Yeah, seriously
there were like four different times I had to pause the video because I was laughing too hard and missing things
I'm apparently physically unable to focus my attention entirely on a GB video for its duration because I tried to do that since reading the hype for that wrestling game QL but I kept it on in the background while reading GAF and other stuff and now I don't get what was so great about it.
Look I can't be paying attention to videos until I make sure team ketchup is destroyed.
Sorry I meant meth
From MicroforumEnjoy your massage
let's make an event where you pick a side in a grand battle... but then the sides are meaningless because you can play against the team you picked anyway so you don't feel involved at all
They have to be high in those Nintendo meetings. It's the only explanation
unrelated to all things but i need to vent
hey is there a point in your life when friend relationship sophomoric garbage stops and people actually grow up or is that some myth
god i hate being the reasonable one in this friend circle
Your own fault if you chose the wrong team.
You deserve this, you Ketchup lover.
let's make an event where you pick a side in a grand battle... but then the sides are meaningless because you can play against the team you picked anyway so you don't feel involved at all
They have to be high in those Nintendo meetings. It's the only explanation
i'd really like to prove you wrong and play against you since we're not on the same team but nah that's not how this works apparently because REASONS LOL
When you paint over mayo with ketchup it should become cocktail sauce and the splatfest would end with everyone realizing ketchup and mayo are better together than apart.
Do you mayo people eat it from the container with a spoon?
Do you mayo people eat it from the container with a spoon?
Do you mayo people eat it from the container with a spoon?
Did Ben ever chime in on the Nick Robinson goings-on?
We're not animals. We don't put super sugary tomato marmelade on our food.
Do ketchup people take off the cap and down the bottle?
Let's not throw shade at the gross habits of condiment users.
This is in no way an attempt to justify how I like to put ketchup on cheddar sandwiches.
Yes, go through his tweets.
Ketchup people suck ass. I instantly match with other mayo people and mayo just crushes ketchup in every game I've played. I haven't even been doing that good but it's been like 3:1 Mayo coverage
Nein.How was Bring Your B Team?
How was Bring Your B Team?
Whew, just ate some flamin hot Cheetos. Don't worry, I used the adverse cooling effects of a Milky Way and Cherry Pepsi to counter the spiciness.