are you trying to kill giantbomb?nah Abby and Dan need to go west.
Ben goes east.
are you trying to kill giantbomb?nah Abby and Dan need to go west.
Ben goes east.
No bombcast today?
Enslaved and DmC are both middling to bad games, Brad loved both. Heavenly Sword is a bad bad bad game.
"oh the west team sucks so let's DESTROY the east team"
That's the most american line of thinking of all time
Jeff and Brad in the East could be fun.
Edit: also, imagine a Demo Derby with Jeff, Dan and Abby!
There's an interesting history of games lying to players. Strategy games do it a lot, e.g. in Civ 4, I think it is, the AI actually doesn't suffer from fog of war--their individual units always have visibility of their full movement range when deciding where to go. And in XCOM 2, the aim percentages displayed to the player are all lies (except in the highest difficulty, again IIRC) in that they are actually higher than shown; there's a pity bonus added for every miss. Another one jumping out at me, though not a strategy game--Resident Evil 4 has an adaptive difficulty mechanic, where it gets easier or harder based on how you perform. I believe all were mentioned in interviews or postmortems somewhere.
It's a design decision to make the game more playable somehow.
So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
DmC is a good game
Enslaved is a bad game
So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
For me, it's Vinny. Sometimes I get trapped in a similar 'collectathon' mode, I too think ME2 is one of the best games of all-time, and I usually tend to be on his side of things come GOTY.
Jeff and Brad in the East could be fun.
Edit: also, imagine a Demo Derby with Jeff, Dan and Abby!
So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
For me, it's Vinny. Sometimes I get trapped in a similar 'collectathon' mode, I too think ME2 is one of the best games of all-time, and I usually tend to be on his side of things come GOTY.
So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
For me, it's Vinny. Sometimes I get trapped in a similar 'collectathon' mode, I too think ME2 is one of the best games of all-time, and I usually tend to be on his side of things come GOTY.
So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
For me, it's Vinny. Sometimes I get trapped in a similar 'collectathon' mode, I too think ME2 is one of the best games of all-time, and I usually tend to be on his side of things come GOTY.
Throw them into a safe house and they only get food if they produce content.
So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
For me, it's Vinny. Sometimes I get trapped in a similar 'collectathon' mode, I too think ME2 is one of the best games of all-time, and I usually tend to be on his side of things come GOTY.
So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
For me, it's Vinny. Sometimes I get trapped in a similar 'collectathon' mode, I too think ME2 is one of the best games of all-time, and I usually tend to be on his side of things come GOTY.
I hope u like DOTA
Of all staff ever? Austin with a little bit of Patrick.
Whichever one of them is hyped for .hack HD and literally shouted in joy when he or she learned that a brand new volume 4 would be included with the trilogy.So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
For me, it's Vinny. Sometimes I get trapped in a similar 'collectathon' mode, I too think ME2 is one of the best games of all-time, and I usually tend to be on his side of things come GOTY.
Do you really have to make some variation of this post every time someone brings up AustinYou monologue about unrelated things for an hour AND you talk over everyone else?
Whichever one of them is hyped for .hack HD and literally shouted in joy when he or she learned that a brand new volume 4 would be included with the trilogy.
Do you really have to make a variation of this post every time someone brings up Austin
I have an undying love for Zelda and Mario, so probably Dan.
So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
For me, it's Vinny. Sometimes I get trapped in a similar 'collectathon' mode, I too think ME2 is one of the best games of all-time, and I usually tend to be on his side of things come GOTY.
No water for you!I hope u like DOTA
Dan is the biggest power consumer.
Thanks for the heads up. That bit about side quests sounds depressingly bad. I enjoyed most of the side stuff in Automata.
"What is a demo disc?" Hell, "What is a demo?"Jeff and Brad in the East could be fun.
Edit: also, imagine a Demo Derby with Jeff, Dan and Abby!
You monologue about unrelated things for an hour AND you talk over everyone else?
So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
For me, it's Vinny. Sometimes I get trapped in a similar 'collectathon' mode, I too think ME2 is one of the best games of all-time, and I usually tend to be on his side of things come GOTY.
.Let's make this thread the most positive GB thread of all time
Easily Dan. Huge Metal Gear fan as well, and he doesn't seem to give a shit about collecting worthless garbage or watching numbers go up like the rest of them.So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
Is there a reason you decided to turn me talking about my game tastes aligning with theirs into a completely unnecessary (and incorrect) insult, or was it just to be shitty?
Well shit. Uh...Whichever one of them played Trails of Cold Steel and was fucking blown away by the ending and waited impatiently for part 2 and preordered it on Amazon but was so impatient because it wouldn't get to his or her house until around six that he or she drove for an hour until he or she could find a store that was carrying the game and then went home and played it for eight straight hours and then finally went to sleep only to wake up an hour later because he or she really fucking wanted to play more Trails of Cold Steel 2 so he or she called into work and said he or she was sick and then went to the living room and proceeded to play the game for another ten hours straight?so no one.
nah i'm shitting on Austin, I wasn't targetting you. I'm sorry, Oakinn is right
I never said the completely unnecessary and incorrect insult was directed at me.
So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
For me, it's Vinny. Sometimes I get trapped in a similar 'collectathon' mode, I too think ME2 is one of the best games of all-time, and I usually tend to be on his side of things come GOTY.
So what GB person do you feel like your game tastes most align with?
For me, it's Vinny. Sometimes I get trapped in a similar 'collectathon' mode, I too think ME2 is one of the best games of all-time, and I usually tend to be on his side of things come GOTY.