Compatible with other detachable Ferrari wheels already available on the market
(Ferrari F1 Wheel Add-On**, Ferrari GTE Wheel Add-On**, etc.)
Compatible with the T3PA** pedal set (Thrustmaster 3 Pedals Add-on)
Compatible with the TH8A** shifter (Thrustmaster TH8 Add-on) featuring 8-speed or sequential gearbox
** Sold separately
Is Yas the first track without the low blinding sun?
since the t500 was praised by many, we can assume that we re going to have at least one proper wheel for the xbox one. sooner or later the t500 pedals will be available.
so one thing left. is the TX going to be PS4 ready? would become a perfect wheel then.
fanatec hinting to a new model is great, too.
official site updated
-Controller pairing LED for Kinect!
I'm going to buy one of these. Should be a nice upgrade for my G27.
But this feature:
I still don't get why that even matters?
I gave in to hype and temptation and preordered the LCE today.
Now let's see if I'll be able to find a console on the 22nd.
I would seriously do your homework and go to Best Buy. There's going to be a sacrifice of your time and such, but the joy you will feel when you see Forza on the big screen....and the WOOOOSHHH of a Shelby MUSTANG GT500 going past you with the GT "Dead Poul" will make all the time worth it.
And as for you and your filthy, degenerate MUSTANGS, while I fully expect to be outmatched and outclassed, don't think for one second that I'll be experiencing anything remotely like joy when it happens.
You've got a dirty fucking mouth. I'll be sure to clean it with that high octane exhaust.
I'll give you the last one.
has there been any Prague gameplay footage since E3? Would really like to see a comparison to what it looks like in comparison to the final build.
More like, still three days ! Those last ones will be the worst !Shit just three days away, days are flying by.
Shit just three days away, days are flying by.
I know! I'm starting to think that Helios might not be able to get our free Xbones and LEs to us for launch day. He hasn't even asked for my address yet! Have you heard anything mate? I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have cancelled my pre-order. Not knowing is the worst!
Dont lose hope, there's no way he'd let us down.
Very true. Thanks for that, mate. I'm a lot calmer now.
Maybe the delay is because he's getting them personally signed by all the team?
Very true. Thanks for that, mate. I'm a lot calmer now.
Maybe the delay is because he's getting them personally signed by all the team?
Man, this thread, a handful of days out from release, is moving slower than any Forza thread in history (or close enough to it).
Engraved actually.
Man, this thread, a handful of days out from release, is moving slower than any Forza thread in history (or close enough to it).
All launch game OT's except Ryse's are stuck or crawling, guess why...
When drop forza 5 reviews embargo ?
I've been working 7 days straight 12 hours a day for the last two fucking months!
Will be doing so for another 6 fucking weeks!
I have no fucking time to even scratch my balls. I think I'm starting to hallucinate...
I have no idea how or when I can even pick the Box up and fucking play.
I'm so very tired.
The horror, the horror..
Man, this thread, a handful of days out from release, is moving slower than any Forza thread in history (or close enough to it).
Engraved actually.
Destructoid with a little tease.
Looks like it's going to end up being the highest scored launch game of the generation just as I predicted.
Still lower than the other FMs i predict.
Man, this thread, a handful of days out from release, is moving slower than any Forza thread in history (or close enough to it).
We haven't had many replays yet, about time we had some shiny replay bullshottery to wow at.
That's pretty rad.i love that in addition to being able to bring up the in game telemetry with the dpad mid race you can now remove the HUD that way too. i definitely prefer no HUD, but on longer races it was nice to know what lap you are on. best of both worlds.