I always thought Earthbound would make a great Endurance Run-ish feature.
No because the fallout games are buggy messes on the PS3. Get it on PC, even a toaster can run it these days.
Should I get the vanilla $10 one or the $20 DLC one?
Do you want to play it now or can you wait for a sale? Get it with DLC.
Should I get the vanilla $10 one or the $20 DLC one?
I'm playing Fallout 2 right now, so no, not an immediate need.
I'm playing Fallout 2 right now, so no, not an immediate need.
I'm playing Fallout 2 right now, so no, not an immediate need.
this trackmania track making me puke
this trackmania track making me puke
There's one on there that's always first person and it all about twists and turns. Damn near puked and how the hell this is going to get to VR is beyond me.
I always thought Earthbound would make a great Endurance Run-ish feature.
There's one on there that's always first person and it all about twists and turns. Damn near puked and how the hell this is going to get to VR is beyond me.
I've learned that there are no good buck bumble remixes for the Trackmania server. Someone should fix that.
Isn't wrasslin on? Surely Dan loves wrasslin more than Taco Bell.
Dan has some crazy hair going. He needs to get a Brad style haircut.
heard it's so bad that even he doesn't watch it anymore.
I mean, Brock Lesnar just destroyed a Cadillac with an axe, so even on bad episodes there are still good moments.
and yet he's possibly the best thing the brand has going for it
fucking wrestling, man
and yet he's possibly the best thing the brand has going for it
fucking wrestling, man
I mean, Brock Lesnar just destroyed a Cadillac with an axe, so even on bad episodes there are still good moments.
Jeff's opinion of Brock Lesnar is hilarious. He might literally be the most terrifying man on the planet. He spends his spare time killing the few things on land that are larger than him. He decided on a lark to pick up punching other huge men in the face for a living and became the best in the world at that for a little while. And that's all aside from the way that he's the one thing WWE hasn't screwed up over the past 18 months (longer I'm sure, but that's when I started watching). But Jeff thinks his face looks funny so he can't take him seriously.
Rocket League is GOTY.