Is this game as good as previous titles?
I loved Forza 2,3 and 4 and I think that every new iteration was better than it's predecessor.
There was big quality jump from 2 to 3 and number four was also improved a lot.
I had quite a long break from Forza 4 and tonight I played it and it reminded me how good this series is.I had so much fun playing it that I am considering buying Xbox One just for that one game even tonight (I am interested in other titles but they will release later so buying it today would be only for F5).
My budget is not too good but I am hyped to play Forza 5 with windshield,improved nurburgring and other tracks like Long Beach.On the other hand I don't won't to spend money and be disappointed

So would you guys recommend it to me?Is sound as good as in Forza 4?Are physics really even better than before?
Is Forza 5 worth it when I have previous games?