Who goes out and invents multiple languages just for fun? That sounds like a dreadful life.
i am disappointed that you did not take the bait
You are not serious, right?
I'm only half-kidding. The act of sitting down and inventing a whole language sounds fucking tedious and awful, let alone multiple times. Then justifying it by writing this big huge magic elven fantasy world around.
He said, having never consumed any piece of Tolkein media in his life.
Since I consistently see this come up in threads, comments, tweets, etc., let me clarify this now about the "nerd" thing. I say it jokingly and lovingly. I'll call Tolkien or Halo lore fans "nerds" as a joke, because I assume that 95% of people understand that I can't possibly be serious. I grew up on video games and wrestling. I was constantly drawing video game characters in class instead of paying attention. I never went to parties or socialized much in high school. I played Mario games for 50 hours straight. I didn't kiss a girl until I was in college. I've written about video games as a profession for nine years now. Being a 30 year-old man who's obsessed with wrestling is as nerdy or moreso than a 30 year-old who's into any video game's lore. I'm 100% a nerd, and always have been. When I call someone a "nerd," I'm fucking around.
Feel free to repost this anytime someone does the "I can't believe Dan is calling us nerds! Is he being serious?" thing.
Since I consistently see this come up in threads, comments, tweets, etc., let me clarify this now about the "nerd" thing. I say it jokingly and lovingly. I'll call Tolkien or Halo lore fans "nerds" as a joke, because I assume that 95% of people understand that I can't possibly be serious. I grew up on video games and wrestling. I was constantly drawing video game characters in class instead of paying attention. I never went to parties or socialized much in high school. I played Mario games for 50 hours straight. I didn't kiss a girl until I was in college. I've written about video games as a profession for nine years now. Being a 30 year-old man who's obsessed with wrestling is as nerdy or moreso than a 30 year-old who's into any video game's lore. I'm 100% a nerd, and always have been. When I call someone a "nerd," I'm fucking around.
Feel free to repost this anytime someone does the "I can't believe Dan is calling us nerds! Is he being serious?" thing.
loldan ryckert's corrupt collusion and insulting of all of his audience is unacceptable #NerdGate
Watching the Shadow of Mordor QL, I'm pleasantly surprised at just how much Brad knows about Tolkien. When Dan was starting to talk mess about the languages of Middle-earth I was ready to shout at my screen that Tolkien was a philologist and understood how languages are constructed - and as such built the Middle-earth Legendarium around the languages he created. They're not just random half-assed fantasy languages, they're fully fleshed-out (well, not all of them) and make sense.
But Brad pretty much said exactly that, which was coolThen Dan proceeded to give my favorite quote of the whole QL: "Tolkien sounds like a pretty big nerd."
Also not saying that Tolkien was not a nerd, because he was... A huge one...
Does this look like a nerd to you
Dan is an enigma wrapped in a mystery stuffed in a conundrum full of dorks and nerds and cool guy action movies.
Man, I need to play Shadow of Mordor ASAP. I'm pretty burnt out on both the Batman combat and Assassin's Creed, but somehow that game looks amazing to me.
Just found my old box of N64 games and I have a copy of Mario Party 2. I don't see myself ever playing it considering I don't have an N64 anymore, so i'll probably mail it to GB. Anyone know the address to send stuff? How do I make sure it gets to Dan and isin't intercepted by Jeff?
(Any staffer's name)
Giant Bomb, CBS Interactive
235 Second Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
dan ryckert's corrupt collusion and insulting of all of his audience is unacceptable #NerdGate
Jeff's playing Driveclub... dis gon be gud.
Man, I need to play Shadow of Mordor ASAP. I'm pretty burnt out on both the Batman combat and Assassin's Creed, but somehow that game looks amazing to me.
I doubt he's streaming. I checked his psn profile.Linkage?
I just hope he doesn't come here on weekends.
That's good to hear. The Quick Look and especially the nemesis system sold me pretty hard on that game.As someone who was both burned out on AC and kind of tired of Batman combat, SoM has been fucking great for the two or three hours I've sunk into it so far.
2 Hours
That's good to hear. The Quick Look and especially the nemesis system sold me pretty hard on that game.
2 Hours
For anyone who enjoyed the Forza Horizon 2 QL, please make sure you watch the FH1 quick look if you already haven't. I think it's one of GB's best.