Memento Mori
This bit is true:
It finally hit me last week while taking an indefinite break from writing The Winds of Winter to catch up on some of my favorite movies.
It finally hit me last week while taking an indefinite break from writing The Winds of Winter to catch up on some of my favorite movies.
If you've read through AFFC then it's nothing you don't already know. Promise: AFFCHe's just talking about the fact that Bronn kind of dicks over Tyrion and becomes a less prominent character in Kings Landing after Tyrion's trial and disappearance.
Yeah I didn't care for the Mance scene either. He wasn't how I pictured him at all, and they did a bad job of telling the viewer who was who.Thought the episode was alright. I feel that I end up enjoying all the made up scenes more than the scenes from the book. The Mance reveal was a lot worse than in the book.
Yeah I didn't care for the Mance scene either. He wasn't how I pictured him at all, and they did a bad job of telling the viewer who was who.
I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be able to distinguish between Mance and Tormund. My dad, who hasn't read the books, wasn't able to. Mance's portrayal was OK, but Tormund's wasn't good imo.That's the whole point of the scene though, that Mance doesn't look or behave like a King in Jon's mind which is why he (and the viewer) get confused.
Some dude with dumb opinions who got super popular off overreacting to Ned's death.
I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be able to distinguish between Mance and Tormund. My dad, who hasn't read the books, wasn't able to. Mance's portrayal was OK, but Tormund's wasn't good imo.
I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be able to distinguish between Mance and Tormund. My dad, who hasn't read the books, wasn't able to. Mance's portrayal was OK, but Tormund's wasn't good imo.
Hopefully. Seemed like he was doing his best Christian Bale batman impression.Tormund was a bit of a disappointment. Maybe he'll get better later on.
Eh, I guess so. I never really cared for that character in the book anyway so it doesn't bother me much.You aren't supposed to distinguish them before Mance introduces himself, that's the whole point. After Mance steps up you'd have to be blind to confuse them though.
Kind of seems like the whole point in my opinion...
They want the viewer to feel sympathy for Shae so when she betrays Tyrion it hurts that much more and makes Tyrion's revenge that much more enjoyable
ASOSMajor Sos Spoilers..
Anyone who takes enjoyment of someone murdering a woman for lying is a sociopath. I'll be so glad if they change that because I thought it made Tyrion completely unlikable. It would be even worse in the TV show because TV show Shae is kind-hearted.
Regarding Cat;
I think the best way to do it is have the season 3 epilogue as follows;
Cat's corpse being dragged out of the river by Thoros of Myr accomponied with the line;
'Mayhaps the fish will revenge the wolf'
(or something similar)
IMO it's less about it being positive and more the fact that SOSProbably the most suspenseful way to end the's really awkward to have an audience think a character is dead for a whole offseason and presumably part of the next. It is also trickier to tell the story of how the resurrection happened on TV, if you introduce her as late as she is introduced in the book then you either have to flashback or use some awful heavy handed expositional dialogue to explain it. It's not like the books where you have the contextual clues from Arya's wolf dreams to hint that something is coming, and when it does come, it's in the epilogue, you don't have to wait for a whole year for it to happen. I actually think Arya's wolf dreams can be a good way to end the season if you don't want to go all the way and introduce Lady Stoneheart in full, you just introduce the knowledge that Beric and the Red priest can revive people, then have Nymeria find Cat's body in the river and drags it to shore in Arya's dream and is scared off by Beric's group coming, then fade to black
This thread is horrifically void of any GIFs. Someone needs to fix this.
ASOSI agree that it would be weird to have a character completely disappear and brought back a while later, especially a major character. It's the reason they're including Theon in this season. I would also be fine with what both of you suggested as alternatives, a more 'teaser' kind of epilogue, with Thoros finding her body or something like that. I just don't want it to be like, the Red Wedding just happened, everybody's devestated, and then one episode later it's 'Cat's back!'. It would mess up the Red Wedding's power, which is to make you lose hope. Like I said before, if you don't get the time to actually come to terms with what happened at the RW, and believe Cat's dead, her return won't be as powerful.
ASOSAnyone who takes enjoyment of someone murdering a woman for lying is a sociopath. I'll be so glad if they change that because I thought it made Tyrion completely unlikable. It would be even worse in the TV show because TV show Shae is kind-hearted.
ASOSMajor Sos Spoilers..
Anyone who takes enjoyment of someone murdering a woman for lying is a sociopath.
Kind of wish they had gotten the dude from Hannibal to play Mance. i know Mance is supposed to be older than Jon but the current Mance looks kind of soft and lumpy... Usually I picture the wildings as hard chiseled guys. Or starving.
Wait a goddamn minute, why wasn't Ghost with Jon?
I still think that scene should bein arya's wolf dreams. There is way more emotional impact in Arya/Nymeria finding the body at first than Thoros.
Ghost left Jon's dumb ass as soon as his storyline started to go to shit. He's staying with Braveheart's friend's dad.
Disappointed there is no nipple-slicing gif yet.
Stupid adaptation perfect TV show explanation.
I'm getting tired of shitty CGI in that show. Otherwise, good episode.
What exactly was so shitty? And which TV show is doing it better?
Backgrounds, crowds, dragons and green screen shots in general. I don't know if other shows do it better but it sure was shitty.What exactly was so shitty? And which TV show is doing it better?
Me too. I made this, the saddest of all Game of Thrones gifs, to honor your plight.
Anyone else worried that they're going to chicken out with (ASOS)Shae, Tywin, and Tyrion? They seem to be wanting her to be a fairly sympathetic character, especially with how closer she is getting to Sansa. I wonder if they will change her death?
I think it's just noticeably lower quality than what we're used to seeing in movies these days, and that's a little off-putting.
EDIT: I'm mostly talking about the dragon scenes.
Huh, really? So if the [ASOS]
Huh, really? So if the [ASOS]Red Wedding isn't this season, what's going to be the major event for this season?
Huh, really? So if the [ASOS]Red Wedding isn't this season, what's going to be the major event for this season?
Ah shit, I confused ASOS[ASOS]it is this season, in episode 9. edmure's wedding
Ah shit, I confused ASOSjoffrey and edmure's wedding.