If anyone is in Austin, TX they can play the game at the McLaren booth at FanFest for F1. I dont know the specifics of the demo. Had the MP4 and some town course. Looked pretty sharp but I didnt stay to play.
Haha. A colleague just called my Forza drivatar a jerk. And he's right!
cloudy with a chance of asshole!
I'm getting an X1 and am in to racing games like Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed, CTR, and Mario Kart. Do you guys think I would have fun with this game? I really like the speed and feel of Sonic Transformed in particular. The visuals in this game look stunning. For someone who isn't an expert on cars and likes arcade style games, would this be fun?
I'm getting an X1 and am in to racing games like Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed, CTR, and Mario Kart. Do you guys think I would have fun with this game? I really like the speed and feel of Sonic Transformed in particular. The visuals in this game look stunning. For someone who isn't an expert on cars and likes arcade style games, would this be fun?
How old is the build that demo's at the MS have? It looks fine but i really hope the jaggies are not there for the final build. What are the chances the jaggies are gone?
I'm getting an X1 and am in to racing games like Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed, CTR, and Mario Kart. Do you guys think I would have fun with this game? I really like the speed and feel of Sonic Transformed in particular. The visuals in this game look stunning. For someone who isn't an expert on cars and likes arcade style games, would this be fun?
i cant imagine it would be fun if you go in wanting super arcade racing. the fun, imo, is all in car control with the assists off. hopefully there will be a demo - spend some time with it with little to no assists trying to keep the car under control. dont even worry about how fast you are going or how you are doing. have fun mastering the cars. if this is appealing to you, buy the game. wouldnt think anyone would have much fun playing with all assist on.
your best bet would be NFS Rivals.
I didn't realize there would be a demo, I'll definitely check it out. So the appeal is being able to handle each car and its different quirks? Interesting.
This one does look really cool, many say it's one of the best PS4 launch titles as well. I'll check out the reviews for it. Thanks.
i would imagine there will be a demo. and yeah, i cant recommend a game like this other then learning to tame the beasts. thats fun in itself to me. its gotta be so clinical with all assists on that i cant imagine there would be much fun, especially if you arent a car guy too.
wait for a demo, or try it at a demo station at a retailer before buying. give it some legit time with assists off trying to balance throttle and brake. if you arent having any fun, but nfs instead.
I am buying this and an XBox One Eighty for Spa. Not kidding.
The next game I know I will buy is the next Halo.
Not the most rational decision I have ever made. Whatever.
What is your hero car? Do you aspire to own and drive anything in particular or are they "just cars" to you? The answers to these questions will dictate if you should buy Forza or the next Mario Kart.I didn't realize there would be a demo, I'll definitely check it out. So the appeal is being able to handle each car and its different quirks? Interesting.
Yes I will definitely make sure to do no assists. I appreciate the info, I had no idea that the fun comes from mastering vehicles, it's an interesting concept for sure. I guess it's like real life driving a car you aren't used to feels completely different. Never played a game like this before so at least when I demo it it will be a new experience.
NFS does seem more up my alley but I will give Forza a shot.
Thanks for all the information everyone.
For you Forza fans, how do you prefer to play? Is it mandatory to have a steering wheel or do the diehards use just a controller? How do you get the best experience from the game?
For you Forza fans, how do you prefer to play? Is it mandatory to have a steering wheel or do the diehards use just a controller? How do you get the best experience from the game?
For you Forza fans, how do you prefer to play? Is it mandatory to have a steering wheel or do the diehards use just a controller? How do you get the best experience from the game?
For you Forza fans, how do you prefer to play? Is it mandatory to have a steering wheel or do the diehards use just a controller? How do you get the best experience from the game?
New direct-feed videos from Gamespot:
What is your hero car? Do you aspire to own and drive anything in particular or are they "just cars" to you? The answers to these questions will dictate if you should buy Forza or the next Mario Kart.
Worst case scenario you can buy/make some Mario liverys and have some fun.
Worst case scenario you can buy/make some Mario liverys and have some fun.
Is the livery editor definitely in the game?
Is the livery editor definitely in the game?
Give FM5 a go but Forza Horizon might be better for you when the next one comes around.Well when it comes to that series I'm definitely more into Mario Kart DS and earlier, the other ones were all way too easy for me and not as skill based as they should have been. Sonic Racing on the other hand is for pros and goes way faster. Something that just dawned on me, as a child I used to play this game Test Drive 4 that I really liked, not sure if Forza is similar to that at all, really cool locations from around the world and lots of variety between tracks. Also, insanely good techno music.
They should put their money where their mouth is and make existing unicorns available for sale in FM4/Horizon.pretty light in content, though a bit on the forza 5 economy, here is this weeks week in review
biggest thing of note IMO
What's more disappointing is had they not mentioned going back and laser scanning nobody would have said a thing, it's a damn lie but they seem to be sticking to it.
Begs the question why cut other tracks if all they are doing is tarting them up with crowds and lighting?
Chance of seeing a redone Nurburgring is very low, I'm no fan of it but I believe they'd have the cheek to try and sell the old one back to us.
What's more disappointing is had they not mentioned going back and laser scanning nobody would have said a thing, it's a damn lie but they seem to be sticking to it.
Begs the question why cut other tracks if all they are doing is tarting them up with crowds and lighting?
Chance of seeing a redone Nurburgring is very low, I'm no fan of it but I believe they'd have the cheek to try and sell the old one back to us.
As much as I think it's in bad order for T10 to be basically lying to us about cars/tracks and other things. I think it's fair to give them some slack. I'm sure if they had it their way they wouldn't be launching day and date with the Xbox one. All of that added pressure to make sure they release at launch isn't good for a dev.
So I'm sure from the very begining they were trying to find ways to save themselves the headaches of doing things from scratch. So what they reused a lot of assets from FM4. As long as the gameplay is good and it's not a steaming pile of crap this gives them time to make an even better FM6.
I just learned about this right before posting and found it hard to believe that they would opt to prevent one of the best wheels on the market from working with the system. But way to be a condescending prick about a legitimate issue. It's hardly unreasonable to expect that a premium wheel investment should last longer than 2 years.
You seem to be so avid in your defense of Microsoft that you're blind to simple logic. If you never expect that any of your old rig will work with your new rig, then perhaps you'll be pleased to know that the CSR Elite will continue to function on the PS4...
That's the thing, nobody is giving T10 crap for reusing assets. The problem is saying you're doing everything from scratch (and using it as a excuse to cut a lot of content) when it's obviously a lie.
i am, but hey i'm just a complainer!