Easy mode victory achieved!
Using the kestral Layout A, this was supposed to be an achievement run (drop to one hull and repair in full) which wierdly ended up working, because i kept saving cash so I get to the first store with like 300 credits to make sure I can fully heal, I stock up on a cloaking system while there. So now i'm like a phoenix reborn, barely alive, but now kind of badass. This is doubled up when I find a hull smasher laser (love that breach) and pick up an Ion cannon. Now I only need missilles in really tough battles, and I can easily bring down shield level 3 dudes, and with some smart management I can put go toe to toe against sheild level 4. This is in sector 4. I buy a scrap recovery arm and FIND a goddamn pre igniter. How good? SOOOO GOOD. Now I can teleport into fights, cloak, take out an important weapon before they can even target me.
Fast foward, fully pumped shields and engine (Also, I get the "Bad luck" ahievement for taking 5 shots in a row with a maxed out engine lol), I start to get cocky, and mis a cloack. A firebomb from a mantis drops my shields specialist and boarding mantis

. A second one takes out my engine guy. Shit, now things are not looking as good as I train new crew. Thankfully I found a new mantis to bulk the crew out, and a random event gives me a goddamn firebeam and ion bombs. Holy shit so good.
At on point, I take on a mantiis cruiser? why because fuck you that's why. Ion bombs disable, and I zip in and out my mantis crew to keep the cockpit down. Final boss went down easy with this build, teleport in, take out weapons, ion bomb shields, and ping away on the cockpit/shielding unit. With full engines, and a fully leveled pilot, he can't even drop my missiles, the only tough part was the damn boarding drone, but an ion bomb, and my own anti personal drone took him out. Final score was 4724.
Now on to normal with my shiny new kestral B and federation cruiser!