But I didn't think the TX had FF?
You thought we were paying $400 for a non FF wheel..........................

Maybe you were thinking of the spider wheel that sells for $100

But I didn't think the TX had FF?
ISR still haven't reviewed the Madcatz?
He's usually pretty good for early reviews, wondering if it broke or something.
Copied from the next gen wheel thread if anybody hasn't seen this yet.
Can't watch until later![]()
It looks like a piece of crap. Really cheap and toy like. Hardware switch to go between 270 and 900 degrees. No PC support. Etc. If it was like 200$ then maybe but considering that this is costing more than a TX, it's ridiculous.
And no instructions in the box!
But to be fair the material on the steering wheel is probably better then the stock TX and the pedals look to have some customization when it comes to tension, so that is another positive, but thats about it.
True about the faux leather on the rim (Thrustmaster needs a good leather rim).
And yeah, not sure about the pedals. At least with the TX you can use the T3PA or the CSP pedals.
Just bought some new pedals for the t3pa
Went to try and tackle p3trans time on laguna seca for D class only to see that he went and set a new time yesterday.......................that's just wrong.
I don't know, I think the P1 handles very well for a 900+ hp car.
I'd have to double-check on the Rivals event leaderboard but I'm pretty sure I did my sub-7:15 time in a stock P1 as a matter of fact. That's with all assists off and manual without clutch on a controller.
Also, all this talk about wheels... I keep eyeing the TX on Pixmania but reason holds me back every time, that and the facts that I would only use it with FM5 and I would need to buy an expensive stand to go with it, adding to the already costly purchase...
Absolutely love this game and can't wait to see what they do with Forza 6 but will have Horizon and Driveclub to carry me to that point.
But I really wish they would fix the special paint Gold/ Chrome glitch. I know the game has other issues but for some reason that one really annoys me.
The "normal" not "simulation" steering alone is a big driving aid IMO. You don't drive on simulation using a controller, right?! That's pretty much undrivable in RWD cars as far as I know.
The "normal" not "simulation" steering alone is a big driving aid IMO. You don't drive on simulation using a controller, right?! That's pretty much undrivable in RWD cars as far as I know.
It's a good buy for £230. Get one nice and early this gen and it will do you at least two FMs and maybe a couple of Horizons and a wheel stand would last a lifetime.
Did you have a wheel last gen?
I have used simulation steering with a controller since FM4. It just takes some getting used to, but no cars are undrivable.
TylerDurden4321 said:Is there really torque vectoring in the game at all? Does somebody have info on this?
When I said all assists off, that included simulation steering as well.
I've been using it since FM4 too.
Torque vectoring was apparently present in previous Forzas, well F4 at least. The Xbox 360 games have been torn apart by hackers, maybe someone has come across the details of how it was modelled.
I don't think anybody here has the means to take a look at it.
Server's on this game are sooo bad, so i'm quitting racing until no6 or something is done.I'm really suprised there is'nt a bigger uproar about this, last i was racing a indycar series that i'm doing over at virtual motorsports and the race was a wash with speed up slow downs frame drops, it was really bad but this aint the first time this was race 7 of 8 and i don't think i've had 1 race in this series without issues.
There was 60 sign ups for this event,we were down to 10 last night because of these issues.
Super Takyu that starts this sunday with over 100 people signed up it might be a good idea for T10 ask some of them guys about there experiances during and after the series. Also MS could learn alot about there invite system and how bad it really is.
X1 is next gen in graphics only.
Hang on: FM5's got dedicated servers, hasn't it?
Yes, and it has been a smooth experience in race for our Sunday races. Getting the games started has had a few issues here and there, but I still think its been smoother than our F4 races.
Beautiful photos, G Rom.
I take my hat off to you! That is quite remarkable with just an xbox one controller.
(and I now think you're the kind of person for who buying a good yet expensive wheel might be a perfectly justifiable decision)
thnx anyway... maybe it's just not modeled as thoroughly as in the real world for the hypercars. I think the P1 even uses front wheel brakes for some extreme cornering to get the vector exactly right.
Not a chance imo, i've done lots of racing on various website's and the majority of people i've spoke to say that this F5 is the worst online experiance they have had out of all of the Forza's.
When do the new rewards come out?
I've only got the Target IndyCar to go and can't be arsed to grind the last 600k.
Forza Rewards are live!
...Super Takyu that starts this sunday with over 100 people signed up ....
already way faster than me. looks like I have some catching up to do...![]()
I need to get this lap clean and I'm coming for you, P3tran !
Which is kinda worrying me as to whether or not the driving is the same, and if the multiplayer is the same too.
I know, racing is fun, but did you never want to just drive a car for the pleasure of driving... maybe a convertable on your vacation? Especially Italy and the south of France with narrow, curvy roads, hills, mountains and small villages are just beautiful for this.I really don't care about the open world stuff
/googles "virtual motorsports"![]()
Nice. The CPX is really well built for a home made jobbie, looks pro. Cabletied mine to the bottom of the CSPs.
Knobs are a little slack but it's one of those things that works so well you could easily forget it's there.
already way faster than me. looks like I have some catching up to do...![]()