Now I feel like a tool. Not sure how I feel about the rumble triggers though, I wish I had not picked rear drive car.where ?
they are fucking everywhere, i had to disable user liveries after 3 races because i was surrounded by wooden cars
would be nice if some pm me their gamertag, last time on xbox was 2008 so im on a new account
or addme: Shir0saki
Forza Motorsport 5: Where people buy driving games yet hate to drive
I have had enough GAF for today
Forza Motorsport 5: Where people buy driving games yet hate to drive
I have had enough GAF for today
Well I made a separate thread to keep it from hitting up every other thread, including this one. Having one central place to discuss it seems right.Forza Motorsport 5: Where people buy driving games yet hate to drive
I have had enough GAF for today
Apparently, same can be said for GT series. I share your sentiments 100%.
Agree, gaf has kinda been a cesspool since these new consloes were released.
What happened to the days were ppl bought a game and had fun with it? Now its buy game, play for 20 mins and post on forums for 5 hours about how much it sucks.
Im liking forza 5 alot, driveatars are a great addition
i expected massive aliasing, but wow only a little on the car, far away theres some more
panasonic plasmas rock
The tokens take a little while to arrive. Mine took under 24 hours.
Any more than two or three cars within a few metres of the apex of a corner sees everyone smashing in to each other for me. :/ I'm currently driving +20% drivatar difficulty so maybe that's it but, still, it's like a bunch of seagulls fighting over a single chip at the apex.Is it just me or is the AI in this game seriously good? I dont think ive seen better.
They dont cower like codemasters f1 ai, they dont just drive around track as if theyre the only ones there, they actually attack.
They fight, they scrap, they try to go three wide through corners.
Theyll cover the racing line and theyll squeeze the crap out of you when you go for an ambitious overtake, but still keep spatial awareness so they dont just crush you into a wall as long as youre not just trying a divebomb.
Even watching drivatars fight amongst themselves ahead of me is cool.
Agree, gaf has kinda been a cesspool since these new consloes were released.
Has anyone ever had their car roll out of the garage? It just slowly rolled out of the front wall, through the bush, and reset itself smack dab into the middle of the garage again.
I can't believe I didn't record it.
lol yea right microtransactions arent terrible or anything
so, anybody can tell us (preferably a good driver) about how much his drivatar brings to the table after a night's hard work?
Doing the drag races in FM4 was a grind.As do I.
If I see the word grind again. grrrrrrrr
It is weird, I saw my Drivatar give me money yesterday but nothing today. Or does it just do it at a certain time per day?
so, anybody can tell us (preferably a good driver) about how much his drivatar brings to the table after a night's hard work?
so, anybody can tell us (preferably a good driver) about how much his drivatar brings to the table after a night's hard work?
this much is true, but I'm really happy with all the backlash fm5 dlc and token incident is causing.
There must be at least 5 busy threads on the subject on GAF alone. Now, reviews might not reflect that, but its something devs and publishers can't ignore.
T10 in particular is really testing their luck I think.
The series has crossed the line where business and focus groups start being more important than developer's passion and will.
They went too far and while I'm loving the game for various reasons, if t10 (or is it microsoft's decision ?) shows the same attitude with 6 I'm out for good.
Boy, do I suck a fat one at Forza 5....
You guys got any tips for a noob? I'm driving a Mazda mx-5 at the moment. The difficulty I'm playing at is hard. I know, why don't you play on easy or normal? I don't know. I thought I'd never get better if I played at those easier difficulties.
School me, duders.
1st time I have ever played a forza game, played the PGR games this one has been lots of fun so far.
After 45mins of trial and error I did manage to make a blackjack for my in game Mini Cooper.
Jasper real life
Jasper in game
this much is true, but I'm really happy with all the backlash fm5 dlc and token incident is causing.
There must be at least 5 busy threads on the subject on GAF alone. Now, reviews might not reflect that, but its something devs and publishers can't ignore.
T10 in particular is really testing their luck I think.
The series has crossed the line where business and focus groups start being more important than developer's passion and will.
They went too far and while I'm loving the game for various reasons, if t10 (or is it microsoft's decision ?) shows the same attitude with 6 I'm out for good.
The idea is to slow down just enough to hit the apex of the turn and get back on the accelerator as fast as possible while exiting the turn. If you hit it a curve too fast you'll plow thru the turn and very likely miss the apex. Learn to feather your throttle as you exit a turn and then nail it once the car is going straight again.
BTW, it'll be easier for you to race with race line and ABS on. Learn to drive with all of the other assists off.
Why make you pay money to unlock the content though? The game is yours, you already paid for it. Why not let you just unlock everything if that's what you choose to do? Why make you pay more money for access to content you already paid for? Your game, your choice.I know I am in the minority but I seriously don't mind them. I love using them at times honestly. I will probably use them in both F5 and GT6.
I think they are life savers for those of us with a family, jobs and a busy life.