Jason refollowed Dan on Twitter. It's a Christmas miracle.
I give it a week.

Jason refollowed Dan on Twitter. It's a Christmas miracle.
Internet Will Smith and Dan Ryckert are kinda alike, and I never noticed it until now.
Too bad none of the guys finished Tales from the Borderlands. Some of the ending sequences could easily be a Best Moment contender.
The entire last hour really is just best moment after best moment.
Probably Telltale's best game yet, beating even TWD.
why is it 2015 and steam still doesn't let you put something in your cart directly from the search page or from your wishlist
The entire last hour really is just best moment after best moment.
Probably Telltale's best game yet, beating even TWD.
They seem like a cool company. I remember this little video about them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsBIE2njA80Gonna do my monthly Designer Notes Podcast recommendation, as there's a great one that interviews Klei's Jamie Cheng, and it goes into lots and lots of neat details about the development difficulties of Invisible Inc (and Mark Of The Ninja and etc, etc.).
Divinity: Original Sin:EE!As bad of a year this has been for fps games, it was so good for rpgs
Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Undertale, Underrail, Age of Decadence, Pillars of Eternity, Shadowrun Hong Kong
Because Valve sucks ass at designing their storefront and have managed to make it worse since the last redesign.
Yeah, I just hope some of them eventually play it. I'd love to hear them talk about the game.
The entire last hour really is just best moment after best moment.
Probably Telltale's best game yet, beating even TWD.
They absolutely nail that last episode. The writing is great, the cast is great, and unlike other TT games the impact your decisions make really do affect how things play out.Beat Moment or Sequence should rightfully be Borderlands' Title Sequences.
But it won't be.![]()
Perfect plan, what could possibly go wrong?My sleep schedule is already messed up so should I just stay up and watch Project B.E.A.S.T and then try to stay awake for the rest of the day?
Played through Tales from the Borderlands yesterday and thought it was a bit... meh. Kinda funny at times, but nothing special. And my god is there virtually no interactivity with that thing. The title sequences were pretty good though.
Yeah, I wasn't really feeling it either. It was okay, but nothing amazing. Maybe the novelty of Telltale games has worn off on me.
Sometimes I think there's some sort of Stockholm Syndrome effect where the shitty writing of the Borderlands games is making people think that TftB's decent writing is way better than it actually is.
Perfect plan, what could possibly go wrong?
Operation I need to stay up for at least another 16 hours and I'm already way more tired than I thought I was is underway! I'm going to watch GBEast play Contradiction.
Ugh... Vinny REALLY needs to learn how to actually get to orbit in KSP first before trying to do anything else. He does it the least efficient way right now and that's why he's always low on fuel.
Is Dan basically a vlogger?
Is Dan basically a vlogger?
They found a nice way to include some action scenes with those wusses Rhys and Vaughn.Finished episode 1 of TFTB and Loader Bot is prettttty good
They found a nice way to include some action scenes with those wusses Rhys and Vaughn.
Is Dan basically a vlogger?
He's kind of done a grocery haul video.
Yeah but he refused to rank anything outside the 7/10-10/10 range so in his heart he's still a video games critic.
Yeah but he refused to rank anything outside the 7/10-10/10 range so in his heart he's still a video games critic.
Though funnily enough he ranks things outside of that range pretty often at giantbomb.