Is there an online list that shows the sprite of a race and what it is good at? When you buy a guy in a starbase it tells you, but if you acquire a guy by any other means there's no explanation as to what they are best at doing. Unless I am missing something?
In my last game playing on Normal I had a boarding party of 3 Rocks. I made it all the way to the end boss for the first time. Then, of course, I died.
Is there an online list that shows the sprite of a race and what it is good at? When you buy a guy in a starbase it tells you, but if you acquire a guy by any other means there's no explanation as to what they are best at doing. Unless I am missing something?
In my last game playing on Normal I had a boarding party of 3 Rocks. I made it all the way to the end boss for the first time. Then, of course, I died.
If you go to the ship menu, there are the tabs for crew and equipment. In the crew tab, you can mouse over your dudes and see what they are what they do I believe. (or just memorize the wiki above)Is there an online list that shows the sprite of a race and what it is good at? When you buy a guy in a starbase it tells you, but if you acquire a guy by any other means there's no explanation as to what they are best at doing. Unless I am missing something?
In my last game playing on Normal I had a boarding party of 3 Rocks. I made it all the way to the end boss for the first time. Then, of course, I died.
Does it only control the deployment of drones, maybe?
Nah, usually it stops all drones in their tracks once its being put offline. No clue why its different in the boss encounter.
This OT single-handedly peaked my interest for this game, subbed for later. For now I have a couple of questions about this game.
1. Would you say this would be a good game to run on a laptop or will it require a dedicated PC? (saw the minimum specs, not worried about those but some games just are better on a gaming PC)
2. Would you say that this requires a mouse or would the touchpad and a lot of pausing work without detracting from the experience?
Open up the ship menu and click on the crew tab.Is there an online list that shows the sprite of a race and what it is good at? When you buy a guy in a starbase it tells you, but if you acquire a guy by any other means there's no explanation as to what they are best at doing. Unless I am missing something?
In my last game playing on Normal I had a boarding party of 3 Rocks. I made it all the way to the end boss for the first time. Then, of course, I died.
And with the pre-ignitor it becomes downright unfair. The Zoltan ship can brutalize enemies.You just need the right combination. Ion weapon + beam weapons usually work pretty well. Target shield and boom. I mean sure, those things have the disadvantage of not breaching through shields, but once they do? Easily 12 damage per shot is definitely a great payoff.
I would have taken far less damage if I hadn't been so determined to set the ship on fire. I have a serious problem with that. I need help.
Is there an online list that shows the sprite of a race and what it is good at? When you buy a guy in a starbase it tells you, but if you acquire a guy by any other means there's no explanation as to what they are best at doing. Unless I am missing something?
So, my latest game. This time on easy. My crew died... except the pilot. So, he runs around the ship fixing it while i'm under attack. Dual Burst Laser IIs is an excellent weapon combo, you're likely to penetrate double shields and on hit you're pretty much guaranteed to disable systems.
Managed 65 jumps. This game is kinda brutal even on easy, though gotta say it is much more more interesting and satisfying on normal.
I definitely suggest switching to normal at one point, but I love to suggest starting with easy since chances are lower people get scared away immediately.
I feel like the Rebel Fleet should be somewhat slower by default. That mod is appealing but i'd rather not start applying mods, yet.On easy I get to the last fight with way too much scrap.
On normal I'm getting to the last fight without the necessary gear to finish off the boss. I'm so much more dependent on lucking out with weapon drops.
I think you should get rewards for the boarding events (without a ship to fight). Fighting off five intruders just to survive isn't really fair.
I think you should get rewards for the boarding events (without a ship to fight). Fighting off five intruders just to survive isn't really fair.
Agreed, you should be able to track down where they came from and loot their hide out or whatever. Maybe they come from a ship that's badly damaged or from a nearby moon or whatever, but they come from somewhere and that somewhere has stuff I can use.
The Zoltan ship has an achievement for not upgrading the reactor. Does that mean the engine? there doesn't seem to be any mention of a reactor anywhere else, and I guess it could mean the shield generator or something.
Ahh, I see, sorry that's stupid in hindsight. But seriously that sounds like a nightmare.I might go for the other one where you need lots of reactor levels.
Best event ever?
So is this one of those games where they're gonna keep doing a bunch of updates overtime e.g. Dwarf Fortress, Minecraft, etc. or is it a finished product with maybe occasional updates?
So is this one of those games where they're gonna keep doing a bunch of updates overtime e.g. Dwarf Fortress, Minecraft, etc. or is it a finished product with maybe occasional updates?
So is there any particular reason to go to nebulas? They always seem more difficult because of the ion storms, and I haven't noticed many advantages. I mean, I know some sectors are going to be harder than others, but I'm finding myself avoiding nebulas whenever possible.
The boss is flat out smashing me. I can't figure outwhich system to target. If I target the cloak with an ion weapon, I can't chew through the shields in time to do damage, and conversely, if I take down shields, he'll cloak out and I can't attack. Then it becomes a long game of "REPAIR EVERYTHING" until I die.
How hardware intensive is this?
By the way, if anyone is worried about system specs, I'm running this on a 6 year old laptop at work. So, if your rig has an on button you can most likely get this going.
Teleporting into the medbay and destroying it is awful.
Works ok on my 2006 macbook with 64 meg of onboard video. Slows down during solar flares for some reason.
So is there any particular reason to go to nebulas? They always seem more difficult because of the ion storms, and I haven't noticed many advantages. I mean, I know some sectors are going to be harder than others, but I'm finding myself avoiding nebulas whenever possible.
Oh really? That'd be great. I could play now if I am able to play on my 2008 mac book pro.
Well, I've been going into nebulas on purpose because they slow down the rebel advance, which in turn allows me to jump to more beacons in a game, which allows me to get more scrap and acquire more stuff. Sure there is added danger, but so far the strategy seems to work fairly well.
I dunno, on my school computers it absolutely crawls. At most 1 FPS.