guys guys guys...
you got to give credit where credit is due, and the fact is that t10 made enough changes to this free race mode, that offers pretty much of what we wanted in previous games.
even what is being said about not limiting the PI is not correct here...
here is a pic I just took of what the game does when I want to have a race in a track I want, with the options I want, with the car I want, setup as I want, and i ask it for a full grid of the best opponents:
not bad, eh?
as you can see, the game responds to my gaf spec'ed C450 miata with a full grid of cars that are comparable in PI.
pretty much 100% functional for me.
now, as an improvement, I can see how a "freelance racer" mode can be made
just by changing a little the UI, so upon entering, game checks your current car (like it does now) and just brings up all race tracks populated with events/opps that correspond to what you got there.
maybe even give you the choice to up/lower the rewards just by shifting the same levels (assists/difficulty/#of opponents-laps/etc), and maybe add some more spice by keeping a log of your freelance races/rewards (and costs for the "hardcore" crowd).
I am sure that with a nice, snappy user interface and a few menu graphics, this could be an addictive mode..
that being said, and even though I have already finished the career, adding just a small box where you enter your preferred number of laps before the race, I cant see that being bad for career either.
what I would like to see being added to the game asap, its in relation to leaderboards.
I would really fucking LOVE a filtering option on the leaderboards where the board in the track I'm looking at, is filtered by my CURRENT CAR in its CURRENT CLASS.
So if I have made the fastest fucking golf gti class A car and time in road america, let me fucking know it and feel good about it! (without me having to do a miracle to make a gen1 gti faster than a fucking ktm xbow

damn this leaderboard thing is my complaint since forever!!

Helios, can you please pass my request to someone who knows database select commands @t10?

its not much more work than a simple query I think... but you got to keep to db not only the fastest laptime per class, but the fastest laptime per class/per car too. (so leaderboards be: overall / near me / friends /