Jeff's opinion of Brock Lesnar is hilarious. He might literally be the most terrifying man on the planet. He spends his spare time killing the few things on land that are larger than him. He decided on a lark to pick up punching other huge men in the face for a living and became the best in the world at that for a little while. And that's all aside from the way that he's the one thing WWE hasn't screwed up over the past 18 months (longer I'm sure, but that's when I started watching). But Jeff thinks his face looks funny so he can't take him seriously.
Watch Brock's interview on Opie & Anthony. They talk about how he doesn't have a phone or internet in his home, so it's like Dana or Heyman has to go into the Canadian wildlands and just start looking for him.
Maybe but check out this new MGSV gameplay demo!
I wish the duders would sit down and record a reaction video to this video. ROCKET PUNCH!
Jeff's opinion of Brock Lesnar is hilarious. He might literally be the most terrifying man on the planet. He spends his spare time killing the few things on land that are larger than him. He decided on a lark to pick up punching other huge men in the face for a living and became the best in the world at that for a little while. And that's all aside from the way that he's the one thing WWE hasn't screwed up over the past 18 months (longer I'm sure, but that's when I started watching). But Jeff thinks his face looks funny so he can't take him seriously.
Oh man he shoots deer? Who could possibly compete with such a badass.
Who would admit to listening to those guys on this site?lol
They used to be ok, until your avatar went off the deep end.
Tonight was another great reminder that if you think John Cena is bad at professional wrestling, you are an idiot.
After a year of hearing Dan rave about it, I still don't understand the appeal of wrestling. Are the stories good? What about the fights?
After a year of hearing Dan rave about it, I still don't understand the appeal of wrestling. Are the stories good? What about the fights?
no and no. Dan is a 9 year old masquerading as an adult.
After a year of hearing Dan rave about it, I still don't understand the appeal of wrestling. Are the stories good? What about the fights?
That's not fair at all
most 9 year olds can eat mayo and sour cream
CS Lewis said:“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
After a year of hearing Dan rave about it, I still don't understand the appeal of wrestling. Are the stories good? What about the fights?
no and no. Dan is a 9 year old masquerading as an adult.
While I don't like wrestling at all I always found the argument about stuff being for kids as the most distasteful sort of argument that says nothing really.
Man some people on the giant bomb server are really, really good at trackmania
I love CS Lewis. That's such a great quote.While I don't like wrestling at all I always found the argument about stuff being for kids as the most distasteful sort of argument that says nothing really.
What ever happened to the video series where GBEast plays bad games? They did the inaugural ep during the Big Live Live Show with Blackwater, then nothing.
Why? Does it have any overall messages with which you disagree morally? I'm Christian so it's hard for me to be objective about it.i always found the fact that narnia was just a big biblical allegory mildly offputting
Didn't you know, Sunset was the first episode in that series.
Man some people on the giant bomb server are really, really good at trackmania
I love CS Lewis. That's such a great quote.
Why? Does it have any overall messages with which you disagree morally? I'm Christian so it's hard for me to be objective about it.
While I don't like wrestling at all I always found the argument about stuff being for kids as the most distasteful sort of argument that says nothing really.
Why? Does it have any overall messages with which you disagree morally? I'm Christian so it's hard for me to be objective about it.
It always cracks me up to see that a couple of people have finished the tracks while there's a huge swarm of cars messing up 5 seconds from the start point.Man some people on the giant bomb server are really, really good at trackmania
Where is Speed Paul when you need him?Why wrestling can be awesome, see finishing stretch of AJ Styles vs Kazuchika Okada match from a couple days ago:
Yeah, that doesn't seem like the smartest idea.They should maybe tell Brock to stop tossing heavy things into the crowd. This is the second time he clocked someone doing that.
Wow, that kid got decked.
bigjeffreyWho are you on the GB forums btw?