Spirit of Jazz
Last week: West is bad
This week: East is bad.
Next week Giant Bomb is bad
The following week: ???????

Last week: West is bad
This week: East is bad.
Next week Giant Bomb is bad
The following week: ???????
Giant Bomb South East, just Brad in Carolina doing his thing
"... so I tried to calm down my stomach by eating a ton of Snickers and Starbursts."
Last week: West is bad
This week: East is bad.
Next week Giant Bomb is bad
The following week: ???????
Giant Bomb South East, just Brad in Carolina doing his thing
Let me be serious for a moment:
Dan is pre diabetic and every time he talks about eating a ton of candy I worry about him.
End of the world. The group at fault may surprise you: Millennials
Brad Solo streams are low-key the best #content
Let me be serious for a moment:
Dan is pre diabetic and every time he talks about eating a ton of candy I worry about him.
I think it's time for...
Giant Bomb Canada: Where everyone loves video games.
I feel like you are just joking around... but the sad fact is, that it is 1000% totally true. GBEast is basically the same as any other "comedy" thing on youtube. I can't make it through Beastcasts anymore. I've been on the road all week and saw some new premium podcast with Ben and Abby about "New Business"....wow... what the hell did I listen to for about 15 mins? It sounded exactly like some awful rip off copy of some McElroy's podcast. Litterally nothing interesting was said, it was just joking around for likle 15-20 mins (which is all I could make it through) (Also, I can't stand the McElroy's)
Jeff needs to sell Giant Bomb and leave and form a new company where they get back to just playing and talking about video games. I don't need to ever hear the word "dab" ever again in my life. I'm seriously done with this "ironic" making fun of mellinials/memes. If you make that refferance and then keep making it and then KEEP talking about this. It's not ironic, you just actually like it and are interested in it.
GBEast is for kids. Give me Old games show with Jeff everytime over anything GBEast puts out now.
Let me be serious for a moment:
Dan is pre diabetic and every time he talks about eating a ton of candy I worry about him.
Yeah he's still young enough where he can get away with it, but pretty soon this stuff is gonna start snowballing and he's gonna be really fucked up. And by pretty soon I'm not talking about late 40s and 50s, but more like 3-4 years from nowFor a guy in his early 30s Dan's carefree attitude about his health issues is worrisome tbh. Dude has fucked up eyesight, fucked up feet, and is pre-diabetic and almost comes across as bragging about it. I only hope that's just shtick and he's low key taking care of all that shit.
Giant Bomb Brazil would be the REALEST.
Wait, I just looked at their Youtube page and was greeted with 12 archives of PUBG streams and videos about Dora. Is this all they do for video?
But I don't understand Portugese. The podcast would be difficulty to understand.
fixed for giant bomb
fixed for giant bomb
It's ok, I hate it too. Sunshine is a bad game in general, and it being a Mario game makes it even worse. The whole "meta" game/betting really makes the whole thing even worse. It's background noise at best, but I can't get behind the feature at all. The betting/gumball aspect completely takes away from them talking about the game at all (which the game sucks yeah, but they don't go in depth into it at all)
I'm really hating this new way these features are going, where they involve gimmicks and other things instead of just playing games (wheather they are good or bad) and talking about the game with some hang out talk as well. Everything about steal my sunshine screams "YouTube" to me, and its really off putting. I can't stand it. I really hope that this isn't where the site is headed, because if it is, I'll probably stop subbing. I don't need more melllinial type youtube/dabbing crap, I'd be happy with just watching Jeff play Commodore 64 games at home.
Yeah he's still young enough where he can get away with it, but pretty soon this stuff is gonna start snowballing and he's gonna be really fucked up. And by pretty soon I'm not talking about late 40s and 50s, but more like 3-4 years from now
They should start Euro Giant Bomb, where it's almost like Giant Bomb, but not as good and everyone knows it.
From the personality he puts out there, it seems like he's going to need a major wake up call in the form of a diagnosis or ER visit before he starts changing his lifestyle. I hope it's all an act for his sake.
I haven't liked much of what they've done recently (some shorter content would be okay once in awhile. Not everything needs to be a 2+ hours long let's play. TiTR was perfect for that), so I've gone back to playing video games. Ori is a pretty good game.
I woke up and have a headache, I don't usually get headaches because I'm not a 1000 years old like most of you guys. Since there are so many doctors here today what can I take to stop the headache
I woke up and have a headache, I don't usually get headaches because I'm not a 1000 years old like most of you guys. Since there are so many doctors here today what can I take to stop the headache
When is Lang starting GB Central?
They kinda of did that when Patrick was in Chicago.When is Lang starting GB Central?
I woke up and have a headache, I don't usually get headaches because I'm not a 1000 years old like most of you guys. Since there are so many doctors here today what can I take to stop the headache
When is Lang starting GB Central?
Dan is a grown ass men, this thread is getting ridiculous
He's a grown ass man who admits to eating pounds of candy in one sitting...after being diagnosed as pre-diabetic.
He's either willfully ignorant of the chances he's taking, or it's an act.
I woke up and have a headache, I don't usually get headaches because I'm not a 1000 years old like most of you guys. Since there are so many doctors here today what can I take to stop the headache
He already did. All he plays is PUBG.
he's also an entertainer who exagerates stories all the time
Are you saying we're being worked into a shoot