Man this was a bad UPF this week.
Man this was a bad UPF this week.
Live demo derby, alternated with a live game tapes every week.What do you think could have been better?
What do you think could have been better?
Live demo derby, alternated with a live game tapes every week.
What do you think could have been better?
Live demo derby, alternated with a live game tapes every week.
Demo Derby and Game Tapes are both infinitely more entertaining than what they usually do on UPF. It's not coincidence that them watching an archive of something, whether it's YouTube or an old Gamespot video, is the best segment of any UPF they do it on.I don't think that'd be nearly as fun; for them and the viewers. Those series are more information/archival based. They'd also be putting out less content for Premium if they went that route.
Have they killed off the idea of regular call-in UPFs? I quite liked those, although I know some of you guys didn't.
I think nearly every call in show they ever done has been awful.
It's not even their fault. Just the callers ask the same 10 questions repeatedly.
Anything topical they already covered on a podcast, so it just becomes answering generic questions for far too long.
Also e-mail sections are the worst part of both podcasts. (unless it gets them off topic and goofy)
Or anxiety advice from the Beastcast. They must have done that a dozen times now.Yep. I never want to hear a relationship advice mail ever
Man, this Styx character just seems insufferable. When they mentioned it being a PS2 era stealth game that's exactly what was on my mind. In the sea of great games we've been getting these past few months, this just stands out even more as being very damn average.
The level design and actual stealth mechanics are really enjoyable as a stealth fan. For once, it's a stealth game that enforces the idea that you HAVE to be stealthy, and the stature of your character lends itself a certain vulnerability. It's a nice change of pace from every stealth game saying "You can sneak your way through, or you can KILL EVERYBODY! Both are valid approaches!" It's refreshingly old school in that respect.
The writing though, holy shit. The first game wasn't exactly well-written, but this just seems awful.
i think i created a meme
the numbers, they just keep going up
Can't tell if this Subaru ad on the Beastcast is real or an elaborate troll
It was more than thirty minutes until I realized that the loading screen says Mission 1. I am loving that they clearly did not intend players to hear this many death quips this quickly in succession based on how much they repeat.
Man this was a bad UPF this week.
Not spending over an hour on the first game.
It just accrued to me its fucking APRIL and Activision still doesnt want to sell me Modern Warfare remastered on its own.
Jeez. Let me give you my money Activsiion.
I'm sorry, are we hating on motherfucking CRAWL here?
Cause we can take this outside.
That's exactly the problem. They don't leave any time for jokes to sit. Just one after another, rapid-fire.That new MST3k clip they put of Stranger Things is not inspiring much confidence in me.
Like they made sure to have much more attempts at jokes per second than originally to keep the youtube crowd entertained
What do you think could have been better?
Can't tell if this Subaru ad on the Beastcast is real or an elaborate troll
World at War isn't the hit you think it isCoD WWII is going to include a remaster of World at War, isn't it
It just accrued to me its fucking APRIL and Activision still doesnt want to sell me Modern Warfare remastered on its own.
Jeez. Let me give you my money Activsiion.
World at War isn't the hit you think it is
That's exactly the problem. They don't leave any time for jokes to sit. Just one after another, rapid-fire.