenty of games to play on that and PS3 right now, and in the next couple months I'll just be REALLY swamped.imtehman said:why do some people care so much about a feature of a game they won't buy, on a console they don't own?
That should have been obvious from the thread title when it was created. :lolcakefoo said:I was mistaken in thinking there would be any objective discussion going on in this thread.
Clearly I must be doing something wrong, because I've also been labeled a troll of Killzone 2 and GT5XiaNaphryz said:That should have been obvious from the thread title when it was created. :lol
cakefoo said:Clearly I must be doing something wrong, because I've also been labeled a troll of Killzone 2 and GT5, so that just goes to show you how intolerant I am of defensive fanboys who get in my way.