Wow, Vinny quoted my post...excuse me as I nerd out because I wasn't expecting it.
*touches hem of your shirt to feel closer to god*Wow, Vinny quoted my post...excuse me as I nerd out because I wasn't expecting it.
Wow, Vinny quoted my post...excuse me as I nerd out because I wasn't expecting it.
Wow, Vinny quoted my post...excuse me as I nerd out because I wasn't expecting it.
The Giant Bomb community here on GAF needs an official mascot, and I found one that's perfect.
don't wash those eyes ever againWow, Vinny quoted my post...excuse me as I nerd out because I wasn't expecting it.
The Giant Bomb community here on GAF needs an official mascot, and I found one that's perfect.
"[Beast] may not be a good group style."
I loved doing the Impulse 101 cheat and just throw these.
A Battlegrounds This Is The Run is my dream. Fuuuck that'd be sweet.
"[Beast] may not be a good group style."
*leaves Calling Card in his Palace*
*a couple days pass*
Death Metalist: "I was wrong to say that! I love jrpgs! I need to be styyyyyyyyyyyylish..."
huhWow, Vinny quoted my post...excuse me as I nerd out because I wasn't expecting it.
beast style is the most fun I had in Y0. The group heat attack where you just swing one guy around in a circle and take everybody out, or the special one that basically just ends any non-boss fight in a cutscene if you manage to land a combo without taking a hit. And ground grabs, oh yes.
It makes no sense to me that someone could look at it and think it's anything but the group fighting style, but it's good 1v1 too. The only time I switched out of it were certain bosses that it wasn't working on. The disco guy was surprisingly one of the hardest opponents, and obviously it's bad against Mr.Shakedown (on hard mode anyways).
Dan faces off against his greatest platforming nemesis... the dreaded giant hill!
"[Beast] may not be a good group style."
Holy shit that Duke Nukem stuff in Bulletstorm is bad. "Hey that's not my name" copy and pasted for the entire campaign. I can't believe their overpriced remaster has 5 day one Duke Nukem dlc, what is Gearbox doing these days?
Damn, spoiler the minute I start the Yooka Laylee QL.
Dan is definitely getting better with the fighting system. They should be fine as long as they remember buy some healing items before some of the harder fights.
Can't wait to see how they react to Majima chapters. I losing my mind or did the QL intro for Yooka Laylee change. I know what I saw...
Unless I'm hallucinating I sawwhat was it supposed to show?
Giant Bomb #29 | Every hole has a story
Yooka-Laylee looks alright. Seems like the perfect summer game for me, thinking of getting it with Crash. Also, how could you say no to David Wise? Between Snake Pass and this, his work makes me happy.
Unless I'm hallucinating I sawa giant statue of Yooka Laylee instead of the antagonist Capital B. I swore that was in the intro. Now it's gone.
Giant Bomb #29 | Every hole has a story
Yooka-Laylee looks alright. Seems like the perfect summer game for me, thinking of getting it with Crash. Also, how could you say no to David Wise? Between Snake Pass and this, his work makes me happy.
LMAOis Yooka Laylee better or worse than Chameleon Twist
I think my favorite QL is when Drew tries to show of Arma 3 during the alpha and he is joined by Vinny who hides inside a lighthouse most of the time. So freaking funny.
Vinny: Whats the key for grenade?
Drew: It's "G".
Vinnny: Oh crap.
Fantastic BitE episode.
I don't know if they're locked out of theside story, I hope not.Miracle Johnson
Is Arma 3 really four years old
I am suprised Dan hasnt done the Beast circle attack yet.
Its my favorite dumb attack in the game. Pile driving that dude in the tunnel over and over was fun.
It really does.Wow Yooka Laylee looks fucking awful.