well, if one forza player, fan of drag (lets say me), supposedly asked something,
for example my first question would be if now we have a working tree, and how launches are made..
that, in my opinion, its about a hundred times more important that if you can pull wheelies or not..
so, tree? reaction times? these things fixed?
I'd guess they are the same.. but wheelies, yeah, you can pull them in f3&4 if you like
so, since I'm not receiving forza+xbone anytime soon, who can check for me?
1) how are the leaderboards?
2) how are the drag races?
also, I think I saw that in forza 5 you cannot any more just create logos and stencils for everybody to buy/get and use on their paints.
so its basically, "if you want a nice "Tag Houer" logo to add to your racing paintjob, do it yourself."
dat true also?
I edited my post last page but i took to long to edit so here it is.
Edit: To answer the post above, no the point is not to show off doing a wheelie, it's about the grip you get on rwd cars. All my high power rwd cars had to have stupidly long gearing to not spin endlessly (120mph+ in first gear and the likes in 900hp+ cars) and even then you had to feather the throttle, the car would bog down, THEN you could give it full power, at which point you'd still get wheelspin at over 100mph, this was all kinds of wrong. While with actual drag tires and a decent suspention setup you should be able to get a decent takeoff with 900hp, and floor it after getting the takeoff grip.
A tree would be good, but only if drag racing actually worked as intended. Right now it's always kids in their retarded awd cars launching at redline that win everything. That's not what I would call "working as intended".
WHAT?Picked up the LCE earlier but I'm holding out until I can get a wheel before playing.
actually what hampers the "drag" mode is the lack of working christmas tree and measurement of reaction times.
instead of the above, you got the usual automatic "3,2,1,go", which kind of robs the substance out of drag racing.
a tire model that might get less friction is really no problem at all, because it does not hamper the drag competition, since response time and ability are still measured as intended.
also, in real life, when you are talking about 900hp drag cars, usually there is specialized gearing involved (amongst other specialized things), and still lots and lots of tirespin involved, no matter if the track even has glue on top of it...
I think the real problem with the drag tires sucking is that AWD then dominates. Unlike in real drag racing, AWD is really the only way to win in F4. If the drag tires had proper grip, then RWD vehicles would be able to keep up with (if not beat) the AWD cars.
And even with a working tree and better launches, if all you have to do is pick AWD and hold the gas down then it doesn't really work.
You need the proper grip on the drag tires to make the drag mode actually work and be competitive.
actually what hampers the "drag" mode is the lack of working christmas tree and measurement of reaction times.
instead of the above, you got the usual "3,2,1,go", which kind of robs the substance out of drag racing.
a tire model that might get less friction is really no problem at all, because it does not hamper the drag competition, since response time and ability are still measured as intended.
also, in real life, when you are talking about 900hp drag cars, usually there is specialized gearing involved (amongst other specialized things), and still lots and lots of tirespin involved, no matter if the track even has glue on top of it...
well, no matter what, awd at launch always gets a nice bonus compared to fwd/rwd.
its the lack of weight and the lack of extra various frictions that helps the quickest fwd/rwd to catch up later on and even pass.
fast awd spin their wheels for enough time too. its just that they spin all of them and so traction and maneuverability are still better.
Jesus christ the wheels.
At this stage, I'm not sure if they are ignoring the community or just trolling us now.
I'm no developer, but I don't understand why it's so hard to correct a simple, but big mistake. They have had four games to do it.
Lets say they put in a drag tree with reaction time. Great! Spend two hours fine tuning your 950hp Mustang for the best takeoff possible, do an online drag race, and all you hear is WAAAAHWAHWAHWAHWAHWAHWWAHWAHWAHAAHAHA, and the AWD "insert car here" next to you just reached 60mph in 1.2 seconds with a world of smoke behind it, and even though your reaction time was over half a freaking second faster than his, he still beat you handily because you couldn't get a hint of grip for the first 150mph.
Yeah, no, I'll take fixed drag tires over a working tree and reaction times ANY DAY. Response time ok, ability is completely out of the window. And in real life drag racing, yes there is wheelspin, but it is manageable witb good drag tires. Right now it's cometely IMPOSSIBLE to manage.
I guess that IF we ever got a working drag by my standards,
you would have to settle for ...fastest rwd driver , if you are that good, but play a game mode that really resembles what is important in drag races.
problem is, if drag is fixed by your standards, we will still have a joke of a mode,
with automatic launches and no real meaning. but then the awd may loose to fwd or rwd.
the information forza brings about acceleration/deceleration in the tune menus,
thats the outcome of the entire drag mode by your standards, right there.
no need to even go to the race. lowest number there simply wins.
You would have to manage your grip, which would then be manageable. By your standard it's "press right trigger with the fastest reaction to win, in an awd car".
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOThe R32 still has weird looking headlight
(Also listed: Pre-War Grand Prix...
Have I understood the Reddit writeup? No prizecars at all? Only credits?
after all the downgrade this, downgrade that
playing this on 55" just blew me away
totally wasn't expecting it
Awwwwww yiiiissssssssssss......... downloading updates as we speak.
No Public lobbies
No Clubs
No gifting of cars or paints (say goodbye to collabs)
Free Play has been stripped.
No Auction House or Storefront.
Have I understood the Reddit writeup? No prizecars at all? Only credits?
There's a good reason for this - so you invest more in the cars you do have because you choose them all.
You receive a lot more credits per race in FM5, and instead of being 10 million, the most expensive cars are 6 million.
So it's much easier to earn money and buy great cars you want rather than being spammed with prize cars.
I agree with the T10 approach on this.
wait. what does that mean?No community leaderboards. ( offset somewhat by rivals leaderboards )
it depends to whom he answers...hoever made these decisions about gameplay mechanics, let alone content, has a lot to answer for IMO. They have cut the community off at the knees.
Some interesting, if disheartening, thoughts on Forza 5 from reddit:
My first impressions of Forza 5
Brian Ekberg said:I know some of you have asked about when you will be able to download your in-game screenshots from FM.net and I wanted to give you an update. We are currently in the process of re-launching the new ForzaMotorsport.net and we currently expect the site to be up at around 3 p.m. Pacific. At that time, the new Gallery will be available and youll be able to get to your photos. Thanks for your patience!
Brian Ekberg said:One other thing: Forza Rewards for FM5 will be available once the new site launches later today.
No Public lobbies
No Clubs
No gifting of cars or paints (say goodbye to collabs)
Free Play has been stripped.
No Storefront.
I was expecting more photomode pics. Come on guys.
Some interesting, if disheartening, thoughts on Forza 5 from reddit:
My first impressions of Forza 5
the fuck??? so we can't continue the forzagaf car club? wow, did not know this.
i'm ready to go once i finish work too![]()
What is the point in removing freeplay?