Vaping is beautiful though.Smoking is the most un-cool and unattractive thing.
also at a past job, my boss threw an official/unofficial party for my department at his family's vacation house, but the catch apparently was that he was going to hook up his ipod that was full of nothing but Jamiroquai albums to the stereo system, so I spent the entire afternoon outside in July heat
Smoking is the most un-cool and unattractive thing.
Oh, I missed you, stump. Welcome back.also past events have led me to find a hint of a smell of booze and cigarette smoke on a pretty lady a positive thing, I'm the worst
Smoking is the most un-cool and unattractive thing.
congrats to everyone who picked "Music" as the thumbnail, which iirc, was nobody
also past events have led me to find a hint of a smell of booze and cigarette smoke on a pretty lady a positive thing, I'm the worst
I will happily support smoking for the following 2 groups:
1-anime fans
2-wrestling fans
I will happily support smoking for the following 2 groups:
1-anime fans
2-wrestling fans
How do i smoke two cigs at the same time?
I like Jeff's increasingly manic ad reads. Also, after having listened to stuff like The Bill Simmons Podcast I appreciate that they don't pretend that they enjoy the products they're shilling for. Hearing Bill Simmons talk about how much he loves MeUndies or whatever that underwear company is named for the tenth time...
He threw out his old undies because he loves MeUndies so much!
I love when he reads ads for that abs vibrator thing.
Haha yeah, he loves to get that abs workout while watching TV!
not bothered by smoking in the slightest, the thing that does bother me if the other is clearly addicted to it and can't hide it particularly elegantly
I have to admit, these almost make me want to listen to the non-premium feed.
I have to admit, these almost make me want to listen to the non-premium feed.
Why does that bother you? Everyone who smokes is addicted to smoking. That's kind of how it works.
uh, no, there are casual smokers
also, again, i'm not bothered by the part where they're addicted but if they have to go for a smoke every ten minutes during a conversation, that's just rough
We're talking about the Bill Simmons podcast. Which I would actually enjoy an ad-free version of. But for GB I usually like their ad reads for the most part.
That's a reference to the Bill Simmons Podcast, if you didn't catch it. No abs workout ads on the Bombcast yet sadly.
all i'm saying is be a tactful smoker
that said, you can replace smoking with other things, e.g. phone-related stuff
all i'm saying is be a tactful smoker
that said, you can replace smoking with other things, e.g. phone-related stuff
Great title though.
stop the world, i want to get off
I want to slap the shit out of that guy
not cause him any real harm or anything
but just a good, stinging slap
I saw like five phone vape rigs (not sure if home made or what) when I went to see the Hateful Eight premiere in Sydney. Definitely the highest concentration I've seen in the wild.
I want to slap the shit out of that guy
not cause him any real harm or anything
but just a good, stinging slap but when can i smoke a gameboy
I used to love the Verge sooo much. :'(
T.C.X. S.T.X.1 year ago
0:19 awesome nose jets dude
is '[random object] + vape' the new google search equivalent of '[name] the hedgehog'?
What about anime vaping though?